Ashok Profile picture
Democracy, freedom, peace, justice, collective wisdom, brotherhood & scientific rational. Veteran: Military Govt (Army), Civil Govt (SPV) and Corporate.
May 26, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
What is this Brahmanical model of state which some brahmin leaders like Sawarkar dreamt for politically free India during times of British? Let me explain, it will put things in right perspective and also explain what Modi is trying? ImageImageImage Sawarkar and other Brahmin leaders like Tilak were of the view that under Treaty of Wasai, Brahmin Peshwa helped British conquer India and were promised a share in political governance of India. British did not fulfill it and Brahmins must have their state.
May 26, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
#NewParliamentBuilding What should had been done and what is being done? What is the motive? Considering the event being an event of national importance and historic, the correct way was 1. President calls for a Joint Session of Parliament. 26 Jan is the most appropriate day. 2 Modi as PM inaugurates new building, and The President addresses the Joint Session of the Parliament outlining dream of India for next 50 years. Unfortunately, what is being done? Parliament is being inaugurated on the day of birthday of a Brahmanist Sawarkar.
May 26, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Constitution lays a broad framework of political structure of India. It certainly is not required to get into these small issues that who will inaugurate what? In such cases democratic traditions and spirit play a big role. Let us first consider tradition. Viceroy as a sovereign head inaugurated the current parliament in 1927. This new building is a historic event and same tradition must continue. President must do it. Let us consider spirit of democracy. Constitution makes President head of the Parliament.
May 25, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Should Sengol be put in Parliament? No doubt our constitution has been structured on Republic model of Sanatan Dharma and not monarchial. Sengol symbolises power of punishment of Yama as vested in state or monarch. Parliament in a republic shall work on doctrine of collective wisdom. Which is symbolises by blue lotus. In a democracy stare powers of Yama are vested in President ( who confirms death sentence) or Commissioned officers of military..
Nov 29, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Civil services used to have selection grade promotion. cleverly this has been done away with it. Result every Tom Dick and Herry gets promotion and salary rise and there is no need to show any performance. Political interference in every posting has further degraded govt admin. What needs to be done? 1. Institutions of chief secretaries and cabinet secretaries must be strengthened. 2. Selection board needs to be brought back. Say after 10-14 years of service. In this board state cadres' officers shall also be eligible.
Nov 13, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
What is China up to for upcoming War in Indo-Pacific? Specially so Ukraine War having exposed weakness of NATO and Russia both. War is certain. Only question is when and how? General censuses among military experts are any time after 2025? Considering trajectories of mil preparations, build up & tech advancement in my assessment it will be somewhere 2027. Chinese Military Aim. To Win war in Indo Pacific by capturing Taiwan and compel US to vacate string if military bases so close to her SE territories.
Oct 25, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
What is secret of Increasing Indian trade with China? Want to know? Indian trade with China helps Indian traders & politicians in moving money outside of India. How? Let me explain how this racket works. I am an Indian say A & I create one company X in India and Y in say Dubai. My trade partner in China is B.. I ask B to help me in moving money outside of India and offer him 10% more price on is products. So I order product XX to my Chinese trader. The real price of XX is 1. I say, I will pay you 3 for same product but
Oct 24, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Unchecked foreign funding of Indian NGOs and Political Parties is a threat to national security. You cannot say my foreign funding is better than yours. Legally foreign funding or support can come to India in three ways. First through FCRA license and second Indian entity of foreign company donating in India and third - Foreign funding abroad to support some activities which can have impact withing country. Like some social media support coming from abroad by a foreign entity.
Aug 28, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Who is responsible if Party in Governance (its not power), start misusing ED, CBI, Police,
Govt administration, Election Commission, Judiciary, Military and other institutions to remain in govt by destroying opposition by any means in belant violation to Constitution and Law. First responsibility lies with constitutional appointment like @IASassociation @IPS_Association and others to stand by thier oath and rise to protect their institutions and their responsibilities...
Aug 28, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
India promotes #ForiegnPolicy of #MultipolarWorld that means a World order having regional powerful nations having different political ideologies trying to establish global balance based on certain principles. This idea was first mooted by Chinese Known as Panchsheel. India is promoting same. But is that policy correct... Well this policy was certainly relivant in era of Industrial revolutions promoting Industrial wars.. Now in information age where world has become Global Village this model of Multipolar doesn't serve the purpose.
Aug 28, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Two Myths. 1 India is land of peace 2. Indians never invaded any other country. Is that true? Wrong. India as a nation came into existence with British rule. Before that Indian sub continent saw rise and fall of race, caste or religion based empires and nations which constantly fought and invaded each other. Shaivites fought with followers of Brahma and Vishnu. Brahminists attacked Budhists.
Jul 14, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Here it comes as expected.. Were OP Pawan and Ops Vijay ordered by Civil Central Govt in accordance with constitution? Was Defence of India Act applied for these ops. Copy of Answers to my RTI on the subject given.. No info held with Army.. I had submitted RTI to Cab Sectt. Cab Sectt was supposed to answer RTI but they have passed it to Army HQs.. Its clear that 1 After 71 war, every central govt is violating constitution while using military power wherein emergency provisions for war and Defence of India Act are not being followed.. 2. Worst
Jun 20, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Now as #Agniveer is fait accompli. What future holds? 1. In these Agniveers pvt militias like RSS will infiltrate their cadres & once released use them in their pvt security companies to have military trained pvt army.. Cost of such army will be borne by Corporates like Adani 2. Similarly other groups may also infiltrate their cadres & do same as RSS. 3. Some may be absorbed in Govt 4. Some top performers will join pvt mil companies operating globally and take part in global conflicts 5. Some may form their own mafia and will become L & O problem
Jun 19, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
#Agniveer Def Ser Regulation gives absolute auth to Services Chiefs & Army Cdrs to bring any organisational changes incl ser conditions of soldiers with financial backing from Govt. This is a system followed in Monarchy like England. It must stop. India is a parliamentary demo Art 309 of our Constitution wants Parl to frame laws for service conditions of public servents.. Such laws have been made for many civil services? But why not for Military? Problem of military is adhocism..
Jun 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
#Agniveers Mrs Gandi made clever and cunning use of victory in 71 war and her popularity then to abolish privy purses. It was purely an unconstitutional political restructuring of India. She also wanted to scrap martial history of India by disbanding Kaumi Regts.. She and a caste based lobby supported actions alienated Sikhs in Punjab.. We know what happened therafter.. She lost her life.. What Indra could not do.. Modi is trying same to help this caste based lobby to further consolidate their grip on political power of India..
Jun 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
#Agniveers is not to cut costs. This scheme has been launched with pure political objectives to disband caste based Koumi Regiments. Will severely impact such castes by cutting their political stakes in Govt, reducing jobs & their earning. It will reduce cash flows in rural eco Youths of such castes and social groups having aggressive behaviours if not gainfully employed will surely create threat to national security.. These regiments are their pride and history. It gives them a sense of security. They carry pride in arming themselves..
Jun 14, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
#Agniveer is final step to politically restructure Mil Govt to help establish complete Brahmin Raaj in Civil Govt domain. It is a broad day light robbery of political stakes, military history and pride of Mahars, Muslims, Sikhs, Rajputs, Marathas, Jats, Gurjars, Ahirs.. It will abolish regimentation system which is backbone of any fighting force and is used as an effective model by every professional army in one form or other. This very idea that tech and machines have replaced men hence soldiers can be on contract will bring military disasters
Jun 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
What does Constitution say on role of military in defending it? 1. If civil govt fails to perform in accordance with constitution, thn military must impose martial law and restore situation for constitution to remain in force 2. 2. If situation is out of control of civil govt, they can call military in aid to civil authority. Military thn under auth as vested in them controls situation and hands it over back to civil govt 3. It is duty of every citizen to prevent cognizable offences and if possible
Jun 6, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
If you read history, you find in many battles Indian defenders mobilized much larger army against invading force & yet they lost in home ground? Why? Let me explain 1. Indian defenders were always like crowd - soldiers on contract #TourofDuty of Modi 2. Gave unorganized battles Halla Bol was favorite battle strategy of Indians. Just gather crowd with arms and just stand wait. Could never develop idea of organized battles. like Peshwa moving his Muslim arty as vanguard against Abdali defying every mil tactics.
Jun 6, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Do you know? What is main reason of stopping recruitment in army? It was due to #FarmersProtest . Surprised? Yes. Reports of many young soldiers and youths aspiring to join army from farming communities supporting #FarmersProtest made certain lobbies nervous. recruitment stopped #TourofDuty is brain child of such nervous lobbies to dismantle such regimental pride of army.. This scheme plans to take away your pride, your self respect, your history and your political stakes. It will hit Mahar, Maratha, Rajputs, Gurjars, Ahirs, Sikh, Jat pride badly.....
Jun 5, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
#TourOfDuty I once again warn.. Just to provide low cost military trained manpower for corporate security don't screw up whole system.. Cost of pension can be reduced anyway.. There are betterways of doing things. Let me explain what are the main objective of this scheme, why Is this being forced by PMO on Military and what are its pitfalls.. Certain lobbies controlling political power in this country do not like backward villagers and soldiers shouting 'Sada Hak Aithe Rakh' so whole idea is to steam them out by making them corporate dependent..