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Jan 8, 2024 • 22 tweets • 6 min read
I started coding in 2021, it took me 2 years to get my first job in tech.
But it could have been much easier.
If you plan on becoming a Web Developer in 2024, open this for a full-year roadmap.
You will have no need of any other roadmap, thread or plan, if you give this one your 100% attention.
So shut everything off, and pay full attention to what I am gonna tell you now.
Let's get started.
Nov 17, 2023 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
I started learning to code exactly 2 years ago and landed my first job as a Software Engineer in 2023.
If I were to restart my programming journey, this is what I would do 🧵 :
It would have taken me way less time to land my first job if I avoided some mistakes.
But failures are what teach you the most.
I am going to lay out 5 points that you need to keep in mind if you want to skyrocket your journey.
Let's get right into it ↓
Sep 18, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Uber, Facebook, and Airbnb along with 10,000+ other companies use React in their tech stack.
I have built 20+ projects with ReactJS to date.
If I were to start over, here is how I would learn React again 🧵:
This year, January, was when I started learning ReactJS as I made some basic projects with Javascript.
But with time, I gradually slacked off and made some mistakes that cost me months of my journey.
I would have made the same amount of progress in half the time ↓
Jul 7, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Javascript async/await is a must-know concept for working with React.
Let's discuss what is it and how it works in brief ↓
A Thread 🧵:
• Async/await is a syntax feature that allows you to write asynchronous code in a more synchronous way, making it easier to handle promises and avoid callback hell.
• Async means nothing but the function will process in the background independently.
But what about keywords?
Jun 30, 2023 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
TailwindCSS is one of the most popular CSS libraries for developing websites from scratch.
But beginners don't learn it from the right resources and mess up their journey.
Here are 10 resources to learn TailwindCSS for FREE 🧵 :
• When I started learning TailwindCSS, I searched for many different sources.
• But I always ended up procrastinating and not actually learning how to code with the framework.
• I am going to provide you free resources with which you will learn by doing and not just watch ↓
Jun 18, 2023 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
The latest version of the Million.js library was released 4 days ago.
It makes React 70% faster and improves the performance of your app,
but how _____?
Here are all the things you need to know about it in under 2 minutes 🧵 :
What is Million.js?
• It is an extremely FAST and lightweight virtual DOM that renders React components 70% faster.
• If you know React, you know what is Virtual DOM, but why do we need another library, and how does it work? ↓
Jun 16, 2023 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
It took me a year to find out the right strategy to grow on Twitter.
Most people trying to build an audience fail because they do the wrong things every day.
If you are a beginner struggling with this, here are the 3 things that you have to start doing today 🧵 :
I was a lost undergrad a year ago with the hunger to start coding and share my learnings in public.
Not knowing how to connect with people, write content and add numbers to my account.
Working for a year, 8000+ followers later, this is what I would have done if starting today:
Jun 14, 2023 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Many Beginners get stuck while starting to learn React.
This gets worst with the 'Tutorial Hell'.
Here are 5 React PROJECTS I built, to escape the beginner-hell and progress (with source code) 🧵 : 1. Shopping List app: Revise concepts like Map, Filter and basic React states with this, source code below:
Most beginners get stuck in tutorial hell while learning Frontend Development.
Practicing is the only way to get out of it.
Here are 5 Websites to practice Frontend Development and boost your portfolio, for FREE 🧵 :
1. Codewell - Real-world projects designed to improve your frontend skills and make it easier to build a portfolio.
These coding habits and hacks took me a year to learn.
But I will teach you them in under 2 minutes.
5 coding habits that will change your life, a thread 🧵 :
1. Choosing the best resource:
Many of us think resources don't matter until and unless the content is the same, but it's not like that.
There is a huge difference between reading docs, applying yourself, AND mindlessly watching a Youtube tutorial.
May 22, 2023 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
I struggled to learn React in the beginner days of my journey, then I realized my mistake.
Not building projects.
Here are 10 React Projects ideas to practice and progress today, a thread 🧵 : 1. Travel Journal app:
→ A simple travel journal of places and common information about the same.
→ It will teach you props, component hierarchy and much more.
May 20, 2023 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
Many beginners get stuck in tutorial hell and not build projects, which can be a HUGE obstacle in their coding journey.
Here are 10 projects to master HTML and CSS ↓
A Thread 🧵 : 1. Complete Responsive Website tutorial
2. Build a responsive website from scratch
3. Build a pricing block with HTML and CSS
May 12, 2023 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
The average salary of a React Developer is $120,000.
But most beginners have a hard time learning it and building projects.
Here is why and how to learn React for a newbie, a thread🧵 :
• I started learning React exactly 4 months ago and never looked back since.
• React is highly customizable, and for building reusable components, it is the perfect choice.
• Almost 8,000 companies worldwide use ReactJS over other popular frameworks.
May 10, 2023 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
Git is one of the most important tools developers use.
Knowing Git how to's and commands is a deal breaker for most of the coders.
Here are 10 Git Commands every developer should know
(with explanation) 🧵: 1. git clone <repository-url> :
Clone a repository to your local machine.
May 1, 2023 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
🔷 About Javascript arrow functions in brief ↓
Arrow functions are very useful especially when working with frameworks like React.
A Thread 🧵 :
• Arrow functions were newly introduced in ES6, the main use of arrow functions is to shorten the syntax of regular functions and refactor it.
• They allow us to write shorthands for functions inside methods such as map(), reduce(), filter() etc.
Apr 24, 2023 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
I struggled to learn Web Development and progress as a beginner at the start of my journey.
But I made changes in my approach and corrected my mistakes.
Here is a thread of how I became a self-taught frontend developer in 6 months 🧵 :
What was the problem?
• In march 2022, I finally decided to learn web development and purchased a course on Full-Stack Development on Udemy.
• In the initial days, I was finding learning new things very exciting and was progressing at a decent rate.
But everything changed ↓
Apr 5, 2023 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
💎 Do you know about the difference between '==' and '===' operator in Javascript?
If not, let's understand it in under a minute!
A Thread 🧵 :
• As we all know, the equality operator is used in Javascript to compare two values, if they are equal or not, then why do we need to know about '==' and '==='?
• Well, there are many different use cases of these operands, which you will come across in your own journey!
Apr 3, 2023 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
TailwindCSS is one of the most popular CSS libraries for developing websites from scratch.
But many people don't learn it from the right resources and mess up their journey.
Here are 10 resources to learn TailwindCSS for FREE 🧵 :
• When I started learning TailwindCSS, I searched for many different sources.
• But I always ended up procrastinating and not actually learning how to code with the framework.
• I am going to provide you free resources with which you will learn by doing and not just watch ↓
Mar 27, 2023 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
Web Development is one of the most in-demand skills of 2023.
I was struggling with being consistent at coding and learning it last year, but then I changed my system and approach.
Here's a thread for beginners struggling with Development 🧵 :
• I used to struggle with staying consistent and procrastinating practicing Web Development throughout the last year (2022).
• Maybe you are going through the same thing and are feeling stuck in your own journey.
Mar 26, 2023 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
HTML Forms are of great use cases and essential for a landing page.
But most people suck at styling them, here is how you can make them prettier using CSS.
A Thread 🧵 :
→ HTML forms are used for receiving user data and do some operations on them.
→ But without CSS, HTML forms don't look impressive and hence do not get the user's attention.
→ I also have something for you to practice, at end of the thread!
Let's make them look amazing ↓
Mar 24, 2023 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
Data Structures and algorithms can help you clear interviews in Product based companies (FAANG).
I was struggling with being consistent and learning DSA for the past few months, but then I changed my approach.
Here's a thread for beginners struggling with DSA 🧵 :
• I remember always procrastinating on starting with DSA, and a particular thing I always struggled with 'PROBLEM SOLVING'
• You could be going through the same thing, studying intensely for a week and then quitting in the middle.