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John Galt 🇫🇷 cpt secours JohnGalt1 🇳🇱 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Sep 14, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
A court in #Dhaka has ordered 2 years imprisonment for Adilur Rahman Khan, the editor of the human rights organization #Odhikar and ASM Nasir Uddin Elan, the director of the organization, in the case filed under the Information Technology Act.

@rushanaraali @FCDOGovUK Image On May 5, 2013, Hefajat #Islam held a rally at Shapla Chattar in Motijheel. Later, the leaders of the organization announced a night stay at the gathering place. Law and order forces conducted a joint operation to remove them from there. #Odhikar claimed that 61 people were killed in that operation.