Rachel Atherton-Charvat Profile picture
Author, photographer & former history teacher. Writing about travelling the ancient cities of Asia Minor and Greece & 2nd novel. Gloucester Rugby,cricket & NCFC
Mar 1, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Boeotian bronze helmet-C4th BC

This fantastic artefact discovered in the River Tigris (Iraq), is presumed to have belonged to one of Alexander the Great’s cavalrymen, whilst on campaign in Mesopotamia.

Alexander arrived at the banks..(1/8)

#FindsFriday #Archaeology Image (2/8)

..of the Tigris whilst in close pursuit of the Persian king, Darius, only to find that he had moved on. The day was the 20th September, 331 BC, known by the occurrence of a lunar eclipse.

According to the Greek historian Arrian:
Nov 9, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Roman cheese making in Britain!
Cheese was an important part of a #Roman legionary’s diet. Using techniques, including adding rennet, the Romans made hard cheese which made it easy to divide for rations for their legions..(1/5)
#RomanFortThursday #Archaeology #RomanBritain Image (2/5)
..Livy wrote that a legion of 5000 required an ounce of cheese per soldier daily, amounting to 140kg per day. As such, they needed to introduce large-scale sheep farming here. Production took place in the spring and summer to stock supplies to sustain the troops..
Oct 27, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This canister was discovered in 1927, within a cist grave, during excavations for a cesspit for some bungalows in Ultra Pontem, (Latin for ‘Over the Bridge’), a settlement near the #Roman fort at Caerleon. The..(1/4)
C2nd AD
#FindsFriday #Archaeology #RomanBritain

...deceased was a man aged at least 35 years old, although there is very little evidence to determine his identity or status. However, this year, during scientific analysis of the cloth used to wrap his bones, traces of frankincense were discovered. A rare find in burials..