cho 💌 Profile picture
cho | pan & sleep deprived | sakuatsu got me in a chokehold | 18+ pls | nsfw content so if you're uncomfortable DNI | pfp by: @_hazzui
Céli 🦊 still Atsu :) Profile picture 1 subscribed
Mar 14, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Atsumu felt a strong pair of arms wrap around his waist as a tall figure settled behind him, the man moving to rest his chin on the crook of the blonde's neck, earning a smile from him as he kept an eye on the stove, currently cooking their breakfast.

"Heya, Omi-kun." A low hum came from Kiyoomi as the man tightened his grip around him, a tired greeting that just made Atsumu's smile stretch into a grin.

"Slept well?" Another hum, this time followed by a light press of lips on his neck, an action that made Atsumu shrink and wiggle on his hold,
Feb 13, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
#sakuatsu | 🔞nsfw, light bondage, topping from the bottom, light s/d

"C'mon, Omi." Atsumu whispers in his ear, squirming in place and making Kiyoomi's breath shudder at the motion. "Don't ya think I look pretty like this?"

Kiyoomi takes a second to open his eyes slowly, his breath faltering as he takes on the image reflected on their full length mirror, situated just right in front of their bed, his heart jumping at the sight that is Atsumu right now.

The man sitting on his lap with nothing but Kiyoomi's own jersey covering his back.
Feb 10, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Atsumu has a little bit of a fixation with Kiyoomi's hands, it's nothing he can help, he just loves to admire his lover's calloused fingers and strong palms.

His hands an obvious sign of just how much love and devotion the man puts on his job. Always using them to give the best spikes on the league, nasty and unforgiving, a clear example of just how much of an incredible player he is.

But that's not the end of what Atsumu loves about them.

Not when Kiyoomi always makes sure of using those hands,
Feb 7, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
"You know, Miya? For all that you joke and flirt around, I've never seen you date anyone." Kiyoomi blurts out one quiet afternoon as they walk together after practice.

Leaving Atsumu to pray to any God that the blush covering his face can be disguised by the cold weather. "Well, I guess no one's ever asked me out before. And it's not like I flirt a lot." The last sentence comes out more hushed, but he finds the other looking at him with raised eyebrows nonetheless.

"Oh, so you're just really oblivious." The statement makes Atsumu frown,
Feb 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Atsumu who talks fast and rushed because he tries to put every thought into words while his head goes a mile a minute, so it's difficult to keep up with him. And Kiyoomi who talks lazy and his deep voice makes everything sound hushed, so it's a challenge to hear him clearly. One would think they'll never work on a conversation, but with Atsumu's fast way of talking and enthusiastic mannerism, Kiyoomi never seems to have a problem keeping up, the blonde always drawing his attention with every word and story.
Jan 31, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Atsumu has spent a lifetime being told that he 'talks too much'. So when his boyfriend of merely three months, Kiyoomi, turns to look at him while he's in the middle of talking the man's ears off, the fondest of looks on his eyes as he pays special attention to every word. And a sweet smile on his lips as he watches the blonde trail off under the undivided attention, a tentative expression on Atsumu’s face as he laughs awkwardly.

"I'm talkin' too much, aren't I?" Kiyoomi's smile doesn't falter, eyes locking with honey ones as he shakes his head.
Jan 30, 2023 27 tweets 5 min read
#SakuAtsuWeek2023 @sktsweek
— 'Declarations and Firsts'

Kiyoomi knows he's probably making all of this a bigger problem than it actually needs to be.

He knows he's probably being way too dramatic and anxious about all of it. And he knows, he knows that if he keeps the taps of his fingers on the steering wheel, Atsumu's gonna lose his patience quicker than him.

But he just can't help it.

It's not everyday you get to drive approximately 2 hours from Osaka to Hyogo
Jan 25, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Msby have this running bet on who'll end up in first place as the most annoying teammate of the week in the 'Omi-Omi's grumpy scale', provided by none other than Bokuto Koutarou -all in good fun of course-.

And funnily enough, Atsumu can't seem to get past the 5th or 6th place. Sure he sometimes gets a little too mouthy and it's enough to place him as 4th on the board, but otherwise he can never score higher than that.

Which should be fine, great even.

But when Kiyoomi can't seem to make eye contact with him without looking constipated.
Jan 24, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
#sakuatsu | Jealousy

Atsumu looks around from where he is standing in the middle of the dance floor, a smile plastered on his face from laughing carelessly while fooling around with Shoyo and Koutarou. His eyes roam through the crowd in search of a curly haired, grumpy looking man, just like they always do whenever Kiyoomi agrees to go out with the team, to Atsumu's delight.

And as they finally land on the other leaning against a wall on one of the far corners of the room.
Jan 20, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
#sakuatsu | 🔞nsfw, college Kiyoomi, MSBY Atsumu

Kiyoomi smirks as another shout from his boyfriend reaches his ears, this one slightly different from the loud and proud ones that could be heard just minutes earlier on the court as the blonde cheered for him and his team. Which did plenty to encourage Kiyoomi on his game, easily pushing him to take his team to the finish line with another win under their college's name.

Though Atsumu's mere presence also did a lot to encourage Kiyoomi to give his best out there,
Jan 19, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Atsumu can't look at a window display without Kiyoomi trying to drag him into the store to buy him whatever he wants, even though he was just curious and definitely didn't need another expensive ass coat for winter, nor did he need more fancy jewelry, or... "A new toaster, Omi? Really?" He looks at his boyfriend incredulously. "We don't even need one, the one we got works perfectly, why buy this?"

"Well, you complained the other day that your toasts tasted like onions and refused to eat them, so clearly it doesn't work as great."
Jan 18, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Skts high school sweethearts is just so funny to me because I like to think at some point in their relationship they stopped acting like awkward teenagers on the early stages of love and got really comfortable with each other as the years passed. Which should be good, obviously, if not for the fact that their relationship went from shy teenage romance and awkward handholding to them just acting like really good, old time friends. And it's not to say they're not romantic with each other or show affection,
Jan 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Atsumu looks over at the king sitting next to him with a glint on his eyes, body squirming on his own throne as he leans over to whisper on his husband's ear, eyes locked in place where one of the new knights stands tall and proud.

"That one, I want him." Wakatoshi's own eyes travel through the crowd until they settle on a man of dark, curly locks of hair and deep, black eyes.

Sakusa Kiyoomi.

Who's face remains expressionless, even as the king notices the heat behind the man's dark gaze, eyes roaming over his husband's body.
Jan 12, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
🔞nsfw-ish, inexperienced Kiyoomi

Kiyoomi's hands settle hesitantly on Atsumu’s hips as the blonde sits on his lap, lips never breaking apart as they close the distance, deepening the kiss even more.

Atsumu's own hands move fast to tangle his fingers in dark locks, pulling at Kiyoomi's hair ever so slightly and earning a delicious groan from the man, making a smile settle on the blonde's face as he inches impossibly closer.

Their bodies now chest to chest as Atsumu's tongue licks briefly at the other's bottom lip,
Jan 9, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Skts who are asked to compare hands at an interview to 'see the difference between setter hands and spiker hands'.

And Atsumu having to bite his tongue when their hands line up to not let out a gasp because he never realized just how big Kiyoomi's hands are compared to his. And maybe it's a good thing that the host's comments about the clear difference are so loud, because it helps him not think too much about how great Kiyoomi's hands would look like wrapped around his waist, or how one of them could probably wrap completely around his ne-
Jan 3, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
It wasn't a secret that Kiyoomi loved to spoil his boyfriend with anything and everything that the blonde could ever want or eye.

So Atsumu shouldn't have been surprised when a shirt that caught his attention after Shoyo showed him a meme of it was dropped on his front door. "Omi, what is this?" He turned around with the package on his hands, one eyebrow raised as he walked towards his boyfriend, who was sat on the large couch of the living room.

Another one of his gifts, unsurprisingly.

"It's the shirt you were talking about with Shoyo last week."
Jan 2, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
#sakuatsu | Streamer au

The ping of a donation takes Kiyoomi's attention away from his left monitor as he reads the message the person left for him.

"Check out @/foxtsumtsumu's account? I don't know who they are, wait." He moves around a little as he adjusts his headphones. "You all better not be making me search some kind of weird shit, I swear to God." The chat quickly fills up with 'lol's followed by a bunch of laughing emojis.

He feels a little better when one of the comments clarifies that the account belongs to a fellow streamer named Tsumu.
Jan 1, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Kiyoomi cupping Atsumu's face between his large, strong hands, fingers enveloping him almost entirely as honey, smiley eyes look up at him through long lashes. Kiyoomi coming to hug Atsumu around the waist, bending over to rest his head on the man's shoulder, his arms wrapping almost entirely around the blonde's middle as Atsumu's barely cover his shoulder blades, resting his forehead on the crook of Kiyoomi's neck and smiling under the touch of his boyfriend. Atsumu standing on his tiptoes to try and reach Kiyoomi's lips for a kiss,
Nov 30, 2022 31 tweets 5 min read
#sakuatsu | cuddle deprived

Kiyoomi's mad, like really, really mad.

And he knows he can't be blamed for it because, what else do you expect him to feel when he's being neglected this way? The pout that he has been portraying since his boyfriend first stepped into their shared apartment is starting to contour his face in a painful way, but he just can't bring himself to wear anything else right now.
Nov 24, 2022 37 tweets 6 min read
#ushisakuatsu | 🔞nsfw, dom/sub dynamics, voyeurism, teasing, praise/degradation kink, 1.6k special

"Ruin me." The obscene noises and moans filling the room echoed in Kiyoomi's ears.

Every whine ripped from the blonde resting against him earned a desperate groan from the man kneeling on the floor, the gag around his mouth muffling the needy sounds that his lips let out
Nov 23, 2022 36 tweets 6 min read
#atsukage | 🔞nsfw, rimming, inexperienced Tobio, 1.6k special

"Look how messy you are" "Just like that, Tobio-kun. Such a good boy fer me, doin' so great."

The words falling from Atsumu's mouth earned a deep whine from the man above him, whole body trembling with every push and pull of his hips.