Ayush Yadav Profile picture
23. GenAI | Building https://t.co/5acl69dvcn , @superheroaipro | Software Engineer | Ex @dashstudioai ,@ Online Thela | Loves to build stuff 💙
Apr 14 4 tweets 1 min read
Can anyone enlighten me on how people Collab on paid projects.

Like if the thing makes money, you divide the revenue or what? + How do you distribute the upside, if someone only puts 10% of time vs other one cares about it & give all they got, how would that thing even split. Basically let's say you decide on sharing the revenue 50/50 between 2 people. Now one codes, one designs, now the designer did their job one day in 10 hours, coding it may need 100s of hrs, the efforts doesn't seem to be equally divided.

I want to learn how to think abt this.
Jan 3 12 tweets 4 min read
How to do DSA when you hate it ?
( From a person who struggled doing it for years ) Image 🤖Why you hate it?

Understand where it's coming from, for me it was being forced to be like everyone else, I didn't wanted to master DSA I already knew the basics from 11 - 12th C++. My goal was to build, but to get a job you need to clear OAs, I was frustrated with the system
Feb 5, 2023 15 tweets 10 min read
I thought of doing open source but android studio had other plans 🥹 Image Shit!! looks like opensource would remain a dream for me. 🥲 Image
Jan 2, 2023 18 tweets 10 min read
I will try to visualise one song with AI, let's see how it goes.

I'll update this thread 🧵
(1/n) Obstacles 1 Already : Stable Diffusion not starting with custom model.

I'll try for few times if it doesn't work I'll use default model.
