Former CEO of @AppSumo (grew from $3M to $80M+/yr). I help CEO's go from 7 to 9 figures by working less. Join Waiting List 👉
Mar 13 • 14 tweets • 5 min read
Most founders wait too long to hire an Executive Assistant.
They say, “I’m not ready” while drowning in emails, calendar chaos, and $20/hr tasks.
Your business isn’t stuck because you need to do more. It’s stuck because you won’t let go.
How to hire your first EA:
Before we dive in… this post is just a preview.
I’ve built a full Notion system to help you delegate, onboard, and scale with an EA.
(You can grab it at the end.)
Let’s get into it:
Feb 11 • 18 tweets • 5 min read
Most founders never break $10m.
Not because they aren’t smart or hardworking.
They just don’t know how to scale.
I took AppSumo from $3m to $84m in six years. Bootstrapped.
Here’s the exact framework I used to do it:
Before we dive in...
This post is a preview of the frameworks I dive into depth with @gregisenberg on his podcast.
You can take a listen here:
Dec 3, 2024 • 17 tweets • 6 min read
Meet Codie Sanchez.
Queen of boring businesses, YouTuber (1.5m+ subs), and author of Main Street Millionaire.
I’ve had the privilege of knowing her for the past 8 years.
11 things I’ve learned from Codie: 1. Power of Social.
When I first met Codie, she had 7 followers and was doing breakout rooms.
Today? She has 6.5 million followers across all social platforms.
It’s no accident. She saw where the world was heading and took advantage.
Dec 1, 2024 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
I was CEO of AppSumo while it grew from $3m to $84m+ in annual revenue.
A few thoughts and hot takes (on how to be an effective CEO):
The CEO should be the laziest person in the company.
At AppSumo, hiring an intern to handle admin work freed me up to close deals—doubling our revenue from $4m to $7m in one year.
Automate then delegate anything that doesn’t move the needle.
Nov 25, 2024 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
The CEO is the most unnatural position at any company
You don’t actually “do” anything tangible.
Your output is the output of the team.
Your metrics are the teams metrics.
7 differences between a founder and a CEO:
Here's how most small companies operate:
The founder starts the business, does everything by themself, and slowly brings in employees to help with the workload.
But the founder still plays a critical role in every function of the business.
Oct 27, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
🙃 Founder and CEO are completely different roles
Your job now is not to "do things."
It’s to hire smart operators and set the vision.
7 more harsh truths about being a CEO (that you won’t learn in business books):
I took a software marketplace company from $3m to $84m+ in six years as CEO.
5 simple tips to align your team’s interests with your own…
Oct 20, 2024 • 18 tweets • 5 min read
You're one hire away from cutting your problems in half
Two hires from a completely different company
Here are 10 counterintuitive tips to help you build a team that doesn't suck:
I was the CEO of AppSumo, a marketplace for software for entrepreneurs
In six years, I took the company from $3m to $84m/year in revenue bootstrapped
But what I’m most proud of is the team we built
($1m+ rev/employee - see below)
Sep 29, 2024 • 20 tweets • 6 min read
Companies are built on Sundays:
- Plan on Sundays
- Execute the plan Monday thru Thursday
- Clean Up Friday
- Rest on Saturday
Here's what that looks like in action: 👇
First, Why Sunday?
Because Mondays are chaotic...
Emails, slack messages, company emergencies.
Sundays? Sundays are quiet.
It's just you, airplane mode, and a fresh cup of coffee.
It's the most important 30 minutes of a CEO's week:
Aug 25, 2024 • 34 tweets • 9 min read
Allow me to REintroduce myself
I’m Ayman
Born in Kuwait - Refugeed to USA
My dad is a scientist. My mom is an engineer.
I like to think of myself as both
What I'm most known for is taking AppSumo from $3M to $84M/year in 6 years
The secret? Working Less
Let me explain..
“I just don’t have enough time!!”
It was 11pm and I was monitoring a critical launch for an AppSumo partner
I was Stressed Overwhelmed Burnt out
To add insult to injury, my team was too
But since I was CEO, I thought I had to be involved in everything...
Feb 19, 2024 • 55 tweets • 9 min read
There are only 5 things a CEO can't delegate:
1⃣ Vision (where you're going)
2⃣ Culture (how you operate)
3⃣ Hiring Exec Team (who will build it)
4⃣ Allocation of Resources (how we spend our money) 5⃣ Cash (ensure survivability)
If you feel overwhelmed as CEO, you're doing too much
Everything else (including managing of the team) can and should eventually be delegated.
Let's break down each one:
1⃣ Vision (where you're going)
CEOs often ask me how do I get my team on the same page?
I ask them: "What does the "same page" mean to you?"
The CEO looking back at me: 👁👄👁
A CEO without a vision is a captain without a map
Jul 13, 2023 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
The CEO is the most unnatural position at any company
You don’t actually “do” anything tangible.
Your output is the output of the team.
Your metrics are the teams metrics.
But in order for the company to be successful, you have to nail 10 major areas of mastery:
1. People - are you hiring the best people for the job?
How many of your problems would go away if you were only surrounded by A players?
Your job as CEO is ensuring you're putting the best team possible on the field.
May 1, 2023 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
I was CEO of a company that grew from $3 million to $80 million in annual sales
Here's what my day-to-day looked like through each stage of growth:
In the beginning, I was in the weeds doing a little bit of everything
I'd do customer support one day, write our email newsletter the next day, and work on sales the day after that
Mar 24, 2023 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
Everyone talks about hiring 'A' players over B and C players
But only the best CEOs talk about A roles vs. B and C roles
Here's what you should know:
Every CEO wants A players on their team
But you don't need A players in every single role (even if you can afford it, which you likely can't)
That's why I prioritize which roles to hire A players for
Mar 10, 2023 • 14 tweets • 2 min read
What's the best metric for tracking your startup's growth?
It's not MRR, revenue growth, or number of new customers.
It's NRR: Net Revenue Retention.
Here's why:
Jan 12, 2023 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
Most CEOs are shocked when they learn that I worked less hours as an $80m CEO than I did as an $8m CEO.
Let me explain 🧵
Here's how most small companies operate:
The owner/founder starts the business, does everything by him/herself, and slowly brings in employees to help with the workload
But the founder still plays a critical role in every function of the business
Jan 5, 2023 • 13 tweets • 2 min read
Just scooped up a new Macbook Air so I could have a "Bedside Macbook" for the moments I want to work from bed.
(I got it in Midnight Blue in case you were wondering.)
Just finished setting it up so figured I'd walk you through the first 10 things I do with a new computer:
1. Download Paste App ()
By far the best Copy/Paste Management tool in the Apple Ecosystem.
It even lets you copy/paste across devices seamlessly.
The biggest hack is saving common "pastes" like your EIN or Address or so you can paste with one
Dec 29, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
I used to think that the ideal CEO was a genius who could run 20 businesses at once
But after working with dozens of CEOs of multi-million dollar businesses, I've realized I was wrong
Here's what the ideal CEO is actually like:
My initial idea of the "super CEO" was just unrealistic
There are a few people who can do it, like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, and Elon Musk
But for the mere mortals like me and most other CEOs, we have to play a different game
Dec 18, 2022 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
CEOs often ask me how do I get my team on the same page?
I ask them: "What does the "same page" mean to you?"
The CEO looking back at me: 👁👄👁
This is very common.
But if the CEO doesn't know what success looks like, how can the team?
Most disfunction in a company is because of a lack of clarity
The leader hasn't properly clarified the goals of the organization
How do you fix this?
Nov 4, 2022 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
Everyone wants to build and scale a company to $100 million.
But very few understand how to do it.
Here's a realistic path to building a $100m+ business:
Every company starts somewhere.
Most start with 1 product for 1 specific type of customer.
Don't make the mistake of obsessing over market size just yet.
You can't get to $100 million if you don't first get to $500k.
Nov 2, 2022 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
For new followers:
I was CEO of AppSumo while it grew from $3m to $80m+ in annual revenue.
Now, I help 7-figure CEOs grow to 9-figures and beyond.
Here are the most important lessons I've learned about running a company:
The CEO’s number one job is making sure the company is successful.
“Success” can mean different things to different companies
Your first job is defining what “success” is
Do you want to build the largest company possible? Or do you want to make $100k and work 5 hours a week?
Oct 19, 2022 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Super underrated growth hack:
Firing customers.
"But Ayman, doesn't that reduce revenue? How is this a growth hack??"
Let me explain:
If you look at most growing companies, they are often in disarray.
That's not a bad thing. It's necessary. Everything is still being figured out.
But what you'll find is that your team spends WAY TOO MUCH TIME with a few customers who are complete pains in the ass.