Avantika Goswami Profile picture
programme manager climate change @cseindia @cse_climate, alum @columbiasuma, @lfc fandom, contributor @down2earthindia @lfcoffside jamshedpur→bombay→nyc→delhi
Oct 6, 2023 10 tweets 7 min read
✨NEW✨: Our report 'Discredited' - published yesterday is a deep dive on the voluntary carbon market in India with a focus on communities on the ground who are carrying out the emissions reduction activities that lead to the sale of offsets to companies

🧵below for highlights A cartoon showing negligible money from the voluntary carbon market flowing to communities. For this, @TrishantDev @rohinikrish9 visited close to 40 project locations in 4 Indian states and spoke to project developers, farmers, rural households, activists, traders, local leaders, and NGOs.
