Asit Baran Pati 🇮🇳 Profile picture
SEBI REGISTERED RA. F&O Trader - Trainer. Here to Learn & Inspire. Been Guest Panelist @CNBC Awaaz Ex IBD UBS - BoFA. Concert Lover
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Apr 4, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
My advice to all the people starting their respective journey in the game of Trading. It’s a match of lifetime, play it like a Test match, must protect your capital (wicket) at any cost. If you just hang around, market will surely reward you eventually. Must be there around to grab the opportunities. But Most of US, Most of the time end up giving our wickets too early too many times and let ourselves be drifted. It’s a craft, hone it with lot of effort and dedication and over time you will find it easy. But got to hang around to see the benefits.
Apr 4, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Good Morning everyone. Thank you all for the kind words for the calls given at CNBC for HDFC twins, BN 37500 and Nifty 18k. Me myself had a great day was bullish and it was duly rewarded. Did I know will be able to capture 1000 points NO, but I just followed the system and shared The calls. And am happy so many people have been benefitted by these 🙏🙏. Since last 15 months, I hv started appearing in the channel, always done things to the best of my knowledge and integrity. There would be calls which would have not worked as well, but it’s always abt the
Jan 4, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
So lot of talk how badly the trading community doing. Sad reality but could be true. But honestly that shouldn’t be the reason of not trading or leaving it. Let me share one of my small little stories (hv got just too many of them). So this was around 2014-15, when things were Really bad and I was badly going down. Went to a famous astrologer for better luck/outcomes etc. And to my utter surprise she shook my whatever leftover confidence badly , saying the trading journey will destroy me and my future and how badly I will be doing, should I
Jan 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
When renowned Fund Manager too believe that money can’t be made from trading, after some absurd statistics it’s just goes out to show the bias. Trading outcome will always be horrifying if not done with rules and risk management. And most of the retail are in that stage Of Inertia trading or Trading without logic and on Tips. Trading is not that bad for God Sake, the manner in which is done cud be horrible. And let’s admit it’s not for everyone and everybody. Just like all mutual funds and fund managers could led others to believe they are the
Jan 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Risks from Investments are under hyped and Risks from Trading Over Hyped. In coming years you would see much more traction from Trading than Investment. And new rules will be written. Trading can give equivalent multi bagger effect if not more (if done correctly!)A whole new Generation will wake upto this fact. And you will have Buffets of Trading in this country. If you don’t know your Game, whether you are doing Trading Or Investment, you will be thrown out of the Ring. The Mental Muscle needed for Trading is completely different from Investment
Sep 11, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
Came across few YT videos related to trading. Am not sure abt the craze and but it’s surely appalling the ways things are being narrated. Please watch the right ones to be Inspired or shorten the learning curve. Quite a bit of crap is floating around from all around. There is no Accountability. Don’t follow things blindly, ensure to do your own due diligence. Cheers
Sep 7, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Hello Everyone. This is for everyone, who follows my call @CNBC_Awaaz . I always back the probabilities and try to give few picks which I've the max conviction upon. And my best of intentions is to offer my best. However there will be situations depending upon the market texture Things will always not go as per plan. HCL Tech was picked up at around 1,200 yesterday 3pm. It made a high in the first 5mnt candle and came down. Now just because the call was given, please ensure to do your due diligence. Below are few pointers, and these can be applicable
Jul 3, 2021 21 tweets 15 min read
Hello Everyone. Thank you for the lovely wishes. Just thought to create a master thread of my timeline, so that all the past tweets can be organized better. Just an effort to have everything at one place. There is much more to this, will keep adding in time to come. 1. My initial part of the trading journey was covered by MoneyControl, and had it not been the conviction of Shishir Sir, a very dear friend and brother now, it would've never been published. So Thank You @asthanashishir Sir for the push 🙏🙏
May 24, 2021 18 tweets 4 min read
A thread on Basic Checklist while going Long Options.

Thought of writing this post for people who are doing Option Buying and losing money. It can be very basic, so Pros please may give a skip.

Just a checklist so that you don’t lose big money by Long Option strategies 2. where you play for the Ds. D for Delta & D for Direction.

The thought of writing this piece came from this message which I received couple of days back..
May 20, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Have received lots of queries regarding my sophisticated Algos, thought of clarifying few misconceptions, sorry to disappoint most of you with my endless flaws, some of it am putting down

1. Coding Knowledge / Python and all Languages - NO
2. Algo - AI - ML Trading - NO (in fact I do Call and trade in one of the accounts) Never bothered abt Slippage cost etc.

3. Complex Chart Studies - NO
Probably haven't drawn the trendlines and all in last few years. Don't look at charts Intraday, EOD Charts - YES

4. Options Strategies / Spreads - NO
Apr 12, 2021 16 tweets 3 min read
A small Guide for all traders who trade based upon their set-ups, Tips, Twitter or some other groups. Also for people wanting to Get into the Ring!

No matter who advices whatever, always remember nobody will come to rescue when your Capital goes down because of your wrong positions. Treat your Capital like your own member of family. Protect it ferociously. Period!

In capital market, if you don't have adequate capital, you don't have business to be in the market. Stay Out, watch the game from sidelines. Invest in SIP, good quality stocks.
Apr 11, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Small thread on ATRSTOCHA Strategy:

One of the strategies I follow with extreme bearish or bullish environment is the ATRSTOCHA. Which I shared in TC21. Sharing it here for wider reach

Along with Stocha. (OB / OS), ATR (Upper Band vs Lower Band) gives good Mean Reversal
1/ Need - ATR Band (21-3), Stochastics (default
)and HK (to be used as an indicator)

ATR: ATR is price actions', GPS. ATR informs as to where the current price action is in relationship to possible ranges it could move in. This helps with a directional bias.

Mar 28, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Hello Everyone. Just thought of sharing this unpleasant truth at the expense of being criticised. This is for people who are below decent level of capital and want to make decent return from the market. No matter how many people people come your way with their best of intentions You might not able to stand benefitted. Have spoken to at-least few thousands to know one of basic crux of the failure of most of the ‘Retail Traders’ is being UNDERCAPITALISED! It’s like you are fighting a war with a sword with people having tankers missile guns etc. Don’t be
Nov 4, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Just wanted to share a bit of learning of my trading experience. In case you are a positional trader and want to take positions in index especially, there are times it offers opportunities in a platter. Let me explain it’s the differential of pricing at 330 pm vs the final price BN’ final pricing is 25795 vs 25683 a 112 point difference..atm ce difference of 80 points..(369 vs 290)
Oct 31, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
Good Morning Everyone. Just thought to share my last months pnl of my major accounts, with you all. Will do this on monthly basis, no point putting daily profit / loss. Have been maintaining these for last few months. Maintain a journal of the hits and misses :) Will doo a thread on Numbers as I had promised sometime back. Numbers and stats fascinate me, am sure it will give you all some food for thought.
Oct 29, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Last couple of days have been really sad learning that one of the past participants have been in loss for a while and have suffered more loss in recent times..Have been through this many a times..That gut wrenching feeling when you think you would make it, just One more chance and then one more and it continues..Have blown up my accounts at-least 5-6 times..and every time I would start afresh, would tell myself I Know what I would..would know how exactly I will manage my trading and then old habits would make me go bust..
Oct 7, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
Since Earning season around the corner, just thought to share something basic. Not sure how many of you are into valuations. All my corporate career was spent in different IBs. The core working of the IBD is to prepare this heavy deck called Pitch Book 2. which gets circulated through all the MDs & Eds and we had to crunch the numbers and have to work against time for finishing the book in time. Which is basically comprised off Company profiles, Quants and Valuations (Comps-DSCFs / DDMs, SOTPs) etc. One of the core objectives
Jul 29, 2020 22 tweets 4 min read
1 - An old dear friend of me called me last weekend and wanted my advice for starting his career in trading. He wanted to know the tricks of the trade without even knowing what preparation need to be done. Lost his job, and now wants to be full time trader. 2 - Spoke to him at length and persuaded him not to get in till he understands what’s in there. Thought of sharing it with you all, if any of you are contemplating!!

Here is a write-up for wishing all the new traders who have got into the market thinking, its easy out there.
Jul 19, 2020 24 tweets 5 min read
Brief write-up on Gamma. Hope you hv few takeaways

1 - Gamma is one of the Option Greeks. It measures the rate of change of the Delta of the option with respect to a move in the underlying asset. Specifically, the Gamma of an option tells us by how much the delta of an option 2 -would increase by when the underlying moves by 1 unit. Since Delta is a first derivative, Gamma is a second derivative of the price of the option.

A : Gamma Characteristics:

Gamma is a +ve function. If we own options, we own Gamma. If we are short options, we must have
Jul 17, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
The markets are not sympathetic to the meek. Few professions require as much courage as trading does. Came across this Tweet that somebody has lost 74% of his capital, by taking an earnings' trade suggested by some expert. Not sure if its true or not. 1/ But if it is then, it’s really sad. I feel for the person who has lost it. I can relate to the person as I myself took trades, like these given by INDORE advisory firm (and what a name EPIC Research :)). But in the end I came to terms its me who has done the blunder no point 2/
Jul 5, 2020 18 tweets 4 min read
As requested, this thread is on IV: The Power of Implied Volatility

IV shows the market’s opinion of the stock’s potential moves, but it doesn’t forecast direction. If the IV is high, the market thinks the stock has potential for large price swings in either direction, just as 2. low IV implies the stock will not move as much by option expiration.

IV can be used to predict whether a market is likely to move higher or lower and it can warn traders against buying options that are too expensive. IV is a powerful tool and if used correctly