Hawk Moth Dad Profile picture
Professionally anxious. Autistic queer enby comics creator + personality nerd (INTJ/RLOEI 5w6 SP/SX) with OCD. Resin dice maker. Fan of the twitter thread.
Mar 4, 2019 18 tweets 3 min read
Okay. So I'm watching The Good Doctor and there's this episode where an autistic patient and her autistic roommate...interact...in an ambiguously romantic way (S02E13). As this was being set up I was overwhelmed with how much I needed this.

(Uh, spoilers.) She asks if they can have sex in the hospital room and I pause the episode so I can grab my chest and beg the show to please, please, please let this happen. Please let this happen.
Apr 20, 2018 10 tweets 2 min read
Read a r/OCD thread about someone obsessing that they have ASD, taking every diagnostic test, not scoring as autistic, and still obsessing.

And I'm like, wow, that was not at all my trajectory. Every test I took said SEE A PSYCHOLOGIST NOW PLEASE, YOU JUST BLEW UP OUR TEST.

The thought that ASD might be underlying all my strange obsessions, compulsions, and anxiety all these years is so incredibly freeing and liberating I don't even know where to begin unpacking.