Aureylian Profile picture
Player Community @RiotGames. Mom. History Nerd. Gamer. Former: @Twitch. All thoughts are my own.
Oct 25, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
I'm a mom and primary caretaker, a team manager, and working in a large, enterprise organization.

In spirit of my last post, here are things I've done to help better my work/life balance (a 🧵) Adopted "if I'm not at my computer, there's a reason" mentality. That means
- No email/slack push notifications to my phone
- With rare exceptions, no meetings in transit (on cars, in airports, etc)
- Putting OOO blocks during evening mom/kiddo time so meeting invites autodecline
Mar 16, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
I see y’all’s feelings on this and I have some thoughts to share as someone who was inside and working at Twitch under Emmett’s leadership from being a start up with 100 employees to well after the Amazon acquisition with thousands of employees.

A:🧵 (apologies for length) I’ll start w/ a quote I heard recently that I think is fitting “most people don’t start a business because they’re good business people, they do it because they have a good idea in their area of expertise they want to bring to life”
Aug 13, 2021 7 tweets 0 min read
Aug 30, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
When I was 26 I was displaying multiple signs of breast cancer. While thankfully I was healthy, I learned information I don’t think many young, healthy adults know.

We’re told “test & detect early”! For what? We only use doctors when we’re already sick.

Cancer: a thread

You get medical forms with almost every physician that asks for your family history. It’s helpful for specialized things (IE children of skin cancer parents will seek out dermatologists). But cancer in your family that require specialists (brain, for ex) can sometimes go missed.
Apr 16, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
My favorite thing to do after conventions is randomly have all the awkward encounters I had over the weekend replay over and over in my head.

Hooray social anxiety! You're swell. This random girl stopped me in the airport and asked to see my ring, to which she replied "Wow someone must love you a lot" to which I replied "That's what he tells me"
Sep 3, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
Woke up this morning to a call that the neighbor at my old house is stealing my landscaping 🤔so now I get to drive back and file a police report over rocks 🙃 Follow up: NOW I’m angry. She didn’t take rocks - she took my mermaid statue from my garden! I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS