How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App's a real—not insignificant—chance that in a few years' time this Court will seek to affirm an effort by democracy-proof GOP majorities in gerrymandered purple states to overturn the will of their voters and install Donald Trump as President, ending our democratic experiment“It is not just that conservatives in power are guiding us toward some form of government the political scientists call ‘managed democracy’ or ‘competitive authoritarianism’; it is that they have basically already implemented it at the state level in various places.” use the word "replace" intentionally: as Andreas Wiedemann recently summarized, “A growing body of work associates higher debt levels with limited welfare states, suggesting that the former can substitute for the latter.” Student debt is but one example.… invisibility of wealth means: when we attempt to "target" public programs by economic circumstance (as through means-testing)—or generally, when we measure/discuss economic inequality—we look only at the FLOW of current-year income rather than the STOCK of accumulated wealth. more on Roberts' flip see pages 957-60 in my article:… key point is that they don’t have to win these lawsuits in order to use these lawsuits to “win”—to hold onto power after Jan. The GOP legislatures in PA+MI could cite these cases to appoint their own electors. They’ve previously indicated that they would not, but they *could*