How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App like this fic ()"Tumben," komentarnya ringan, tanpa beranjak. Draken merasakan lengan melingkari perutnya, hingga kemudian cubitan kecil mendarat di sana. Alih-alih kaget, ia justru tertawa.'s no other explanation for this, like what could possibly happen with the way his chest suddenly tightens itself, the way his lungs try to suffocate him right, the way his heart is beating way too loud, pounding so hard that he's sure it's trying to escape? important that every boyfriend should never not do. The lilac bangs were swept rather softly by the chill of the night breeze. And Draken grinned, when he realized without needing extra seconds, about what he had just forgotten. ready to fight Draken for being, well, reasonable. responded, "you're pretty bad at counting, aren't you?""And what? You just couldn't help yourself? It's all just an impulse?" Mitsuya scoffed. "The only impulse I appreciate is my own bike, and you know it, Ken." by doing that. Draken didn't seem unbothered by the lack of response from his spouse. If anything, he was more adamant to search in the every inch he could reach as if Kenta was not a 10 pounds of normal ball of fur and cuteness, but a witch's familiar that could disguise"Be loud when you give me attention, be loud when you shower me with affection, be loud when I'm near you, even louder when we're far apart. Be loud, tell me that you love me, in every word you speak to me. Be loud, tell me you love me, in every action that you do towards me."