MA Science of Religion - Birth of the Moon Infinity Fractals fsc SacredGeometry CyclicalTime Cosmology Quantum Gravity holographic metaphysics e/acc
Feb 12 • 9 tweets • 8 min read
The Technocracy is upon us. Let's dig a little into its origins and ties to the Club of Rome, billionaires and the family of big EL. Let's start with the plan:
America is "Playing to Win" using "Science and Chaos".
You've probably heard of the 10 Kingdoms somewhere ;). Here's a few maps drawn up in the 1940s by folks envisioning a Technate New World Order. This idea was embraced by the Club of Rome in the 1970s.
If you don't know the CoR, you should do a deep dive asap, but it's basically another Rockefeller initiative. The CoR was the authors of the infamous "Limits of Growth" in the 1970s that many Americans abhor.
Dec 26, 2023 • 4 tweets • 4 min read
Polynesian seafearers practiced "Wave Piloting".
To learn this art they memorized #StickCharts. The charts showed the currents & swells.
There were 3 types of charts. The 1st was the Teaching Chart, the basic universal wave patterns formed around islands
For more info on Wave Piloting and Polynesian StickCharts, this article explains the wave interferometry of ocean swells around islands…