🏳️🌈 taiwanese • she/they/伊 • 25 • @newbloommag @TheTibetNetwork • @stwithukrainetw • grad @uclssees • ну а що вона, ворона? 🐦⬛ • 愛如此真實
Apr 29, 2024 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
🇵🇸 taiwan alliance for a free palestine (台灣巴勒斯坦自由連線) held a press conference at the legislative yuan this morning, publicising a statement of solidarity for palestine from taiwanese civil society - over 50 taiwanese CSOs have signed on. 1/4
one of our major demands is as follows:
"The Taiwanese government shall adhere to the principles of transitional justice and uphold the core values of human rights, ensuring that Taiwan does not become embroiled in this ongoing genocide." 2/4
Apr 18, 2024 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
do you think taiwanese people don't realise that the "friendship" the US extends to us is completely self-interested and transactional? do you think we don't feel the indignity of having our existence so tied to the whims of superpowers like the US and china? 1/7
do you think we're mindless drones who agree with the DPP administration uncritically? do you think we don't feel frustrated that so much of our modern politics is dictated by cross-strait relations, that our parties by necessity must be bedfellows with terrible countries? 2/7
Apr 16, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
mycelium - notes on imperialism
in online leftist spaces the overlap between solidarity for victims of western imperialism and solidarity for victims of non-western imperialism appears diminishingly small. the same is true of activist spaces i'm involved with in real life. 1/
i dislike binaries, but here i use this one - western vs. non-western - because it's the same that many anglophone leftists choose to adopt in their worldview. this binary is violent, a product of a long history of colonialisms and imperialisms that as leftists we are 2/
Mar 10, 2024 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
today marks the 65th anniversary of tibetan uprising day
while china may pay lip service in support of the right to armed resistance on the international stage, in practice they do not allow the same "grace" for the colonised peoples of the many nations they occupy 1/6
tibetans who rose up against their chinese colonisers in 1959 were met with swift and brutal crackdowns
tibetans in tibet today, when protesting peacefully against the destruction of their ancestral lands by the chinese occupiers, are arrested en masse 2/6
Jan 7, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
a well documented genocide of people A by people B, in which B is running an ethno-nationalist state and committing genocide against A while denying it and/or justifying it?
A is 🇵🇸 and uyghurs, B is 🇮🇱 and 🇨🇳. in denying the uyghur genocide you are no better than zionists
the exchange of surveillance technologies between israel, the us, and china - the same technologies used in the genocide of palestinians and uyghurs alike - is just one example of how imperialist systems of oppression are connected, how they learn from each other and reproduce
Oct 19, 2023 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
more thoughts on palestine: my support for a free palestine has and always will be informed by my lived experiences and identity as a pro-independence taiwanese, and by my work and interactions with tibetans, uyghurs, hong kongers, ukrainians, and the many other amazing 1/9
folks i've met from different social and political movements. this photo was taken last year at an A4 revolution 白紙革命 support rally in taipei. i'm only one person, and mostly physically involved in taiwanese, tibetan, and ukrainian advocacy, but where i can i try to learn 2/9
Oct 6, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
fucked off rn because western "leftists" prove time and time again they do NOT give a shit about people who are living and dying through wars waged by imperial powers. who invaded ukraine? who is occupying tibet and east turkistan? (photo of me and gino from last friday) 1/
you are not an anti-imperialist or even a leftist if your praxis is literally just shouting america bad over people who are trying to tell you that the world is a lot more complex than america bad. we KNOW the us is imperialist, but so are russia and china 2/
Jul 9, 2022 • 23 tweets • 4 min read
long 🧵// some thoughts & observations on shinzo abe's death as a pro-independence taiwanese, but also as a leftist. (in b4 左膠 comments lol) preface: my late grandfather spoke tâigí exclusively. however, he understood more japanese than mandarin due to jp colonial education 1/
taiwan was colonised by japan. taiwan also currently has friendly relations with japan, and public sentiment in tw towards jp is generally positive. this disconnect b/w our history and our present has always fascinated me, and in the wake of abe's death 2/