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Ross Grayson, MPH, CIH Profile picture 2 subscribed
Sep 16, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
Do neutralising antibodies really protect you from infection, or are they just a correlate? Our collaboration with SIREN @UKHSA is out – a case control study of people who were infected during the UK's first wave and re-infected during the second. 1/n… We found very low or absent neutralising antibodies in these rare re-infected individuals. They all mounted excellent nAb responses after re-infection. Very striking!
Jan 20, 2022 15 tweets 12 min read
Three doses of vaccine protects healthy people reasonably well against Omicron. The critical question is: how well will vaccines protect the most vulnerable? Here we look at a correlate of vaccine efficacy in a vulnerable group. @TheLancet with @EdjCarr.… 2/n We report authentic live virus neutralisation (best correlate of vaccine efficacy) of Omicron & Delta by haemodialysis (HD) patients after 3rd doses of BNT162b2.
Funding @Kidney_Research @NKF_UK @PKDCharity @KidneyWales
Thanks to patients taking part & @ukkidney colleagues.
Aug 12, 2021 16 tweets 10 min read
Delighted to share this in @TheLancet, with @EdjCarr. Neutralisation of live SARS-CoV-2 (+variants) in haemodialysis patients after BNT162b2 or ChAdOx-1.…
Funding @Kidney_Research @NKF_UK @PKDCharity @KidneyWales
Thanks to patients taking part. 1/n 2/n Context-1: Haemodialysis [HD] patients respond poorly to traditional vaccines.
Hepatitis B vaccine is reformulated
Pneumococcal boosters are recommended
Influenza vaccine responses are attenuated
Context-2: HD patients either excluded from Phase III trials, or not reported.
Apr 5, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
Can regular testing help with reducing the spread of Covid? Yes it definitely can, in the right context. It's not a panacea, but with education and other sectors of the economy opening up before we are fully vaccinated it's vital we try to make this work.… First, the basics. You will never detect infection in the first day or two after exposure. Then the viral load goes up massively, then – after that – symptoms start. The idea behind these programmes is to detect cases before symptoms start, and to detect asymptomatic cases.
Dec 31, 2020 14 tweets 5 min read
Right Twitter, it's been a dreadful 2020 and the first half of 2021 isn't looking too clever either. For no other reason than hubris, I wish to bestow my own awards for best Pandemic tweeting of 2020. These are of course entirely worthless, being based purely on my own bias. First category is hotly contested: best ITU tweeter of the pandemic. Nominations @rupert_pearse (reality), @WelshGasDoc (humour) and @kennethbaillie (science). But the winner is... @charlot_summers.
Jul 24, 2020 14 tweets 6 min read
A thread as promised on this… from George Kassiotis’ lab including @kevinWng and others @thecrick, the result of incredible teamwork with @uclh. This is a paper born of adversity, and contains two really important and unexpected findings. When the pandemic hit London hard – very hard – we had minimal diagnostic capacity. Our main focus was the critically important qPCR pipeline for diagnosing active infection,