Jessica Ellis Profile picture
Makes Movies. Writes with @ndsinnott. Will never pay for twitter.
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Jul 1 7 tweets 1 min read
So hey, what’s exactly to stop Biden from waking up today and saying “as an official act, all student loan debt is now forgiven.” Or “as an official act, I declare Donald trump exiled from the US.” Or “as an official act, I’m adding 7 judges to SCOTUS.” I mean there would be court cases, but likely not for 4 or 5 years, so what’s exactly the problem?
Jun 24 5 tweets 2 min read
I don’t understand why medical experts continually say things like this. The impact is less if you’re talking about acute deaths and ICU overcrowding. But numbers of people disabled, heart attacks, clots, rare cancers, and *prevalence* the impact is GROWING. Our baseline is going steadily *up.* in terms of infections, our lowest low point is now in spitting distance of the high point of 2020, and that’s with significant data reduction (meaning, there’s actually way more.) Image
Jun 6 10 tweets 2 min read
I mean, I don’t know about statistics, but my husband and I are both about 40, I eat 1/3rd of what he does normally, I’ve gained 20 lbs in the last 2 years due to chronic illness/perimenopause, he decided to drop 10 lbs and did it in 3 weeks by restricting his calories to 2000. Women’s metabolisms slow down DRAMATICALLY as they age, not to mention the body changes that come with childbirth/menopause. There’s nothing wrong with that at all, except our culture value of thinness.
Jun 1 7 tweets 2 min read
“Stop telling relatable stories about your life, tell sequels instead” is absolutely the worst possible conclusion anyone could come to. I’ll tell you the problem (I think) with Pixar, and no one is going to like it: the animation used to be groundbreaking or very unique to each film, with a heavy focus on specific settings - and it isn’t anymore.
May 30 13 tweets 4 min read
People LOVE to throw charges of paranoid risk assessment at anyone remotely Covid conscious. It’s a very laughable argument. Humans are *terrible* at risk assessment, but Covid is one of the areas where cautious people are hands-down right, according to the numbers. I know an awful lot of people who were given school presentations about anti-smoking and lung cancer. We banned smoking in most indoor spaces as a result of the risk. We sued tobacco companies! The risk of developing lung cancer from smoking? 10-20%. 1-2 out of 10. Image
May 22 18 tweets 4 min read
Welcome to the weird era I’ve been warning about since the pandemic started with scripts, where everything is either bizarrely set in 2019 for no reason, or the year is never mentioned. Ok, lemme elaborate on this since it’s gone viral. First, the source of my claim is that I read somewhere between 25-40 scripts a month - most by newer writers, some at studios. I read *a lot* of scripts, that’s my data. And I’ve been noticing this since 2021.
May 20 4 tweets 1 min read
If you browse the Reddit long Covid forums, you find hundreds, if not thousands, of posts like this. I really wonder what people’s explanation is for all these vibrant, ambitious people suddenly magically stopping all work and collapsing if Long Covid isn’t real. Image You think that, coincidental to a pandemic (that’s “just a cold”,) ALL of these people developed the same kind of unnamed mental illness that makes you quit your job, lay on the couch all day, spend thousands on doctor visits, and go totally broke?
Mar 12 7 tweets 2 min read
Re: That Article but also just relationships, something I’ve learned over 14 years of marriage is that there are lines and walls. Lines can be negotiated and compromised around. You hate their mom. They don’t like ironing. These are lines. Walls are things that no matter how convenient it would be be or how logical you are, cannot be changed or negotiated. If your partner is bi, for instance, you can’t convince them to be straight. If your mom was killed by bees, you will probably never share their love of bees.
Mar 11 11 tweets 3 min read
“My husband might die if he gets Covid again. But I want to go to restaurants.”

My god do y’all hear yourselves. Here’s the thing about a chronic illness or a medical vulnerability: it changes your life, and it’s not fun. And it’s not the vulnerable person’s job to compensate their partner for that change, because it’s not a choice they’re making, it’s a necessity of their condition.
Oct 17, 2023 14 tweets 2 min read
Friendly Neighborhood Script Reader here: let me talk a little about unfilmables before I walk into the sea about them. An unfilmable in a script is a piece of prose that gives the reader information but not the viewing audience. They tend to crop up in character intros, but can be in other places, too. An example is something like “JOE, 60s, Loves his 5 grandkids.”
Oct 6, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I ask this when I see tweets like this. Whose side in this situation do you want to be on? And whose side does your behavior align with? I’m not gonna argue the unimpeachable science that getting Covid is very bad and wearing masks is preventative. But I *know* there are smart, kind people out there who are choosing not to protect others because they have social permission to do so. And I know they can shift back.
Aug 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Guys you have no idea about the scripts I read. It’s my job. Heartbreaking dramas. Wildly funny comedies. Groundbreaking sci fi. Diverse voices. Amazing love stories. Biopics of fascinating people I’ve never heard of.
Almost none of them get made.
It’s not the writers. Almost all truly great movies require a studio to take a risk on a new voice, a new idea, or a new twist audiences haven’t seen a million times. The way studios work now, those are all the OPPOSITE of what they want. They want a McDonalds hamburger, every day, every meal.
Aug 9, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Covid is going up pretty significantly everywhere right now, so I say this as a caution, not for sympathy: my life is nearly unrecognizable since I got Covid in 2022. I have what’s considered very mild long Covid. What does that mean?… Well for me, debilitating fatigue. I cannot walk for more than 15 minutes on a flat surface. If I try to walk twenty, I can end up in bed for a week. No exercise. No yoga. No long grocery trips. No amusement parks. No fun days wandering the beach. No sports or physical games.
Jul 18, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Here’s another gentle thought from your friendly neighborhood script reader: sex scenes! I love ‘em, but they’re an art! A lot of writers stumble when they try to write intimate prose. This is an area to research! Romance novels and fanfic are THE PLACE to study up on this. Sometimes these descriptions are very bad and you will recoil reading them! So take the time to learn what terminology you actually find arousing on the page, and what reads as clinical or off-putting. Just because you’ve had IRL sex doesn’t make you a sex-writing expert!
Jul 16, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Here’s your friendly neighborhood script reader thought of the day: if you are writing about real places and real issues - like say, NASA - it will help you to assume that one of your readers has never heard of NASA, and one is a literal astronaut. Here’s why I think this: You need the astronaut to keep you honest on research. Of course movies can and do fudge details, and most experts are FINE with that - but if you’re getting the very very googleable basics wrong, your astronaut reader will go through the roof. And should!
Jun 3, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I’ve been thinking about all this AI art stuff, and man, the “rest of the painting” ones were sure a giveaway as to what I think is going on. We can argue about the concept of souls and creativity all we want, sure. But what an artist provides that I think people are starting to hate and fear is perspective.
Jun 1, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I am very very tired of the idea that characters should make perfect moral decisions at all times, like exactly zero people do. You talk shit about your friends! You sometimes do underhanded things when you know better! When you feel insecure or frightened, I bet you revert to some bad prior habits! You sometimes think or say mean things because you’re feeling snarky!
May 31, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I’m the one!
Six months after I had Covid, I am struggling with energy - about 30-50% of my pre-Covid normal, and a rapid weight gain that is inexplicable by calories in/out.

Don’t get Covid. I’ve tried to manage all this in a few ways. Scheduled rests throughout the day were a big help. I’ve gradually added in light exercise- I can walk about .8 of a mile now, and that’s a massive improvement - as well as gentle yoga and very very gentle weights. Still—
May 30, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
I love playing piano and then I hear someone who can actually play and it’s like - no, what? That’s impossible. How many arms do they have?? I’ve been teaching myself since about 2021. I’m not good! There is such a wide gap between where I am (“can play intermediate Pixar songs in three months of practice”) and good!
May 30, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Love the contention that she has no bottom half at all, it’s just half a lady in front of dirt. Image Da Vinci was known for painting ladies pokin out of big dirt
May 30, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This is an incredible read on the racist, sexist, toxic culture of LOST, created and encouraged by Lindelof and Cruse, who are both doing very well in Hollywood 15 years later. Bad people can make great television, and their talent is used as an excuse to be worse. But good people can also make great television, and I guarantee if we got rid of every toxic showrunner in town and replaced them with decent people, quality would go up, not down.