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Dec 14, 2022 β€’ 35 tweets β€’ 9 min read
Yesterday, @SBF_FTX's 7300-word testimony to Congress letter leaked.

In it, SBF continues to blame others, believes FTX US is solvent and can pay back US customers + shares juicy messages between @cz_binance

I wrote a summary of it so you don't have to read it all

πŸ‘‡ 🧡 Before we begin, the testimony itself is 16 pages long, and includes details of events **according to @SBF_FTX** - this thread is a summary of his statements, which may or may not be in line with what actually happened

You can read it in full here:
Aug 5, 2022 β€’ 30 tweets β€’ 11 min read
Tonight, @10KTFshop announced they are partnered with and powered by @apecoin, among other things.

So here's the complete @10KTFshop level 2 breakdown

🧡 πŸ‘‡ Image Last week, citizens of New Tokyo were told that we would finally get our hands on "NTD" or "New Tokyo Dollars" -

This was an ERC-20 token @10KTFshop announced all the way back in January 2022
Jul 21, 2022 β€’ 39 tweets β€’ 15 min read
How @yugalabs is using storytelling (borrowed from @10ktfshop playbook) to keep Otherdeeds holders engaged and excited about the Otherside, all while the game is being developed

πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡ Before I jump in, readers of mine know how much I appreciate great storytelling and its value

Story is the most compelling and engaging format known to us.

If you tell a good story, you can capture attention, and with that comes value.
Jul 19, 2022 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 3 min read
My "thoughts on @balajis Network State" thread.

Will be adding to it as I progress
🧡 Image Are IRL NFT events a trial run of an eventual network state with land?

Given how pre-selected and ideologically aligned the people that attend those events are, it can feel that way Image
May 25, 2022 β€’ 29 tweets β€’ 11 min read
Another day, another phishing scam.

This time 29 @moonbirds were stolen, worth close to 1.4 million.

Here's a breakdown of what we know so far + a discussion about how hardware wallets *do* and *don't* protect you from these kinds of scams

Let's dig in 🧡 1/ First - what happened?

Piecing together details from the article by @lorenzofb and @0xLosingMoney, it looks this was a combination of social engineering (to build trust), and then phishing.

Here's how it went downπŸ‘‡
May 21, 2022 β€’ 23 tweets β€’ 7 min read
Opensea announced something MAJOR today - they created a protocol for NFT marketplaces called Seaport

Here's what it means, why it's big for decentralization and how this radically changes how we buy/sell/trade NFTs

πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡ Before I begin, think about Seaport the same way you think about Uniswap.

Uniswap changed the game with their open-sourced decentralized exchange - part of the avalanche that we now know as DeFi Summer in 2020

This move by Opensea might have the same potential because...
May 18, 2022 β€’ 47 tweets β€’ 33 min read
Last week, $60 billion dollars of marketcap was wiped out in crypto.

This is the story of one man's stablecoin, that mutated into a monstrosity that collapsed the entire ecosystem and caused a massive downturn in crypto with it.

This is the story of @stablekwon and the Terra @stablekwon 1/ So what really happened?

I'm guessing most of you still don't really know.

Yeah, you got a soundbite you repeat so you don't sound dumb, but cmon.
May 17, 2022 β€’ 15 tweets β€’ 6 min read
Quick post-mortem on how $500K+ worth of NFTs (1 BAYC, 2 MAYC and 1 Doodles) were stolen from @SethGreen wallet

🧡 1/ Seth mentioned that he interacted with a scam GutterCats Clone site - but he actually did this 9 days ago

Mar 20, 2022 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Last night I had an epiphany about creators looking to building an audience on Twitter

The reason so many people start by writing helpful threads and content but devolve into shitposting + memes is that the dopamine hits are easier, faster and cheaper Writing takes WORK. It takes even more work to be good and get noticed.

My post from November about BAYC x Surpeme has 250K impressions

But this wasn't an easy thread to write and I wasn't sure if it was going to be noticed or appreciated

Mar 20, 2022 β€’ 16 tweets β€’ 5 min read
10 interesting things I learned about how Yuga operates from their deck

πŸ‘‡ 🧡 Quick disclaimer: I've avoided writing about this because it is a leak.

However, this deck has now spread across dropbox, twitter, reddit.

Anyone that's wanted to see it, has at this point. I won't be linking it, but I did want to break down some things from it
Jan 23, 2022 β€’ 42 tweets β€’ 12 min read
While ETH is taking a dump, let's remember that builders are what move the space forward. Let's talk about that.

@opensea recently acquired @Dharma_HQ - a DeFi application.

Let's breakdown what that means for Opensea and where NFTs are headed in 2022 and beyond

πŸ‘‡ 🧡 1/ First, this acquisition was an "acquihire" rather than an outright purchase of the @Dharma_HQ app and its IP (an example of the latter is when Facebook bought Instagram). Image
Dec 23, 2021 β€’ 21 tweets β€’ 8 min read
The future of work came early, when many companies like @Shopify went fully remote in 2020. But that's just the beginning.

The next evolution of work, is what @balajis calls the "pseudonymous economy".

and web3 is leading the charge in this

🧡 1/ Let's wind the clock back. It's 2002, we're just past the dot-com bubble, and the internet is starting to be more integrated with society.

There were about half a billion people using it regularly, and 95% used internet explorer to access it Image
Dec 4, 2021 β€’ 12 tweets β€’ 4 min read
When the ethereum network gets congested (read: all of 2021), gas gets pricy.

So, to help you save your ETH, here are three ways you can save on gas fees (so you can ape into more NFTs)

Here we go 🧡 1/ The first tip is obvious but needs to be said. The best way to save your ETH is to perform transactions when the gas fees are low.

You can see the current gas price on, but it's not practical to watch the gas all day.

Instead, get set up alerts
Nov 11, 2021 β€’ 38 tweets β€’ 13 min read
🧑 it or hate it, @supremenewyork is cool

It's worth $2 billion, celebrities like Kanye wear it, their drops have long line ups, and the resale value is 5-10x

So, how did they get here? and is @BoredApeYC really a "decentralized competitor"? (cc @punk6529)

Let's find out 🧡 1/ We can't start this thread without a bit of history on Supreme and how they've impacted the culture.

Let's wind the calendar back to 1994 - when Supreme first launched - not as a brand, but as a skate shop in SoHo by founder James Jebbia.
Nov 10, 2021 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 2 min read
In light of the another discord scam - where hackers get access to moderator account and announce a fake mint to steal ETH -

I'm breaking down a few of their tactics and the red flags🚩so that you don't fall victim to this By and large, this is social engineering more so than a technical hack.

It involves hijacking a moderators account at the very least, or getting a mod to grant admin permissions to an attackers account and post fake announcements