Barton Smith Profile picture
Recccently: @spotify Creation, Car Thing, Canvas ✦ Befffore: @fiftythree, @facebook, @fuseproject ✦ Trying to find my way.
May 18, 2021 18 tweets 6 min read
Designing for Android 🤖📱

I've spent too many hours over the years cross-referencing websites, taking screenshots on different devices, looking at internal data, and searching for documentation in order to understand what screens to design for.

Here's what I've learnt [1/12] If you only design for one resolution, choose 360 x 740dp. It's most common and is similar to other popular resolutions (360 x 720, 747, 780).

If you only buy one device, choose a Samsung S Series that's 1-2 generations old. Right now, that would be an S9 or S10.