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for the ever and ever that fiction allows • MILK (Man I Love Kageyama) • icon by @zoenold
Nov 8, 2020 58 tweets 10 min read
graceling au: PART IV (the last part! yay)

in time, the four of them reach koi tower. nie huaisang, as the one who can’t be swayed by jin guangyao’s grace, goes in through the front door, claiming to have run away from home. wei wuxian watches the switch of his face: from his normal self to a whiny, weepy child who fumbles with the reigns of his horse and loudly declares he is never going back to qinghe. he is ushered inside, still hiccuping.

“it’s kind of impressive,” he says to jiang cheng.
Oct 23, 2020 42 tweets 8 min read
graceling au: PART III

their group has been traveling together for about a week, now. lan wangji and wei wuxian have continued to spar together in between riding, sleeping, hunting for food, and their other responsibilities. it's still exhilarating to fight with him, to know that the killing instinct wei wuxian has always needed to forcibly suppress can be matched and beaten down by someone. it is also, unfortunately, still really hot. it's fine, though. he's handling it.
Oct 8, 2020 57 tweets 10 min read
graceling au: PART II

wei wuxian doesn’t see lan wangji again, after that first meeting; he sends a letter once that is returned unopened. the look that had been on lan qiren’s face that night makes him wonder if it had even reached its recipient. nie huiasang, however, becomes a fast friend of both his and jiang cheng’s. he’s spoiled, and he’s useless with a sword, but he’s funny, and he has this uncanny way of steering them to wherever madam yu isn’t. when he’s around, wei wuxian doesn’t have to see her much.
Oct 8, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
it kills me when i watch like nyc apartment tour videos for fun and theyre like i pay 1000 per month rent and i have 2 roommates! or whatever and i just sit here like hold up a min that’s how much they were asking in the town i went to college in everyone: nyc is SOOOOOOO expensive no where else COMPARES
the dinky town where i got my bachelor’s degree: we’re abt to end this man’s whole career
Oct 7, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
here r my thoughts cause i cant shut up. im not taking debates cause i think all of these assignments are either sexy or funny
-knight enchanter inquisitor lwj
-necromancer blood mage wwx
-spirit healer lxc
-war council 3zun + nhs (lxc takes cassandra's place, nmj=head of army, nhs=spymaster, jgy=head of diplomacy)
-Knight Commander Jiang Cheng Who Hates The Inquisition's Guts but is not allied with the elder one or anything. he just hates them. he comes around
Oct 7, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
knight enchanter lan wangji is like LIVING in my head rent free i just walk through my home going Dragon age au Dragon age au thinking about how sexy it is that he throws himself into the midst of battle with armor and a blade crafted purely of magic and like, chain lightning spreading out around him while he kicks ass with a sword ajxhdhaheidj (turns to dust)
Oct 6, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
i dont have that many takes on like what modern jgy would be like because he is elusive to me but i do think he would be like, an event planner and he would hate his job. like so much he would absolutely despise it but if someone is like “maybe you should try a different job?” he’s like non responsive
Oct 3, 2020 46 tweets 8 min read

when he is six, wei wuxian is brought to lotus pier by two jiang sect disciples. he was reported by a fisherman, who noticed his distinctive eyes, and before he knows it he is standing in front of sect leader jiang. he doesn’t know what he’s doing there. he is asked his name, and he gives it. sect leader jiang seems surprised; he tells wei wuxian he knew his mother and father, and that he will be staying with them now. to wei wuxian’s shock, he is given a room and food, and he lays down and tells himself to go to sleep.
Oct 3, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
mdzs threadfic: graceling au!

this is inspired by the graceling trilogy, which if you don’t know, takes place in a fantasy world where there’s a chance children will be born with graces (special talents). these graces are marked by the children having differently colored eyes. graces generally don't emerge until children are 6-10 years old. some graces are silly, like being able to bake bread very well or whistle in perfect pitch; some are dangerous, like combat, or mind reading.
Sep 30, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
for every like of this tweet i will write 100 words. now someone tell me to do it i'm a clown for tweeting this but i will keep my word
Sep 29, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
thinking about the graceling trilogy. thinking about wangxian. thinking lwj’s grace is probably like sword skill or something. wwx’s grace is commanding the dead OR survival (like katsa 🥺). sizhui has some voice related grace (maybe everyone who speaks to him calms down, if he wills it)
Sep 28, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
the worst thing about knowing how to make cream puffs now is like, if i want them my brain is like "well make some" other things this happens with: muffins, naan, layer cakes
Sep 26, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
every three months i am like, what if i purge my entire ao3 account but then i take a deep breath and remind myself it doesn't matter if something i wrote when i was sixteen sucks and then i feel better like, do still i have a frantic stare-down with all my les mis fic whenever i go on my account.....yes.
Sep 23, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
lrt is one of my FAVE non wangxian scenes in cql the way when i first watched the episode i was like who the hell is that even tho i'd read the novel.......nhs is so elusive that even i could not see him
Sep 23, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
i think modern au wwx drinks coffee every morning that he makes in his little coffee pot and i think that it tastes like gasoline. that’s my truth every time jiang yanli is at his house she is horrified at the amount of coffee grounds he puts in relative to water
Sep 19, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
hey hahaha guys i am reading this is how you lose the time war and i am thinking: wangxian wangxian time travelling secret agents both from two very distinct versions of the future that are mutually exclusive.....falling in love through writing each other endless letters, saving each other’s lives at the cost of their goals................Hm!
Sep 18, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
it’s also a good night to: lay in bed and think about how simultaneously upset and relieved i am that the live action beauty and the beast did not take the songlist from the bway show LIKE, i am glad that they did not have emma watson sing home or dan stevens sing if i can’t love her. because i have adored the batb musical since i was like seven and that would be painful to me.
Sep 18, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
sarah was the hottest clone if anyone thought it was rachel i'm gonna need to square up do you think rachel would have sex with you? do you? i have to laugh. she'd call you a d*ke but in a mean way and then she'd leave
Sep 12, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
how many internet things do you think modern au nie huaisang has described in detail to nie mingjue without him having asked. i'm thinking a lot of things and one of them was definitely kinning i feel like i talk about this a lot but it just absolutely delights me to imagine them sitting in a living room somewhere while nhs describes some stupid internet scandal in detail and nmj's eyebrows just creep higher and higher on his head
Sep 9, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
someday i just need to write like, the silliest possible modern au fic that is literally just jingyi trying to become tiktok famous. everyone tells him he's not gonna make it but you know, he's a big believer in speaking things into existence [jin ling voice] if you keep filming me i will break your legs i MEAN it
Sep 6, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
i’m thinking about this again. top tier sizhui moments Image the combination of like, warmth and trust between them in this scene and also sizhui being like let me just quickly reinforce that i KNOW senior wei has no money