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Just A Bear Trying Mightily Not to Shrug. Avi may or may not be me. Blocked by the Ambassador of France to the US and Cher? Hot according to @GayPatriot
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Jul 4, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
🧵 1/ Each 4th of July I relay the contents of a letter written by George Washington, our truly great American. The letter is to the Touro Synagogue of Newport RI, but applies to everyone. Washington's words are more important and relevant today than any other in my lifetime. 2/ With Jews under attack in the US and abroad, and the foundation of American values undermined daily, the words of the Founding Father hold greater weight than ever, and provide a greater model to strive to achieve. The letter emerged after Washington visited Newport. The
Apr 24, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
🧵1/ I usually do this on the 4th of July as a message of hope and as a goal for America and Americans. I do not feel I can wait until then. In 1790, after visiting Newport RI, President Washington received a letter from the Hebrew Congregation at the Touro Synagogue. The letter 2/ came after the visit and praised President Washington, but, as a people for whom welcome was not forthcoming in Europe and throughout their history, the Jews of Newport wrote to Washington to determine their status as Americans. Based on their historical treatment, they asked
Apr 10, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ For those who believe the government has ever been able to solve any economic issue or improves peoples' lives, I present Exhibit A on why it does not: Government created and incentivized 401(k) plans for retirement savings. 401(k) plans actually recognize that taxation 2/ harms individuals in terms of saving and investing in businesses. Great you say, "I have a tax efficient means of funding my retirement!" Not so fast. The government also is the only source of macro inflation. The government prints more and more currency to cover bloated
Jul 4, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
A 4th of July🧵 Each year I Tweet what I consider the most beautiful, aspirational, and inspirational letter in the annals of U.S. documents. George Washington, the greatest American, wrote this letter, and its contents and context truly reflect the best of the American ideal. 2/ The context is on the surface simple. As President, Washington visited Rhode Island, and included on his tour a visit to the Jewish Congregation of the Touro Synagogue of Newport. The congregant leadership after the visit was impressed, but also a bit unsettled. Based on the
Jul 4, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
🧵 Each Fourth of July I send a thread out that truly represents the best of the American ideal. The example of mindset that our nation strived and hopefully strives to achieve. After the Revolutionary War, the congregants of the Touro Synagogue near Newport Rhode Island, after a 2/ visit by George Washington wrote to him asking about the status of Jews in the new nation. This is unsurprising considering the treatment of Jews in diaspora throughout the world. Washington replied to this inquiry as follows:
When I received with much satisfaction
Oct 25, 2021 16 tweets 3 min read
1/ Regarding this "Unrealized Capital Gains" tax lunacy, I have been a bit trite because I cannot imagine anyone supporting it. Proposing it disqualifies Janet Yellen from any post, public or private. However, it seems some think it a good idea. Let's take a second and look at 2/ some of the results. First, how do you determine when the gains are taxable if there is no disposition of the capital asset? Will there be a holding period? If it is a calendar year and the asset is worth $1 million on December 31, and drops to $500,000 on January 2 is the
Aug 3, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
1/ Why so cynical? The question I just received on a call with a friend. I just thought about it more than I expected. I was never generally cynical until last year. Optimism rang true with me, even if I was skeptical on a case by case basis. College was the first time I recall 2/ the first tang of cynicism. Looking at the publishers of many texts assigned being essentially Marxist publishers. The contra books were rarely assigned, but rather footnoted in syllabi or "additional" reading no one wanted to pay to purchase. I read them anyway on my own.
Jul 23, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
1/ If you still think @TheDemocrats are on the side of the middle class and are pressuring the richest people people in the US to carry more of the burden for taxes, you are delusional. Currently, there is a cap on the deductibility of certain payments made at the State and local 2/ level against your Federal Income tax. The current cap is $10,000. That means, and is known as the SALT cap. The SALT cap means that people in low tax states and locals do not pay more Federal taxes than those in high tax state and local states. Apparently this type of equity
Jul 4, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
1/ Happy 4th of July to all. Each year to celebrate the miracle of July 4th, I Tweet a surprising and wonderful moment in US history from George Washington that embodies the best of America and its principles. After a new nation was born, and Washington became President, 2/ the Congregation of the Touro Synagogue in Newport RI wrote to Washington after he visited them as to the status of Jews in America after it was established. Washington, the greatest American, responded in a letter as follows:
While I received with much
Jun 8, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
1/ The IRS has been and is subject to extremely strict, clear rules on not disclosing taxpayer information. I have dealt with this in audit situations and most agents are very concerned it is followed. This restriction includes sharing information with other Agencies, elected 2/ or appointed officials and their staffs. There are requisites that must be strictly met to reveal tax returns or tax information. If this article is true, and the source is a Federal employee or politician this should result in an immediate and unrelenting investigation .
Jan 21, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
1/ A quick but angry thread. I just watched @PeteButtigieg testify about the blue collar workers losing their jobs in swathes because Mr. Union-Blue collar @JoeBiden is pulling issued Keystone XL permits. Buttigieg, allegedly a person of some intelligence basically said "they 2/ need to get new jobs." How and where asks @tedcruz? Buttigieg answers "hopefully our climate change policy will create millions of jobs." Please be clear, if you work with your hands, back, or legs for a living this is how the Left views you. The Left will absolutely sacrifice
Dec 11, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
1/@MollyRatty retweeted an article by @JonahDispatch expressing white hot anger at the lawsuits filed regarding the election by Texas et al. Putting aside the merits of the suit and the election, Mr. Goldberg wrings his hands in the name of the Electoral College and Federalism. 2/ The issue of Federalism is an odd one in 2020. An argument is certainly available (and I can support) that the Warren and Burger Courts largely ruined Federalism. What exists today in the US is less than a pale version of the dynamism and features of actual Federalism. This
Nov 27, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
1/ Thanksgiving was wonderful, but I cannot help with watching what is going on with shut downs, arrests, and everyone from blue checks to every day people celebrating arrests and shut downs, and actually whining about family gathering size, and think of Solzhenitsyn. I am struck 2/ by Solzhenitsyn's reference to "rabbits" in Gulag Archipelago. Rabbits is the term he uses to describe certain Soviet residents arrested by the NKVD (predecessor to the KBG). Rabbits were people arrested in the name of "security" of the State. What made "rabbits" unique was
Sep 23, 2019 15 tweets 3 min read
I was not going to do this as I do not like too personal information on the internet, but the latest Greta Thunberg video is too impactful. I do not care what one believes about the climate, but I do care that people understand what is happening with this young lady. 1/ I have a child with high functioning autism (aka Aspregers). Not every person with this syndrome experiences all of the resultant effects, and the effects vary by degree. Sometimes you cannot tell if a person has Aspregers at first blush, but it will eventually emerge. 2/