Brittany Profile picture
Communicator. Past: @GOP, @Citizens_United, @ScottWalker. Tweets/opinions are my own and all that jazz.
Potato Of Reason Profile picture 1 subscribed
Sep 12 8 tweets 2 min read
I rewatched the debate (I know, I know). And I think a lot of us that work in politics (especially conservative politics) had a snap reaction based on how we would want our messaging or strategy to play out against VP Harris missed something huge. Millions of Americans are just tuning into the election, millions say they don't know enough or much about Harris. And the first question was are you better off than you were 4 years ago and the very first impression Harris gave millions was a rambling answer about nothing.
Sep 1 11 tweets 2 min read
The Biden-Harris administration and the Harris campaign refuse to reach out to the Gold Star families of the Abbey Gate disaster because then they’d have to admit the Afghanistan withdrawal was a disaster. So, they essentially ignored the anniversary. Trump, at the request of the families, went to a ceremony and showed a human side, a compassionate side, and in doing so highlighted the reality that Biden and Harris routinely ignore these families.
Nov 21, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
Remember when all The Post had to do was delete a story that ended up being completely and totally accurate and EVERYONE tried to pretend it wasn't (even though it was very obviously true)? Just over two years ago. Good times. Also: this is how Twitter ended up with Elon. The Hunter Biden laptop/NY Post/Twitter debacle was the beginning of the movement that ultimately culminated in Elon taking over. Censoring conversation they disagreed with while allowing the flipping Taliban to post was a major Red Pill moment for a LOT of people.
Nov 21, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I actually think this is my favorite line: "Two weeks ago, Mrs. Fetterman’s husband, John, beat television personality Mehmet Oz". As if that's all Oz was. Just a television personality, nothing more. Uh huh. We all have to call Jill Biden "Dr. Jill Biden", but Oz who is an actual M.D., is just a television personality. Okay.
Nov 20, 2022 19 tweets 15 min read
I think the weird part of watching so many have a near existential crisis over how weird twitter feels to them, is that to so many of us it feels exactly the same or better. In the early days there wasn't the ability (that I know of) for "blue checks" to filter out conversations so they only spoke to each other and not the "little people". It was an open conversation with EVERYONE.
Nov 4, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
"The new data released Friday from the Centers for Disease Control shows that the death rate for American women between the ages of 35 and 44 spiked by 42%" Note the age group- and it's easy to see why/how this group felt hopeless. Just devastating. I remember talking to friends without kids during the pandemic and they'd shrug off a lot of the pandemic "policies" as not a big deal. And it wasn't, for them. It didn't impact their lives the same way it did ours.
Nov 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Just left the grocery store here in AZ and even as someone who does all the regular shopping and budgeting ini my house AND watching the news regularly, I'm still always shocked by how high the prices are. People care about their bottom line. It's all pretty simple. The Dems, who have control of the legislative and executive branch at this very moment, have NO plan to fix this. And that's why they're going to lose next week.
Nov 4, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
I didn't have twitter mocking a foster and adoptive family for buying enough milk to meet the needs of their 9 kids and new placement on my bingo card for today, but here we are. This place is nothing if not always on-brand. "Why don't more good people sign up to become foster parents?"

CNN airs a great piece about inflation being a burden on foster/adoptive family and them trying to afford to meet the needs of all the kids in their care.

Twitter: Mocks them for buying so much food.

Nov 4, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
I was paying $1.59 just a few months ago. The biggest disconnect with inflation for a lot might just be that they don't regularly go into the stores to do their grocery shopping, stick to a budget, use coupons, and therefore aren't paying close attention to prices. I think people using services like Instacart or even store pickup for a year+ has created this disconnect between a lot of people and the cost of goods (particularly food).
Nov 3, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
"Durr raised more than $10,000 during their campaign but spent only $153: $66.64 at Dunkin to buy food and drinks for staff and $86.67 for paper flyers and business cards"… “We have a district that is 150,00 voters. Senator Sweeney has never broken 32,000 votes …. and so I felt if he can’t even get half the district, that means there’s numbers out there to be taken"…
Jul 22, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
The messaging should be: "if you are vaccinated, you are protected from the worst symptoms of the virus, it's effective and you don't need to wear a mask. If you are unvaccinated, we recommend wearing an N95 mask." That's it, anything else is madness. We were told not to wear masks to be able to save the supply for medical professionals. They shrugged and didn't say anything when people were wearing cloth masks (that are basically a joke). A year and a half in with nearly 50% of Americans vaxxed, it's time to say N95 is it.
Jul 20, 2021 13 tweets 2 min read
By their own standards, can we now call the TX delegation trip to DC a "super-spreader" event? I have so many questions about all of this at this point. The term "super-spreader" was always overused, especially during the summer spike. Though large gatherings were banned, we knew it was always small gatherings (like the ones the TX delegation had all week in DC) were the events in which COVID spread quickly.
Apr 21, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Something we need to do better on: mental health support for children in foster care, for foster families, and for families of origin. It's way tougher than it should be to get support in these circumstances, and often the support you ultimately get is insufficient. Foster parents often get a bad rap, but lots of us (I'm a former foster parent) fight TIRELESSLY for these kids, and we are met with endless roadblocks.
Apr 20, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
I'd also venture a guess that there's a decent number of people that are holding out on the vaccine bc they don't trust their leaders to lift restrictions anytime soon and they have seen post after post talking about the experiences with side effects and they are putting it off. I think it was with good intentions and a desire to be honest that people posted on FB about every side effect they experienced- but I have talked to people who are hesitant and said that plus knowing it won't change the rules are why they're waiting.