David Becker Profile picture
Exec Dir @electioninnov. @CBSNews Election Law contributor. Formerly DOJ @civilrights. Co-author of @thebigtruthbook w/ @MajorCBS. Double @UCBerkeley grad.
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Jul 30 6 tweets 1 min read
In the past 24 hours, .@elonmusk has posted multiple false claims about voters being "imported" illegally. These claims are 100% false, and I again implore him to talk to actual election officials or experts to learn the reality of our secure elections. /1 1. Voting by non-citizens in federal elections is already illegal, and has been illegal under federal statute for nearly 30 years. /2
Jul 29 7 tweets 2 min read
As disinfo continues to spread claiming (falsely - see my piece below) that the Dems cannot place the party's official nominee on every state's ballot in August, keep an eye on the possibility that the GOP may try to swap out its official VP nominee, and how the disinfo changes 180 degrees at that point. /1

usnews.com/opinion/articl… There has been speculation Trump may be having second thoughts about Vance. But even though this is different from the Dems, as Vance is the official nominee at this point (the Dems have no official nominee yet), it's still almost certain Rs could replace Vance if they choose, but they'll need to move expeditiously. /2
Jan 9 5 tweets 1 min read
As Trump's counsel are preparing for the (very likely losing) argument that he is entitled to almost blanket immunity from criminal acts because he was acting in his "official capacity" when he tried to steal the 2020 election, we should remember three important facts:

1. The President of the U.S. plays no role in election administration or certification. The president has no "official capacity" with regard to elections whatsoever under U.S. law, particularly when he is a candidate.

Apr 19, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
The Dominion v Fox News lawsuit was never going to be the end of accountability for all the damage done to democracy by the election lies over the last several years. But it may be the beginning. /1 The size of the settlement is staggering. It's likely the largest defamation settlement in US history, larger than all but one VERDICT (which can be much higher) in history. It is clear Fox News was petrified of having its executives testify about their knowledge of the lies. /2
Apr 18, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read

It's been 1000 days since @ElectionInnov offered grants to all states to help inform voters how to navigate the process during COVID, and still, disinfo about these grants persists. Some prominent people, incl. @elonmusk, seem to have been misled about these grants. /1 The grants were offered to all states, and were entirely voluntary. Republicans and Democrats alike chose to apply and receive the grants. R secretaries of state in states like Florida, Iowa, Missouri, and Ohio received millions in grants (as did Ds). /2 Image
Mar 14, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read

Today, I informed @ericstates_info that I will not accept renomination as a non-voting member of the board when my term expires this week. I remain very proud of leading the effort to create ERIC, and supporting its expansion to over half the states in a decade. /1 In the last year, efforts by election deniers to attack ERIC have ramped up, and lies have been spread about me and the work of @ElectionInnov. 26 Republicans and conservatives recently wrote in support of the truth and our bipartisan/nonpartisan work. /2

Nov 11, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Disinformation on social media is spreading, aided by members of Congress and others who should know better. These are the facts: nearly every state (if not every single one) is still counting ballots. The ones we're not talking about are just fortunate their margins are wide. /1 Texas is still counting ballots. Florida is still counting ballots. Ohio is still counting ballots. Election workers in those states are working hard, just like those in AZ, CA, and NV. We should be filled with gratitude for those working long hours to count ballots. /2
Nov 9, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read

I don't really want to talk about how long any of us stayed up last night, unless you're an election official or poll worker. Most of us didn't have to run an election, with over 100 million voters, in this divisive political environment. They are the real heroes. /1 While we talk about elections, these patriots make them happen. They plan for months, working long hours, often now under threat and harassment, not for the reward of fame and fortune, but for the satisfaction of facilitating our democracy, and quiet anonymity post-election. /2
Mar 1, 2022 25 tweets 6 min read
As Ukrainians bravely risk their lives to defend their freedoms and democracy, we sadly still see continued attacks on democracy and elections throughout the country, most notably in Wisconsin today, with the testimony of Gableman, 500 days after the election. /1 They have found no fraud that would change the outcome, so he diminishes voter confidence and election integrity by complaining about procedures in place well before the election, that he and others didn't challenge until after their candidate lost. /2
Jan 28, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
THREAD. For decades, adversaries in Beijing and Moscow have tried to diminish American voter confidence and dismantle systems that guarantee election integrity in the US. Sadly, domestic actors are now doing their work for them. /1 Under the pretext of "election integrity," some are now working against the improvements to election security that so many of both parties worked so hard for over the past several decades. /2
Sep 13, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
THREAD/ This is a great question. How do we know that the 2020 election was the most secure, verified, and transparent election in US history? I've answered it many times, but I don't mind answering it again. Please read below. /1 2020 had the most auditable paper ballots cast in modern American history. ~95% of all ballots were cast on auditable paper, including ALL the ballots in ALL the swing states. /2
Sep 1, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
/1 TX SB 1, passed yesterday, is indeed one of the least-justified laws passed in service to the Big Lie, but as many focus on the unnecessary provisions that restrict early and mail voting, there are several other aspects of the law that raise greater concerns for me. /2 While TX is one of the least secure states for voting, due to it having the largest number of digital, non-paper ballots, and no effective audit requirements, SB 1 does nothing to address those deficiencies.
Jul 13, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Those who have fallen prey to the scam that there were "stacks of affidavits" should read this eye-opening report on yesterday's hearing in MI to sanction Trump's attorneys. /1
washingtonpost.com/politics/sidne… The original case sought to "disenfranchise the votes of the more than 5.5M MI citizens who, with dignity, hope, and a promise of a voice, participated in the 2020 Election,” with “nothing but speculation and conjecture that votes were destroyed, discarded or switched.” /2
Jun 22, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Important analysis of the ongoing AZ review of ballots, from two real election experts, @KYTrey and @bcburden:

"Because it lacks the essential elements of a bona fide post-election analysis, the review will not produce findings that should be trusted."

statesuniteddemocracy.org/resources/repo… "The ongoing review of ballots from the November 2020 general election in Maricopa County as ordered by the Arizona State Senate and executed by their inexperienced, unqualified contractor, Cyber Ninjas, does not meet the standards of a proper election
recount or audit." /2
Apr 27, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
The ongoing mess that is the AZ “election audit,” lacking any sense of transparency, conducted by an inexperienced, biased out-of-state firm, contaminating chain-of-custody and the ballots themselves, is not only a bad idea. It also likely violates federal law. /1 52 USC 20701 requires that election officials, and ONLY election officials, preserve all fed’l election records, including ballots, for at least 22 months after an election. This is to preserve evidence in case of a violation of voting laws. /2

Apr 26, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
FL SB90 just passed the Senate on nearly a pure party-line vote (23-17, with only 1 R voting "no"). This completely unnecessary bill fails to recognize the exceptional election FL just held, accessible to all with maximum integrity - a model for the nation. /1 Two provisions of particular concern.

Like GA, this bill outlaws giving "any item to a voter" waiting in line. Not water, not a sandwich, not a pen, not a book, not an umbrella. What this provision is fixing, and how it will be enforced, remains a total mystery. /2
Apr 26, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Read this. "Critics in both parties charge that what began as a way to placate angry Trump voters has become a political embarrassment and another blow to the once-inviolable democratic norm that losers and winners alike honor results of elections." /1

nytimes.com/2021/04/25/us/… "Hoping to head off a dispute, the supervisors hired two federally approved firms to conduct a forensic audit of the county’s voting machines. The audit concluded that the equipment had performed flawlessly." /2
Apr 15, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
In our report released Monday, below, @ElectionInnov found that 35 states plus DC offer no-excuse mail or early in-person voting. Only 15 states don't offer both a mail and early in-person option for all voters. /1

electioninnovation.org/research/early… It's important to note that all this report measured was whether states offered both mail and early voting to all voters. It did not measure other access and integrity issues, such as restrictive ID, availability of drop boxes, or auditable paper ballots. /2
Apr 1, 2021 18 tweets 3 min read
We're understandably focused on bills/laws being proposed/passed to restrict voting and which hurt election integrity in several states, but we should be paying particular attention to what is happening in TX, right now. /1 In a late night vote, the TX senate just passed SB7, which puts significant restrictions on voting, in a state where it's already harder to vote than almost anywhere else. /2

Jan 2, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
It's now clear that no amount of debasement of American democracy will satisfy some members of the Republican party. As they attempt a coup against American voters, while they cloak themselves with statements they won't make in court, they also debase themselves. /1 These members' of the GOP efforts to cloak themselves in the language of democracy, while actively working to subvert it, will fail. Joe Biden will be inaugurated on Jan. 20, as the voters have determined, and nothing can or should stop that. /2
Dec 30, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
As the president, in his last three weeks in office, escalates the false and unhinged claims about the election he lost by a substantial margin, here are some quick factual points, this time about GA, just to anchor us back to reality. /1 1. Georgia has all paper ballots. Every single ballot is paper. And every single paper ballot has been counted THREE times. One of those times, every single ballot was reviewed by bipartisan teams of humans (not the voting machines). Every count confirms Biden won. /2