Bastian Herre Profile picture
Researcher @OurWorldInData. I make research on democracy, human rights, armed conflict, and violence easier to access and understand. he/him
Sep 20, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
Tomorrow is #PeaceDay. What’s the current state of peace and conflict worldwide?

We are closer to peace than for most of the 20th century, when many more people died in conflicts.

But deaths have recently increased in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe.

A 🧵 with key charts: Image Armed conflict is common.

Recently, at least 150 armed conflicts were ongoing each year.

This number is up from previous decades, but even then, it rarely fell below 100, and there has been no year without armed conflict for centuries. Image
Sep 21, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
Today is World #PeaceDay. How far have we come in our quest for a peaceful world?

Conflicts have become more common, but less deadly since World War II. But in recent years more people have died in conflicts than in prior decades.

A 🧵with some key charts: Image The number of conflicts involving at least one government has increased.

But conflicts between states have almost disappeared.

It is conflicts between governments and parts of their population that have become more common — especially those with foreign involvement. Image
Sep 15, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
Today is International Democracy Day. So let’s check in on the development and state of democracy in the world.

The world has become much more democratic over the last centuries. But some of this progress has recently been reversed.

A 🧵with some key charts: Image In the 19th century, there were few countries one could call democracies.

Today there are around 90 democracies, about half of all countries. Image
Jul 5, 2022 18 tweets 8 min read
Would you like to learn more about democracy?

Try our new Democracy Data Explorer!…

It provides several hundred interactive visualizations from eight leading democracy datasets.

A 🧵about what it includes: Democracy data can be difficult to access and understand.

The Democracy Data Explorer therefore provides and explains data from eight datasets: RoW, V-Dem, the Lexical Index, Boix-Miller-Rosato, Polity, Freedom House, EIU and BTI.
Feb 3, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
In my new article for @OurWorldInData, I look at how old democracies are across the world.

In most countries, democracy is a recent achievement. Dictatorship is far from a distant memory: To some young (and even older) people living in democracies, authoritarianism may seem like a long-forgotten part of their country’s history.

But this impression does not match people’s experiences across the world.
Dec 22, 2021 31 tweets 16 min read
🚨New Dataset Alert!🚨

What economic ideologies do political leaders have around the world?

A 🧵 on what we learn from the Global Leader Ideology dataset (GLI) I have built over the last four years, and why it matters.

#polisciresearch #socsciresearch Social scientists have long studied — and often found — that leftist governments pursue different policies than rightist governments (read a recent summary here: But this research has mainly focused on OECD countries, neglecting other parts of the world.