Ladies and Gentlemen, Issa Thread!
Mongers - Always goes to the bar wearing brightly coloured outfits. Claims his old man owns a Gucci outlet but truly it is a warehouse of second-hand clothes in Nansana kumastowa. Ever yelling 'Tuli Waweeru' when drinking those coloured cocktails. Loves dancing on top of tables.
Feb 16, 2022 • 25 tweets • 5 min read
Ugandan Banks as tenants in a six-storey flat
Ladies and Gentlemen, Issa Thread!
Bank Of Uganda - Owner of the Flat who increases rent every month to fund his drug addiction. Demands that tenants must not have more than two children or they will be thrown out. Has 12 children of his own who roam around collecting rent without his knowledge. Recently divorced.
Feb 8, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
It has become commonplace that people openly celebrate the demise of another. I always grew up knowing that the finality in death means no matter how much I hate someone, death isn’t something I’d wish on them let alone celebrate. I’ve never been one to smile when another dies.
What worries me is that nowadays I see people openly celebrate the demise of another & I’m not shocked or angry. I may not take part in the throwing of parties or cutting of cake but deep down I’m unbothered by the celebrations. The finality of death is no longer a scary thought.
Feb 22, 2021 • 19 tweets • 4 min read
Ugandan Companies/institutions at a Girls Night Out.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Issa Thread!
UMEME - Arrived late for the party because she couldn’t iron her favorite dress; no electricity. She passed by her friends in Ntinda, Kiwatule & Najjera for help but is overweight & can’t fit in any of their dresses. She’s wearing a creased grey dress that’s 3 sizes too small.
Jan 22, 2021 • 73 tweets • 24 min read
"Fellow Ugandans, I greet you all in the name of the Almighty God, I am very grateful to finally have the opportunity to address you even though my home is still surrounded by soldiers and the Military." - @HEBobiwine
"I am indeed under house arrest and I continue to live through these indignities and humiliation but my spirit is very strong. I hope you, comrades, out there are strong too." @HEBobiwine
Jan 20, 2021 • 28 tweets • 19 min read
Currently watching Channel 401 CNN to see this inauguration. So far, it’s a real soap opera. Trump won’t attend the event. In fact, he’s about to depart White House for the last time. His (recorded speech) won’t have the name Joe Biden. @DStvUganda
Trump won’t greet Biden at the White House. Mike Pence will skip Trump’s send off to attend Biden’s inauguration - they fell out. The last time a president skipped an inauguration was 1869. Also, there’s usually a note from out-going to in-coming President. That’s not happening.
Dec 6, 2020 • 12 tweets • 3 min read
Uganda's Presidential Candidates as High School Students.
Ladies & Gentlemen, issa Thread
Museveni - The rich bully with an arrogant attitude. Always boasting about his new shoes. The only student with a mobile phone in school. His parents send teachers a weekly bribe higher than their salary so he's always top of the class. Struggles with Kleptomania & Self Esteem.
Dec 3, 2020 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
I'm perplexed by this 'Muhoozi is our next president' campaign. Are these people saying the 2021 elections are a waste of time? Are they saying Mr. 1986 is passing on the baton to his boy after all? Are they planning to hijack the 2021 electoral process? What's going on there?
If someone else (not part of the regime) pushed a similar agenda, claiming Person X will be the next president despite not being on the ballot paper, folks would have been picked up, questioned & roughed up for creating polarity & for possibly planning an insurrection.
Oct 10, 2018 • 70 tweets • 2 min read
Another Brick in the Wall - Pink Floyd
Over My Head - The Fray
Jul 18, 2018 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
It's very possible that one can have an opinion on nearly everything they see online. But I think it's wise to not share every opinion you have. There's having an opinion about something, but there's also occasionally sitting back to listen to and read other people's opinions.
Sometimes you see something that is just begging for a response but you just smile and move on - feeling a little cheated that you haven't shared your 'brilliant' opinion, but smiling all the same because, well, you have avoided a worthless fight online. Breathe in and out.