Bart Barber Profile picture
Pastor FBC Farmersville TX; Lake City, AR; Baylor Univ; SWBTS. SBC Messenger. Cooperating joyfully.
2 subscribers
Feb 23 7 tweets 1 min read
When you get up and attend Sunday worship with your church family, you are accomplishing at least four things. 1/7 1. You are telling your family, neighbors, fellow church members, the people walking by when you walk from the parking lot to the church, and yourself—telling all those people that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important thing that ever happened to you. 2/7
Feb 10 21 tweets 4 min read
Last week, I posted a series of videos celebrating the Cooperative Program. I plan to continue to do so a lot this year. I would encourage you to join me in doing so. There is much to celebrate. Very many of you celebrated the CP with me in comments, messages, and likes. A few people replied saying that they could not support the Cooperative Program because of their disagreements with CP-funded entities. Most of these objections to cooperation fell loosely into three buckets:
Oct 18, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Twelve years ago today, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association removed Mormonism from its list of cults (Christianity-related non-Christian religions). Why? Because Mitt Romney was the GOP nominee. I saw something that day that I’ve never been able to unsee. For some of the most politically involved Christians, there is no tenet of Christianity that cannot be compromised if political sensibilities demand it.
Sep 27, 2024 22 tweets 4 min read
A quick note this morning to those few SBC churches who have a woman serving in a role called "Children's Pastor," "Preschool Pastor," or something like that. The Law Amendment did not pass. There's no gun to your head. I want the cooperative relationship between your church and my church to last another century—long after I'm gone. I respect you and your church.
Dec 13, 2023 18 tweets 3 min read
Non-connectionalism in the life of the SBC: 🧵

Usually we use the term "non-connectionalism" to describe the fact that local associations, state conventions, the Southern Baptist Convention, and the various entities all along the way neither own nor govern one another. If you're not a Southern Baptist, it can be a bewildering structure. It comes down to this, though: These entities work together because we want to, not because we have to. Your local association can promote the SBC, attack the SBC, ignore the SBC, or anything in between.
Dec 11, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
About grieving.

We first noticed unmistakeable signs of dementia in Mom more than 20 years before she died in June. Her's was a slow-moving course of suspected Alzheimer's inflicted upon a very health body.

In 1997, Dad died within six months of his cancer diagnosis. So, those are two very different experiences of grief.

For Mom this year, there was a sense of relief that she had made it to the "absent from the body"/"at home with the Lord" finish line, since her body had become such a source of suffering and debilitation for her.
Oct 11, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Since I just retweeted @ken_keathley regarding Baptist theology and Christian Nationalism, I'll offer a bit more precision.

It is not Christian Nationalism to vote or legislate in ways that are informed by Christian ethics. NOT CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM: Voting…
…for restaurants to be closed on Sundays.
…against any nonsense that can't tell a boy from a girl.
…against gambling, or payday loans, or legalized marijuana.
…to protect unborn life.
Mar 15, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
What is a "point of order"? Every deliberative body like the Southern Baptist Convention operates according to some basic rules of order.
Mar 15, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
As we near the Annual Meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention, my Twitter feed is going to be increasingly focused upon the primary task before me as SBC President—ensuring a fair meeting that protects the rights of all SBC messengers. Toward that end, I will make greater and greater effort, as June nears, to avoid expressing my opinions upon the questions likely to face the messenger body and to provide information that will help you to know how to navigate the processes of the SBC.
Mar 13, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
My annual physical takes place today. A lot of you probably don’t get one every year (or maybe ever). Here’s why I have done so for years: 1. My insurance pays for it. Regardless of deductible or coinsurance, they just pay for it. That means someone with all of the data and the math concluded that this is a worthwhile investment to prevent major, expensive illness down the road. I’m down with not being sick later.
Mar 3, 2023 10 tweets 1 min read
Trying to put this into my heart and mind today: Whatever is true—you have solid, defensible sources to justify believing that it is accurate…
Feb 28, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Well, I don't know what went wrong here…only the lead tweet of the thread posted. Hmmm. Anyway… The second reason is that, alongside some narrow objections to the EC's recent decisions ("I agree in these cases, but worry that this will go further" or "I agree with the theology, but not with excluding churches over this"), many have decried complementarianism.
Feb 23, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
I think it is important to note that @Saddleback has the right to appeal the decision of the @SBCExecComm, and that this is actually the most direct mechanism for the messengers to be able to vote on this question. To suggest that the SBCEC has usurped the messengers in taking this action both misrepresents the procedure outlined in our bylaws and misconstrues the spirit of the EC members in making the decisions.
Oct 13, 2022 18 tweets 3 min read
Twenty-five years ago today, my dad died.

He was—he remains—a colossal figure in my life. I've written before in fits and starts about how and why he means so much to me. Today, instead, I thought I would just list off some of his accomplishments. 1. He was the Controller of Accounts for Arkansas State University when he was barely out of college himself. At the time, he was the youngest in the nation to hold that position for a state university.
Oct 12, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
If you’re at the @StateFairOfTX this weekend, stop by to see me in the cattle barn. We will be there with Iris the Show Heifer. I expect to be there Thursday evening, all day Friday, Saturday evening, late Sunday evening, and all morning and afternoon on Monday. I’ll be away Saturday morning to speak for the Brazos Valley Baptist Association. The crowd will likely contain large numbers of Aggies, so pray for me.
Oct 5, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
@profsamperry Thank you for replying. Do you mind if I pose a question or two to seek clarification?

Let's suppose that in our nation, by the grace of God, Christian efforts at evangelism and discipleship were to become EXTREMELY effective. As a result, 90% of the population was evangelical. @profsamperry In our hypothetical scenario, this evangelical supermajority made no efforts to establish any sort of church-state synthesis. Let's assume ad arguendo that they were overwhelmingly committed to the sort of church-state separation Roger Williams promoted.
Oct 4, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
A reporter recently asked me about Christian Nationalism. He asked me about a lot of things, and that material didn't make the cut, so I feel free to share it (expanded a bit) here. I love my country. I'm a proud American. At FBC Farmersville, we encourage people to obey Romans 13:7 individually, and we sometimes obey it corporately, giving thanks to God for our nation in our corporate worship.
Sep 27, 2022 34 tweets 5 min read
Article VI of "The Baptist Faith & Message" is entitled "The Church." It is an important article for a family of churches (Baptists) who separated from other churches over the doctrine of the church and the ordinances of the church. Toward the end, this article reads "[A church's] scriptural officers are pastors and deacons. While both men and women are gifted for service in the church, the office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by Scripture."
Sep 16, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
If you ask an abortion abolitionist to protect a woman from being prosecuted for having her life saved from an ectopic pregnancy, he'll be glad to put that sentiment into a tweet.

He just won't put it into his proposed law. If you ask him to protect minors, women coerced by abusive spouses or boyfriends, women coerced by parents, women coerced by their pimps or traffickers, he'll be glad to put that sentiment into a tweet.

He just won't put it into his proposed law.
Sep 15, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
This tweet represents the lowest point of dishonesty to which we can descend when we sell out to the crass tone of secular politics instead of following the way of Christ. Deevers is attacking the consistent pro-life position of the Southern Baptist Convention as represented by more than 20 resolutions adopted over the span of 40 years. To give some specific details…
Jul 8, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
@jenlyell I'm on vacation this week, and my phone only works in specific places (and sometimes even time of day affects it). I apologize for seeing this so late, @jenlyell.

This is a very emotional topic. It's emotional for me, too. But I want to try to provide more light than heat: @jenlyell Jennifer Lyell's claims have been investigated and corroborated. They have been investigated by people close to the situation who have first-hand knowledge of the people and context involved.