Stephen Drennan Profile picture
Professional Analyst in USL Championship || Co-founder || Freelance writer✍️⚽for @Craquestats, @CriticFootball_ @Liverpoolcom_ & @EmpireOfTheKop
TheNormalOne Profile picture DAN Profile picture 🇳🇬 Steven Wolfe 🇳🇬 Profile picture 4 subscribed
May 13 8 tweets 2 min read
I'll keep saying it.

From a squad building POV, Nunez is the last forward Liverpool have that the nerd team will see as a problem to solve.

His age and underlying numbers is something you look to acquire.

Forwards aged 28+, regular soft tissue injuries, declining physical related performance metrics - they are big issues.

You are trying to find the point at which their value to you starts to dip below their cost. When their body can no longer perform at this level consistently.

Those are problems you can't give time to or solve later.
Jan 26, 2023 17 tweets 4 min read
The amount of pathetic false equivalence I am seeing from people desperate for the club to be used to wash away the blood of a genocide or civilians being disappeared or executed for being dissidents of a despotic regime is depressing.

Yes, billionaires likely aren't entirely ethical.

No, they are not all the fucking same. People who are committing genocide, dismembering journalists, executing kids, imprisoning/murdering people for being gay - these people are worse.

I don't know how absolutely morally bankrupt and repugnant a human being you need
Jan 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I can only answer on the level he is at right now - but he is one of the best passers of the ball in Brazil, is exceptionally busy in games and has more to his game that simply keeping the ball but also stays behind the ball so isn't appearing in goals & assists too often. There is a tonne of quality there. Looks a lot like Arthur before he left Brazil - and I say that as both a compliment and a warning. It is a very different style and speed of play in Europe compared to Brasileirao matches. He definitely has the talent to step up a level but
Jan 24, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Selling Kelleher is a good thing. I'll explain why.🧵

It says to young players that we won't hold back your career. If you break through and are ready to play and we can't clear a path into the first team for you - we won't get in your way.

But, you make the deal in a way that we can get him back (if we want) when Ali needs to start winding down his career. And he will remember fondly the club that didn't stand in his way instead of the one that held him back, stunted his development and now carries around resentment for them.

You can't think about
Dec 1, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I have two lines of thought on this.

1. He isn't because they don't profile alike. Caicedo would be a controller. A guy to eat Thiago minutes and eventually replace him. He keeps it simple in the main but can pick those dangerous passes when they are there to be played. But he won't waste possession forcing when it isn't there either in the way maybe a Gerrard did in the past. Bellingham is the opposite, doesn't like the simple pass. If he can't hurt a team with the pass then he is going to beat someone to open up a better angle to do so. And he is
Nov 30, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
So, Pep Ljinders in his book talks about 'first pass forwards'. It is a rule at the club that whenever we win it back the first pass has to be forward.

It is clear at this point that England will get the ball. There are two forwards there who can anticipate and run in behind but England don't play that way. Move off the ball? Run ahead of the ball. The fuck would you do that for?

So they just stay where they are and Hendersons attempt at a ball over the top here ends in nothing.

Should Hendo be aware having worked under Southgate that this would
Nov 10, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The official betting partner of Man City.

With their 54 followers.
Their "restricted" website.

All totally legit. DEFINITELY not just a shell company pumping money into Lancechester City to financially dope their way to the top. Nope. They would never.
Nov 9, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Rigged elections is one of the big things on the fascism checklist. We had the police cause appx 5m vote swing between the first and second round of elections here in Brazil through voter suppression and intimidation.

This is what happens when you tolerate the party of intolerance.

Nov 7, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Until you can think of a rational explanation for why FSG would put the club up for sale yet not publicly express this is the case (maybe even possibly disagreeing with it), I would treat the media saying it is up for sale with a LARGE pinch of salt. I'm not going to reply to people's opinions of why they think it is true. Or those purposely avoiding the question and strawmanning their own to answer. That is just a waste of time.
Nov 3, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
Just so we are absolutely clear on what happened with Lula in Brazil.

A fascist judge conspired to have him arrested to remove him as an obstacle from Bolsonaro`s path. Once this was proven WITH EVIDENCE, the charges were annulled.

Some of you seem to struggle to work out who the baddies are in situations so here is some help.

Did you see the police beating people and preventing them voting for Lula on election day? Do you see guys doing Nazi salutes while demanding a democratically elected president is prevented taking
Nov 3, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Neither has to be an option.

If in your heart you genuinely believe Liverpool need to have a major rebuild... that won`t happen by spending over 100m on one midfielder.

And if you DO think our midfield can be solved with 1 midfielder, then have you said that out loud. Because most of what I read on here is people saying we need to sign 3+ midfielders in the next 6 months.
Nov 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Klopp nails it here.

But it is also just a pattern in society now where we have just accepted that governments are corrupt and useless, corporations are corrupt and useless, organising bodies are corrupt and useless... so the onus is on everybody else to deal with it.

Demand better from those at the top. Always. Hold them accountable. Fight for change. Demand accountability and transparency always in every step of the way.

Once it was known the election was rigged and the top people at FIFA were removed, did those who replace them do anything to
Nov 2, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Basically throw into a search bar
dan kennetts @
Simons @
the word Gini

There is a mountain of threads of me trying to explain that the fundamental aim of Gini Wijnaldum was to give the team tactical balance. To pay the tactical debts of those around him. To take care of the principles of play that would dictate whether or not we can impose our game on the opposition because he was playing with midfielders who either didn't understand it or didn't care for it (or in Coutinho's case, were released from them).

There are two performances
Nov 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Seriously... if you think immigration is a problem now, just WAIT until the middle band of the planet becomes practically uninhabitable because the fascists you keep voting for ignored climate change. Where you think those 1 billion people will go? If you destroy countries you create a migration of people.

It is Newton's third law. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

When you "regime change" a country by installing a fascist dictator creating instability - people leave it and move to the now more stable
Nov 1, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
I do sometimes wonder what peoples expectations are of a kid whose two seasons as a fixture in the first team squad have been heavily interrupted by freak injuries.

Klopp has it nailed. He has nurtured through plenty of young talent - and often ignoring the voices of idiots who didn't see the talent or would prefer to just sign some one to fill that place due to a fixation with transfers as being the sole means to improve a team.

Had the same shit with Clyne v Trent when he was breaking through. Seems wild now to think back but it's true. Clyne was
Nov 1, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Just to be clear... I don't see the toxicity as a 'right now' issue. I remember one of the bizarre AFTV wannabees pointing out that we league title win season wasn't that great because we have similar points and a UCL the year before

Moaning after winning the league. IMO abusive people will always be abusive. It isn't the situation that makes them abusive, it is just the vehicle they chose to use for it today. Tomorrow it will be something else. They are pieces of shit. They will always be pieces of shit every day of the week no matter the weather.
Nov 1, 2022 32 tweets 5 min read
Jones so unlucky there.

Brilliant ball from Mo, Jones maybe not ready for it but he exploded from a standing start and got there when maybe 2nd favourite - dinks it over the keeper but it lands on the top of the bar/net Tsimikas switched off to the runner there a little bit and Fabinho bailed him out.

Trent also doing well there to win a ball in the box after played into a bit of trouble from Mo.
Nov 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Based on what I read on here, I think there is something some don't realise.

A player can be great technically and have minimal impact on football matches.
A player can be the most "talented" played on the pitch and have minimal impact on football matches.
A player can be the best athlete on the pitch and have minimal impact on football matches.

These things are easy to see. So everyone can agree that a player is good or bad in those things. That means we feel confident saying they are good/bad players.
Oct 30, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
People always look for simple solutions. Often dumb ones. Build the wall. Brexit. Trickle-down.

Truth is there is a lot of contributing things here. How much did the pandemic delay our future planning? The arse fell out of the market so we had to maybe hang onto people we would otherwise have moved on?

And Sam is right, Klopp has flaws too. But no more than any other manager. Were Neco & Taki useful players that Klopp for whatever reason didn't trust and overplayed others instead? Why push for a new contract on Henderson when he had 2+ years on his
Oct 29, 2022 44 tweets 8 min read
Thoughts on the lineup?

Somewhat surprised there is so little change. Delighted to see Thiago is back - hopefully he can get the midfield ticking. Loved Carvalho's cameo in midweek and hope he can get another go here. More minutes into Jones' legs would be good too.

Yep, this is my take on it also. I said at the end of the Ajax game that if we need to beat Napoli 4-0 I would rather just play the kiddos, give much needed rest to key players (our schedule has been brutal) and then take 2nd and focus on the league.
Oct 28, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
As I said at the time with the Hendo situation - it happened during a substitution so we didn't see it. But there was cameraphone footage of the two talking alone - Hendo seems to say something as Gabriel is walking away, Gabriel reacts. NOBODY was near them. So the other player reactions are simply to what the two were arguing about after the event. Nobody actually heard what was said.

I was speaking to my wife though and neither of us can think of anything that sounds like 'fucking idiot' that would be misheard as racist in