This thread will be a mix of translating any interesting fan tweets, personal reactions to the live broadcast, live interpreting where possible, depending on how the broadcast goes, so please know this isn't a formal translation thread, but I hope it might be helpful 🙏
Nov 4, 2022 • 51 tweets • 17 min read
✨ #プロローグ Prologue Yokohama 2022 Day 1 (4/11/22) livetweet translation thread ✨ 情報をシェアしてくださる方々に本当に感謝しています。勝てに英語で翻訳してすみません。元情報の出所を海外のみんなに知ってもらいたいので引用失礼致しました。もしダメならDMしてください!🙇🏻♀️
Disclaimer - I'm translating a mix of media content & fantweets live as I see them. Spoilers! Please take everything with a grain of salt! Usually things are moving too fast for me to check for errors in the moment but DM if anything dire