Ashlie Weeks Profile picture
Attorney/writer/contracts/corp/ethics/politics/❤️ animals/author “Tears, Torture & Tomorrow”/@MachetieDawg he's funny/Contributor @TheIndependent/Tweets mine.
Sep 1, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: I have for over 2 yrs discussed what the DOJ should've been doing right out the gate as well as Congress once 45** was out of office. Those who were already members should have begun the process of identifying ppl for the commissions necessary for full 1/ accountability from every member of 45** & crew beginning with the trump crimes commission which to this day shockingly has not been est. For over 2.5 yrs I stated this needed to get going through day 45** left office as crimes would continue even when he was gone & that 2/
Aug 9, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: We needed a DOJ that came out swinging. Brass knuckles/balls to the wall/take no prisoners approach. We needed something we had never seen before bc we are floundering as a democracy. We needed a resounding & pervasive call to justice. We needed a DOJ daily n front 1/ of the public reassuring us of all the effort expended in OUR favor to bring ALL the criminals to account. We needed a think outside the box, break the mold, show us who is boss legal leader. Do NOT lecture me abt due process. I am a freaking lawyer & a da*n good one. 2/
Aug 2, 2021 20 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: when the smart reasonable ppl tell you this is the end of the Republic if Dems don't get as tough as humanly possible & completely reverse course as historically the light hand it needs to be taken srsly. Just bc they've always taken a action in Aug to have town 1/ halls, etc it doesn't mean they should this year. We went through the last admin wo pushing back ad hard as possible & sustained immeasurable damage as a result. They should be @ least working the 1/6 commission every day in front of the People. The public must see work 2/
May 10, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: As an atty who has investigated massive issues I am well aware that int’l conspiracies take loads of time 2 piece together such as the 45** admin & then charge so please don’t explain that 2 me as if idk. That being said we have low-hanging fruit & state indictments 1/ that are currently available & could be charged, such as DeJoy at the state level, while ALL other investigations cont & other charges are added. 45**’s kids could be indicted @ the state level & initial charges against legislators who incited the insurrection, etc. The 2/
Mar 19, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: I’ve had it. I’m tired of MSM & political pundits getting this wrong. First of all the criticism over Biden not having press conferences is misplaced. It’s not as if we are totally uninformed. Don’t forget we went an entire year w NO press conferences from 45** OR his 1/ “Press” secretary. @PressSec is front & center every day answering all questions even the dumb ones from Doocy. No we didn’t elect her but she’s answering questions. Biden is also appearing in front of the camera handling Covid issues as well as RE-ESTABLISHING our presence 2/
Jan 24, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: It’s important to hold each criminal accountable. I will say this on what has become a daily basis. The criminal conspiracy run out of the WH pre/during/post 45** is global. When piecing together a conspiracy as large as this naturally Prosecutors want the “big” 1/ fish arguably 45** (certainly) & equally important, his puppeteers. My professional opinion is smart attys both state & federal have been piecing together the puzzle since whiff one. 45** & crew pretty much included every crime imaginable including murder & for that the 2/
Jan 10, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: think about this plan: the House impeaches now, right away & sends the articles to the Senate who is on vacation I believe. Instead of waiting of the majority. That Senate then must have the jewels to tell the American people treason & a coup is not impeachable conduct 1/ Let’s say they acquit. That seals their fate. If that haven’t happened already & their stand in favor of fascism is set for their future platform. If acquired of the charges he is still impeached again so all intents & purposes he’s 45**. There’s plenty to impeach him on w 2/
Dec 26, 2020 15 tweets 3 min read
THREAD on ACCOUNTABILITY: a bong has just been exploded n a major American city the largest of which we have seen in decades. This admin remains silent. Racists/domestic terrorists (almost all white) remain 45*’s muscle & that of his puppeteers. When 45* leaves office it’s 1/ not a light switch. Initially he and all his admin members/advisors MUST have their security clearances revoked the very second Biden is sworn in. I wish their passports were revoked now as a result of indictments. Once this is done any remnants of 45* sycophants will still 2/
Aug 13, 2020 17 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: I’ve been attacked all day for staying my legal/political opinion as a professional woman & this will be my last thread on this particular topic. IMO the House should have kept impeaching 45* over & over. (All is my arguments go for Barr too). He breaks the law on a 1/ daily basis & has committed treason & let’s not forget the Russian bounties on the heads of American soldiers. He could be impeached limitless times & should be. This is not “attacking” him as I’ve been told. 45* is NOT a victim. EVER. He is the perpetrator & a disgrace to 2/
Jun 24, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: every day feels like an eternity & we’re facing the most important fight in this nation’s history heading into this presidential election. It is literally for the heart & would of this country. We have seen a re-branding of hatred, sexism, racism & evil & that brand is 1/ is trump & co. It is his puppeteers & sycophants & those who have stayed silent while our country crumbles under the heft of treason. We have seen racism rise to the surface, loud & proud & emboldened by a racist/sexist/criminal enterprise that is occupying both the People’s 2/
Apr 25, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
THREAD 1/There is a lot of chatter about 45* resigning immediately prior to his term ending & Pence pardoning him. The issue w this being legit is Pence is wo a doubt a co-conspirator so the issue of either a self pardon or a Pence pardon would b litigated. SO MUCH legal 2/ precedent will be set as a result of this admin. Of course we could just dump the worthless OLC memo saying a sitting pres can’t be indicted. I’ve thought that was crap since day 1 but we have Barr so what can we do? But w pardons it’s not black & white bc trump is both
Apr 21, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
THREAD 1/ I’ve been trying to get across to people for a year & a half since I joined twitter that with this admin & 45*’s cronies it’s not a matter of what they “can” or “cannot” do or what is “legal” or “illegal.” They can & will do anything they want whether it is legal or not 2/ & whether or not they have a factual/legal basis to file a lawsuit such as the one Barr is considering now against states for not opening up faster. “They” are getting away with everything “they” choose to do & are not being stopped. They have been emboldened & will cont
Mar 30, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: I’ve been trying to unpack my feelings about this monster in the WH & like many others, it’s been a challenge for me. I don’t have a mean bone in my body. I’m tough as nails bc of my life experiences but I’ve never hated anyone before trump came along & I struggled 1/ with that because it was so foreign & made me feel off-kilter. As time wore on, however, I realized hatred is a completely human reaction to the monster he is & always will be. He is shaped like a person but lacks any and all humanity. He lacks soul & heart & for those 2/
Mar 21, 2020 10 tweets 3 min read
THREAD: I don’t post personal information here. It’s not my bag but today I look around and see my fellow citizens and fellow humans struggling like never before. I see the fear and I see the doubt and we live without a leader in the WH when we need one so desperately. 1/ It’s scary and we face the unknown but we will perservere despite the trauma and crime we face every day w this administration. I just came out of the hardest decade of my life. I almost died at least 3 times. I survived an abusive relationship for almost a decade. 2/
Mar 4, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
THREAD: I try to keep my feed positive & encouraging. I think it’s necessary n such frightening times when people are sick, exhausted and terrified. Smiling has nothing but positive effects. That being said, I am being very serious right now. From a legal perspective, everyone 1/ should pay close attention to us lawyers who call out this administration on a daily basis bc the rippling effects from a legal perspective are almost beyond reproach. The devastation to our republic thus far is revolting and remediation will take decades. When I say every 2/
Feb 1, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
As a lawyer I remain shocked @ the audacity of attorneys in trump’s orbit. We r held to higher standards of care 4 reasons. Cippillone represents the office of the presidency not trump personally& he had a duty 2 disclose his conflict of interest & had no business representing 1/ trump @ the impeachment potluck (see my pinned tweet). Furthermore Sekulow has demonstrated continued conflicts of interest in all things trump as he’s been a constant figure in the corruption orbit & surely had items to disclose that would prevent him from representation 2/