Right of Centre. Hold politically incorrect views on 2.5 front war that India faces. Rest are my 20k ft view on matters I follow. #FreeTibet
9 subscribers
May 25, 2023 • 44 tweets • 8 min read
We all fall for physical form. But, nobody knows who's "praan" is inside.
That's #Mahakal for you. You never know what would be the form he would take & the game he'dplay until it actually happens. Because, physical form, is always tied to time.
Aatma is constant. It travels. Praan, doesn't. It is limited by Kaal. Kaal, in itself is of different (notional) forms depending on your Kaal Chakra.
Mar 12, 2023 • 17 tweets • 5 min read
This is my view. Take it or leave it. But, this is what I think, is going to happen. Was telling this to @CestMoiz, @kuruvi_vedi and few others earlier today.
Step 1: Banks might fall like bats. FDIC wud rescue / repay depositors. How? Increase insurance from 250k to 500k or 1M.
Step 2: When big banks fail, even FDIC won't have enough money to bail them out. It might run into trillions. Worse, if they want to print it. Printing cost would run into millions or even billions. :)
Yesterday in Kormangala. Was there to meet to meet someone. Few body builder like ones approached me and gave a sticker. Guy said, welcome bro, here's your welcome flag - a transparent butter paper like paper with "Welcome Flag" written on it.
I asked, what is this? He said, this is not begging. I said, "OK".
Then, gave me a note book.
Asked me to write name & "something"
I checked rows above, the "something" had Rs 500, Rs 1000 and all.
I said, you said it is not begging. What is this?
Mar 19, 2022 • 10 tweets • 5 min read
UAE FM was in Russia. The next day, Syrian President in UAE.