Editor of The Free Press @thefp
Host of Honestly @thehonestlypod
Head of @nelliebowles fan club
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Aug 7, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Lots of debate @TheFP about Tim Walz. I'm proud of the mix we've published today, which reflects that.
First up @opinion_joe makes the case for Walz. The Dems have been tagged as a party of elites. Tim Walz isn't, Joe says. And he's also no radical:
Harris is entitled to pick the VP she thinks will help her win. But that man, argues @bungarsargon, was Josh Shapiro. And there is only one reason he was passed over: the antisemites of the Democratic Party had their say.
If you thought that the Hitler-loving reporter in Gaza was the only scandal @nytimes, think again. 🧵
A few days ago, the paper published this story about the atmosphere in Saudi Arabia post-Oct. 7 massacre.
In it, you hear from Sultan Alamer, a grad student in Harvard's Center for Mideast Studies.
The old regime at Twitter governed by its own whims and biases and it sure looks like the new regime has the same problem. I oppose it in both cases. And I think those journalists who were reporting on a story of public importance should be reinstated.
I have never been swayed by the "Twitter is a private company" argument. And I'm left wondering, as I wrote yesterday @TheFP, whether any unelected individual or clique should have this kind of power over the public conversation. You can read it here: thefp.com/p/why-we-went-…
Dec 12, 2022 • 47 tweets • 13 min read
1. On the morning of January 8, President Donald Trump, with one remaining strike before being at risk of permanent suspension from Twitter, tweets twice.
Dec 9, 2022 • 31 tweets • 8 min read
1. A new #TwitterFiles investigation reveals that teams of Twitter employees build blacklists, prevent disfavored tweets from trending, and actively limit the visibility of entire accounts or even trending topics—all in secret, without informing users.
Jun 16, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
My friend @AbigailShrier broke open the story of medically transitioning children. She was way ahead of the curve, and for that she paid a price. People lied about her. They smeared her. Target banned her book. The ACLU's most prominent lawyer called for it to be banned.
Today in The New York Times, @emilybazelon validates the groundbreaking reporting she did for Common Sense featuring Dr. Erica Anderson and Dr. Marci Bowers, who bravely blew the whistle on 'sloppy' care.
Oct 17, 2021 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
It's been quite a weekend...
Last night I was deeply honored to receive the Daniel Pearl Award from @LAPressClub and @yudapearl. This is the speech I gave: forward.com/news/israel/47…
I was thrilled, also, to finally sit down with my friend @benshapiro for his Sunday Special. Watch our conversation here:
Sep 10, 2021 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
I didn't start a newsletter to make a living publishing my columns. I started it because I want to run the best opinion page in the country, full of scoops, reporting, and fresh insight.
I think we delivered on that goal for back-to-school week (Thread!): bariweiss.substack.com/p/back-to-scho…
First up was @SnoozyWeiss with a feature about the explosion in American homeschooling (some five million kids, double the number from 2019): bariweiss.substack.com/p/american-hom…
By now you know about Jodi Shaw (@Smith_Surge). But perhaps you have not yet heard about Gabrielle Clark and her son, William. (Thread).
William is a biracial teenager in Nevada. He lives in transitional housing with his mother, Gabrielle, who is black and disabled. William works at a local fast food restaurant to support his mother and two siblings. His father died when he was young.
Feb 5, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Here's a little good news for a terrible news day. (Thread.) Toward the beginning of Covid, I wrote a piece about the holy work done by hospital chaplains. One of those people was Rocky Walker. This is Rocky:
Before he became a chaplain at Mt. Sinai, Walker served 25 years in the Army. Anyway, Rocky is a mensch. So when he texted me to say: Do you have any idea how I can get Super Bowl tickets? I’m a lifelong Chiefs fan and I heard they are giving some to health-care workers. . .
Jan 28, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Thread: There is no more important story in the Jewish world this month. Read it. You think you know how bad the California ethnic studies curriculum. It's way, way worse. And it affects millions of children: tabletmag.com/sections/news/…
California's schools are mandating the erasure of Jews and the acceptance of anti-Zionism. I blame every single American Jewish leader who didn't bang on about this every single day. Every single one.
Dec 11, 2020 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Let me tell you a little bit about @RubensteinAdam, who as of this week is out at @nytimes. Adam is among the most meticulous, hard-working editors I've ever encountered. He is a total professional, which is all the more amazing because he's 25. (thread) thedailybeast.com/ny-times-assis…
Adam doesn't seek the spotlight, which is why you likely hadn't heard his name until June as the editor who published the Tom Cotton oped. Adam was one of half a dozen editors who worked on that piece. He was the most junior among them. Yet Adam was named by @nytimes.
Oct 18, 2020 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Today the New York Times ran an oped about the Million Man March and Louis Farrakhan. If you read the oped and knew nothing about Farrakhan, you would think he was a gentleman. (Thread) nytimes.com/2020/10/17/opi…
More than that. You'd think he was deferential to women: "Amid critiques that the Million Man March was exclusionary and sexist, he took the advice of the women."
Let's take a look at some of Louis Farrakahn's views.
In Judaism, as you may know, we have a concept of teshuva. A lot of people translate the word as repentance, but it means a return. As in: a return to one's higher self, to one's ideals, to the good, to righteousness. (1/4)
Teshuva, or the possibility of change, “precedes the world” says Pirkei Avot, the Sayings of the Fathers. The Talmud teaches that “the place where the repentant stand is even greater than where the entirely righteous ones stand.”
Jun 4, 2020 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
The civil war inside The New York Times between the (mostly young) wokes the (mostly 40+) liberals is the same one raging inside other publications and companies across the country. The dynamic is always the same. (Thread.)
The Old Guard lives by a set of principles we can broadly call civil libertarianism. They assumed they shared that worldview with the young people they hired who called themselves liberals and progressives. But it was an incorrect assumption.
Apr 7, 2020 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
For many of us, this will be the first Passover seder we've held in imperfect times. I find myself thinking of Jews in other times and places who found ways to celebrate in truly dire circumstances. At my family's seder tomorrow, we're going to talk about them. (Thread)
The Jews forced to take their Judaism underground during the Spanish Inquisition: rabbibarbara.com/secret-passove…
Apr 15, 2018 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Thread: The latest episode of @Vice on Gaza + Jerusalem truly deserves a proper fisking. But just focusing on the segment's treatment of Hamas, for a moment.
"The party is very popular," the reporter tells us from a rally. I wonder why. Perhaps Gazans feel pressure to show their fealty to Hamas? Because this is their idea of justice for suspected "traitors." npr.org/sections/paral…