AudioCoffee Profile picture
Individualism over collectivism. Objectivity over subjectivity. Equality over equity. I make ELI5 YouTube explainers & Twitter threads on the causes of things.
Sep 30, 2023 14 tweets 2 min read
Specific actionable strategies to combat political activists using the DIALECTICAL PROCESS in bad faith.

Educate on the Dialectic: Raise awareness about the dialectical process itself. Many may not realize they're caught in a cycle. Informing them of the thesis-antithesis-synthesis pattern can break the cycle.

See @NewDiscourses @ConceptualJames @SovMichael as educational resources
Sep 28, 2023 21 tweets 5 min read
Hegel believed the world unfolds according to a rational process, revealing the "Absolute Idea"—the profound truth of the universe. The dialectical process allows this unfolding in a spiraling motion, revisiting themes, but at a higher level each time. Image Hegel saw the state as the highest realization of the Absolute Idea on Earth, where individual freedom and community requirements harmonize. The "end of history" represents a moment when humanity achieves its peak of freedom and self-understanding.
Sep 12, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Ever heard of the tactic of 'marrying a truth to a lie'? A tread to unravel the technique and how it's used to manipulate opinions. 🧵👇 PRINCIPLE OF THE TROJAN HORSE: Just as the Greeks used a gift of a wooden horse to hide soldiers inside, manipulators use a piece of truth as a vehicle to deliver a falsehood. Once the truth is accepted, the lie that's bundled with it can slip through undetected.
Sep 10, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read

Diving deep into the Lucy Calkins' method of teaching reading and the controversial 3-cueing system. While widely adopted, there are pressing concerns about their efficacy. Here's a breakdown of the top criticisms and issues. 🧵... Popularity vs. Efficacy: Lucy Calkins' Units of Study curriculum, commonly known as "reading workshop," is widely used in early reading education. However, its widespread adoption doesn't necessarily equate to its effectiveness in teaching reading skills to all students. source Image
Sep 7, 2023 16 tweets 2 min read
By understanding these core concepts, you'll have a solid grasp of the foundational ideas of Romantic Idealism: Image Historical Context: Romantic Idealism emerged in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, primarily in Germany. It was a reaction against the Enlightenment's emphasis on reason, science, and objectivity.
Sep 2, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
Introduction to Denial of Responsibility Fallacy: When someone deflects blame or responsibility by saying they're "just following policy" or "just doing their job." It's a way to avoid personal accountability by hiding behind rules or authority. Image Example: Imagine a store clerk refusing a refund by saying, "Sorry, it's our store policy." Even if the situation clearly warrants flexibility, they hide behind the "policy" to avoid taking responsibility.
Aug 12, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
The person in the video is doing a motte & bailey of the word "critical thinking"

MOTTE: critical thinking definition= what most reasonable ppl assume it means

BAILEY: critical thinking definition= identity marxist way of looking at things through a lens of "power & privilege" Here are some simple images explaining how the manipulation works:

Aug 12, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
1. Defeating postmodern deconstruction
2. The dialectical process Manipulation
3. The Dialectical inversion Manipulation
4. Overcoming DARVO Manipulation
5. Easy deconstruction examples
6. Modern philosophy TL;DR
7. History repeats: sophists& postmodernists How to Defeat Postmodern Deconstruction:
(Youtube version and twitter clips)
Aug 11, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
🚨 Dialectical Manipulation: Some political opponents use the *dialectical process* in bad faith to manipulate. They present a thesis and antithesis, tricking you into a synthesis or a planned compromise (reaction). Let's explore how to recognize and combat this tactic.

A 🧵... Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis: Understand this pattern. A thesis is presented, an antithesis opposes it, and a synthesis resolves it. Manipulators control this process to lead you to their desired conclusion.
Jul 3, 2023 28 tweets 4 min read
Embark through the evolution of philosophical thought that has shaped our world today. From Rousseau's collectivism to postmodernism's social constructs and the woke, this thread will explore the progression of ideas and their impact on our current societal discourse. We find ourselves in an era where discussions of privilege and the need for a societal reset are prevalent. This shift away from the Enlightenment & individualism towards collectivism has roots in the philosophy going back to Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
Jun 28, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
🔥THREAD: The Surprising Link Between Sophists & Postmodern Activists🔥

In this🧵, I'll uncover the striking similarities in their tactics and share an important lesson we can learn from history from the defeat of the sophists we can use for the postmodernists. Buckle up!🧵 Let's start with the Sophists, the intellectual rockstars of ancient Greece. They were skilled in the art of rhetoric, using persuasive language to win arguments and sway public opinion. Sound familiar? That's because we see a similar pattern in postmodern activists today.
Jun 21, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
New York State Education just released their gender affirming legal update and policies for schools.

A story in 3 acts 🧵👇 Image ACT 1: Schools can be a resource hub for health services Image
Jun 8, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Both screenshots are such on-the-nose examples of DARVO in action


DARVO: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender. It's a manipulative tactic where someone denies wrongdoing, attacks the accuser, & turns themselves(or their vicarious group) into the victim ImageImage 🚨THREAD: Understanding the Dynamic of DARVO🚨

Have you ever found it difficult to call out an abuser on their abuse or provocation? You might have experienced DARVO -a common tactic employed by abusers, often unconsciously. Let's break it down and empower ourselves against it!
May 19, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Deconstruction can distort simple truths, turning 'water is wet' into a philosophical debate. While it might prompt critical thinking, it often obscures more than it clarifies, creating confusion where there was clarity.

Check out these 4 examples to spot it in action. "Water is wet": "Is water wet, or does it make other things feel wet? 'Wetness' is a sensory perception, not an inherent quality. Is water 'wet' to a fish? This phrase reinforces a human-centric view.
Mar 20, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
🚨Attention!🚨 Explaining the "define "woke" scam.

Woke individuals exploit their opponents' belief in fixed definitions by posing questions they themselves reject, creating a paradoxical trap fueled by fundamentally opposing perspectives.

Let's explore this paradox 👇🧵 The below is academic speak for why the "woke" demanding a fixed definition is a scam, I'll break this down into easy terms:

"Woke advocates deny essentialism as a metaphysic and demand the non-woke give a fixed, stable,& universally agreed upon definition of the term “woke.”"
Dec 7, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
How to Defeat Postmodern Activists: A Guide to Fighting Back Against Deconstruction Debate

#Debate #Philosophy #SelfImprovement #CriticalThinking #LifeLessons #Argumentation #Motivation #Productivity #CommunicationSkills #DecisionMaking Clip 1: What are some specific template tactics of deconstruction: