Ashley M. Gjøvik Profile picture
A true-crime-podcast of a Twitter account dedicated to my whistleblower legal battle with my ex-employer, Apple Computer (lawyer but nothing is legal advice)
sally paddles Profile picture Olivier Duquesne aka DaffyDuke Profile picture David Gloyn-Cox  🐉 Profile picture Dr Lopez Profile picture 4 subscribed
Sep 2 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵 Apple said it finished document production for my retaliation claims even tho it only gave me a few docs. Most of the docs just raise more qs. Apple still won't tell me who fired me or when. I was thinking maybe we shld play the 2021 game where I tweet stuff Apple said is fine Apple retaliated against me as soon as I started asking qs about my office in Mar 2021 but for years claimed it was being supportive & wonderful actually. In reality, my bosses immediately complained I'm a fearmongering idiot. Yet Apple excluded my bosses from their witness list. Image
Jul 20 18 tweets 7 min read
🧵DOJ charged 7 employees & eBay itself with serious felonies (ie stalking, tampering with witnesses, obstruction of justice) over their 2019 harassment campaign. 2 of the 7 were recent Santa Clara city police captains (partners to the HazMat agency enabling Apple's illegal fab). If you missed this eBay case, definitely go catch up. Read the news & also the legal filings - the whole thing is absolutely wild.
Jul 15 31 tweets 22 min read
🧵In Part I, we discussed EPA's report of 19 unique RCRA violations (some with hundreds of occurrences & criminal liability). Then in Part II, we talked about Apple gassing the apartments with 8+ tons of poison gas every year. In Part III, let’s talk about Apple’s leaks & spills! I obtained this info through Public Records requests over the last year & half. At first city HazMat was refusing to release most of this, but I finally broke them down this year. You can read many of these reports & records in the DropBox folder. Ready for a journey? Here we go! image of the magic school bus cartoon
Jun 30 17 tweets 12 min read
🧵 I’m sorry to do this but there’s a Part 2. I waited to share this part because I worried most of you'd not be able to handle all of this at once. But you’ve had a week to recover, so let’s dive into how Apple execs are giving themselves bonuses as a reward for illegal dumping! EPA's report explained Apple is exhausting its fab emissions into the outdoor air. The only abatement technology Apple used was 2 activated charcoal boxes for the entire factory (no scrubbers), & Apple never evaluated it to determine if it would actually neutralize the chemicals.

images of screenshots from the EPA report
images of screenshots from the EPA report
images of screenshots from the EPA report
images of screenshots from the EPA report
Jun 23 25 tweets 14 min read
🧵In 2020, I nearly died from mysterious industrial chemical exposure at my home. Later I discovered my employer was dumping toxic waste into our windows from their Skunkworks semiconductor fab next-door. I tipped off EPA, who raided them in 2023. EPA just sent me the report 💀⬇️ Image of all cap locks post by ashley when she found out about the fab US EPA Enforcement & Compliance conducted 3 onsite inspections of Apple's fab facility in 8/2023 + 1/2024. US EPA noted at least *19* potential violations of the RCRA hazardous waste statute.

I just posted US EPA's report for public access. Dropbox link:…
Mar 16 22 tweets 13 min read
You guys... this case is *WILD*

This guy seemed insane, but I got curious cause all the Apple blogs are smearing him so I went into PACER...

21 month long trial, 176 docket entries, including finding of warrantless search & unlawful arrest, & sealed ex parte (Apple?) filings U.S. District Court, California Northern District (San Jose), Case No. 5:22-cr-00251-EJD-1

1/x Docket Report

image of docket
image of docket
image of docket
image of docket
Dec 30, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
🧵 This 12/29 NLRB charge is complicated & I didn't have the energy to explain it last night, but let me try now. There's 3 parts to it. First, Apple tried to get me to sign something called a discovery "protective order" to make my pay/benefits/perf reviews & complaints secret. The Orders can be abused in litigation. They're meant for Trade Secrets or other protected info, & doc/topic specific, not blanket. A party Motions & lobby a judge why they think they need it. Apple tried to coerce me to voluntarily enter a very broad 1 for everything in my case.
Oct 30, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
🧵 Luke Munn, "Chip, body, earth: Toxic temporalities of Intel processor production" (2020)

"The worker’s body becomes a vessel of labour-power to be exhausted, poisoned, & then dispensed with; land & water become an industrial resource to be depleted, contaminated & discarded." "chip body earth - toxic temporalities of Intel processor production" by luke munn They "used TCE & benzene in production & degreasing of processor chips. Working intimately w/ the chemicals workers internalized burns & bleaching w/ long-term injuries to organs. Chemicals seeped into the earth below factories. Processor production enfolds chip, body & earth."
Sep 20, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
There's something I want to write about in depth, but don't have time now, yet its too timely to skip

I dug deep into the ebooks antitrust suit against Apple

Apple harassed, & got smear articles published about, & harassing emails sent to...their federal court-appointed monitor When the US Court appointed a monitor to ensure Apple stops violating the Sherman act, Apple didn't respond well

The monitor? A prior DOJ Inspector General, & special counsel on Iran-Contra

Apple's response to him included direct & indirect harassment, intimidation, & smears Apple Excoriates E-Book Antitrust Monitor "He is acting like an FBI agent ... not a judge."  By John Paczkowski  Jan 8, 2014, 10:30am EST Share this story Share this on Facebook (opens in new window) Share this on Twitter (opens in new window)
Jul 22, 2023 14 tweets 9 min read
🧵 Remember in May 2021, when Apple entered into a real estate 'mega deal' w/ my ex-landlord Irvine Co, for property on toxic waste clean-up sites, the same weekend Apple mysteriously closed my worker's comp claim abt toxic waste chemical exposure?

Let's see how they're doing...  Apple mega deal: Tech titan expansion that could accommodate thousands Here's a map of the area: Apple, Synopsys, LinkedIn

For ex-coworkers who were there or moved in later, this includes: Mary 5-6, 12, 14-18; Palomar 1; & Almanor 1

The area is a toxic hellstew & the county environmental health dept keeps yelling at them about a half-arse cleanup map of the area, as described
Jul 17, 2023 14 tweets 6 min read
🧵 I'm reviewing my 2020 medical records now I know Apple was venting silicon fab poison in my apartment windows at the time of my mystery illness

Things that didn't make sense with a Brownfield clean-up site, now make a lot of sense with ongoing releases

Like Arsenic poisoning image of heavy metals profile test results showing arsenic level of 7ug/L On September 9 2020, I went to the hospital for a big blood draw to conduct my own medical monitoring program on myself - after exposing myself to the chemicals in my apartment the night before

& that night I had a 3am death spell

v-blog of that night:
May 31, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Apple's hazardous waste training manual says that in case of a hazardous waste spill or leak

1) employees SHOULD NOT clean up the spill

2) employees SHOULD call the Worldwide Loyalty team

3) Worldwide Loyalty will liaise with EH&S to determine if Apple has to tell the gov Spill Response In the event... I'm sorry, Apple, you're doing what with 'infectious agents'? Materials Flammables Corros...
May 28, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵 In 2020, I was severely ill & disabled from solvent exposure at my home

This was the origin story for everything thats happened after

It's even more poignant now knowing about Apple's silicon factory next door

In March 2021, I published this article:… I tried to get the local press to write about what happened - the illness & toxic waste - but they refused, afraid of the property manager (Irvine Company)

So, I drafted an article myself & finally found one local paper willing to publish the story.

Please support SF Bay View!! image of article image and ...
May 24, 2023 9 tweets 5 min read
Remember that time in Sept 2020

1 week after I discovered my apartment was built on toxic waste

& solvent exposure explained my severe illness

& I reach out to Apple's "Safety" team asking for help

& next day I mention there is an Apple building next door registered with EPA From: Ashley Gjovik ashleyg...On Sep 8, 2020, at 11:56 AM... & then same day I report I found out about (what was Apple's secret silicon fab plant)

then Apple's Real Estate EH&S team manager calls me on the phone

She suggests (knowing I'm next to Apple's factory) that I use Apple's paid 'extreme condition leave' to move out of the apts Hi!   Hope you're both well...
May 14, 2023 18 tweets 10 min read
🧵 The EPA FOIA release on Friday included 4 reports labeled "Enforcement Sensitive Info - for Internal Use Only"

I told EPA but also said I won't give them back; EPA then claimed it was on purpose

The report revealed EPA had responsibility for my toxic waste apartment complex EPA's report on the Synertek (Honeywell) Superfund site (with TCE plume under Apple's silicon fab plant & the giant apt complex where I Iived)

Notes: a groundwater well *at the apts* has increasing solvents. EPA wrote: 'talks w/ state for possible transfer of site back to EPA' image of document as described
May 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
In September of 2019, the US EPA identified that levels of trichloroethene (TCE) in the outdoor air around my Apple Superfund office & across the 2km "Triple [Superfund] site" had been persistently increasing to the point it now exceeded health/safety levels for pregnant women. Per my voicemail we have so... EPA: "We're concerned cause TCE concentrations are often exceeding indoor air residential & school limit of .5 ug/m3. EPA also set short-term exposure limits for TCE at 2 ug/m3 for fetal heart defects in 1st trimester of pregnancy. We appear close to exceeding it in ambient air." image of TCE concentrations...
May 13, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Several months ago

It occurred to me for the first time

that DEI 'affinity groups' & 'Employe Resource Groups' (ERGs)

Are "Company Unions"

& Company Unions are unlawful under the NLRA because it interferes with the creation of actual unions

& I cannot stop thinking about it Linked article has some legal analysis

if there is any 'dealing' between employee group with management (such as worker proposals taken under consideration), its a labor organization! Congrats!

8a2 is implicated if mgmt dominates or interferes with group… A primary inquiry is whethe...
May 12, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
🧵 Received another batch of EPA FOIA docs

I requested records ranging from Jan 1-Dec 31 2022 abt my Apple Superfund office

I will post more after I have time to recover, but let's start with the hall of shame...

EPA: "it was clear Apple is not addressing most of our comments" Message From: Sent: To: Sub... Northrop Grumman: Apple does not have and/or refuses to provide as-built drawings of their office building, which they had built Good Morning Michael, AECOM...
May 12, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
🧵 Hi search algorithm friends

I was quiet about this in hope I could fix it myself, but it's been 3+ weeks of toil & I barely made a dent

I need some pointers on how to unf*** some things Apple apparently did to search results for my name

After digging, I found 4 big problems Apple orchestrated some insane & inflammatory blog & NY Post articles about me in 2022

Publishers refuse to retract or update

Even worse, somehow Apple got these old low quality URLs to stick at the very very top of search results

Meanwhile, good articles are hidden or missing
Apr 27, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
1987 docs from CIA's FOIA library, declassified in 2011

Apple writes to the CIA Director asking for favors in the bidding process

Apple says they 'aggressively marketed to the CIA'
& wants 'very much to work with the CIA'

CIA responds complaining of unethical conduct by Apple image of old document writt...image of old document writt...image of old document writt... Links:……