Awais Khan Marwat Profile picture
Civil Engineer & Realistic Gemini, Linguistic, Mathematics, Psychology, AstroPhysics, Medicine, Quantum Physics, Relative Physics, Vatican Cameos
Dec 6, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
After BECA, India has once again altered the balance of power in South Asia. US is unlikely to punish them, in fact — support. US protested when Turkey tried to procure them, still does, but for India, who is not a NATO member, it becomes a morally right thing to do (….continue) India has acquired the S400 to evade any future insult it faced after their plane was shot down by JF17 in Feb 2019. This system is even capable of taking down F35. This deal will increase the already sky-rocketing arms race in this region as Pakistan has already its eyes on