Greg Borenstein Profile picture
Senior Technical Game Designer at @riotgames: TFT, Nexus Blitz, Runes Reforged. Previously NYU ITP, MIT Media Lab, Computer vision, @MinorityReport futurist.
Dec 19, 2022 27 tweets 5 min read
After more than 16 years, I’ve decided that at the end of 2022 I’m going to stop using Twitter. I want to write a little about why and what I’m looking for next. So: thread. And this may be a bit of a long one… Twitter is a tool for dissemination. It encourages you to empty yourself out into the pseudo-public boulevard of social media.
Feb 27, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Seeing a lot of NFT folks building a straw man version of the traditional art world that describes it as solely a provider of financial investments for rich collectors. This is profoundly wrong and feels defensive and self-justifying. A thread. Since at least the 60s a lot of artists have explored various approaches to making work that resist or question the commodity value of art objects. Conceptual art, land art, installation art, and performance art all produced work that had no obvious way of being sold at the time.
Nov 28, 2020 12 tweets 2 min read
The reason contemporary web programming has gotten so fiendishly complex is because the whole project is trying to turn the web into something it wasn't designed to be: an app platform.The web was designed around documents, not apps. To web developers this is progress. We added features and built frameworks and transpilers to make it happen. And now, with WebAssembly, the goal is in sight: the browser becomes a dumb rectangle that hosts our apps, written however we want to write them, running everywhere.
Jul 11, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
This is a good reminder of how many “AI” systems are largely tricks to hide human labor and let companies insert themselves as a middle man between people doing work and people benefitting from that work.… Google doesn’t know the answer to your question. The person who reported that story or wrote that blog post or Wikipedia article does. Aggregation is powerful and useful but one of the fundamental problems of our age is too much value being captured by the aggregators.
Dec 16, 2019 103 tweets 91 min read
100-tweet brainstorming prompt from @vgr. Somewhat surprised at the topic he chose for me. But things immediately started jumping to mind so, let's see... @vgr They say “New York is a great place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there.” The opposite is true of LA.