Profiler Astro-Analysis Profile picture
The planets assist to save us from ourselves. My focus is collective . Astro Initiate since 1977: ripening in the 2020s.
Feb 21, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Why is fixed Uranus most hazardous at the mid degrees?
Because 15 fixed is the midpoint of the zero degrees cardinal sign seasonal markers [ where element energies [fire-water water-air air-earth earth-fire are in a balancing process]

🧵 2.
The period start of Dec '22 to mid March '23 shows extemely little movement in URA: holding just one degree range 15-16♉️
Major earthquakes landslips & cyclones began to accumulate during Feb with URA holding stationing just minutes from exact 15 degrees since Jan 22nd
Jan 20, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The best possible potentials dominated the Inauguration ceremony in Washington due to the collective will of those accepting & celebrating the will of the people to acknowledge President Joe Biden & Vice President Kamala Harris. [1/2] 2/3
The power of the collective energy [Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius] was able to overcome the forces that were adverse to this outcome [Uranus conjunct Mars].
due to his faith Biden was able to deliver a powerful Neptune -Nodes speech with significant impact on mass consciousness
Jan 18, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
On top of every other potential issue signalled by the Inauguration noon chart - Neptune looms large through January with the square to the lunar nodes. The Pisces Gemini Sagittarius mix points to covert messaging as well messages that are confusing. [1/2] Image 2/3
Saturn approaching 4 AQU on Jan 20 2021 is strongly applying energy to mutables at 18-19 degrees
Neptune 18'56
Nodes 19 degrees.
Both these factors are constrained by Saturn in Aquarius
When nodes are involved it is a mass event energy.