Babatolly Profile picture
Architect,Landscape Designer,Future Thinker, Loves Jesus
Apr 19, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Introducing to you the “Razzberry” Delayed gratification is a key component in the development of children.We made age 14 the mobile phone ownership age for our daughter&it wasn’t easy for her as her peers already had phones at age 10. One day,after she was tired of protesting Image She got a brick and made this mimic of a blackberry she named Razzberry we had a great laugh but when the recent issues viral on SM this period in our family came to mind. 1. Parents you must take difficult decisions of you want to have a restful Old age. 2. Children are not your
Oct 3, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
Who’s Nigeria?
The closure of the land borders reveals the philanthropic attitude Nigeria towards nations around W Africa.The pains of great Nigerians who decide to invest in this country but get the wrong end of the stick can say Payday has come. Can we all decide to build this Commonwealth ? The Poultry value chain has been at the receiving end of the smuggling network so sophisticated it went up to the highest office holders in the region&the President of Benin is alleged to be the biggest importer of Frozen chicken into the country which is dumped
Jul 23, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
G2G Goverment to Goverment this was the centre piece of the Siemens Electricity agreement and this is the real reason there is so much angst and hatred for PMB. If you are old enough and familiar with scandals like SCANIA,Fougerolle,R Benstelli you would understand why Nigeria Over the last 50 yrs has not developed holistically. The nomenclature General mercahants and manufactures representative were terms that you would see on call cards of business men from years past but this became our Achilles hill and the downward spiral in our development.
Jan 27, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Your Lordship and the Sanctity of the Bench.
The events around the suspension or removal of the CJN depending on which side of the divide reveals the depth to which compromises has eaten into the Nigerian nation. The what is good for the goose (Ganduje)is good for the gander CJN argument is raging. The selection to the Bench as a Magistrate,Judge or Khadi signifies elevation to a position of Primus inter pares 1st amongst equals. Men may commit atrocities but Judges should be seen to be and act lawfully always. When MY LORDS or Milord is equated to