an oasis will bloom in the desert Profile picture
e pluribus unum
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Feb 28 10 tweets 2 min read
They are really gonna crash everything and then punish anyone whose life gets ruined. I am spending probably 1-2 hours a day organizing my life for the crash. Almost here. This ranges from dumb administrative hangups to preparing for major healthcare interruptions. If you see me here at 4am that’s part of the tapering off soon to be banned medicines.
Jan 7 10 tweets 2 min read
I basically am closing down my core business in the face of so much political uncertainty. Who knows if I’ll ever get a chance to restart it. If you ever wanted to run an online business from home, I’m gonna let you in a little trick that has served me well over the years. If you go on Reddit, go into the personal finance subreddits, and monitor them, eventually you will find someone bragging about how much money they’re making on a work from home business or hustle. They can’t help but brag, but they are cagey about what they do.
Jan 4 7 tweets 2 min read
Grok says my posts will be flagged by the algorithm for the following things 1) suggesting that paid influencers influence public debate 2) suggesting that the institutions have allowed the authoritarian takeover to happen 3) being too hard on politicians They cited this post in particular as being “inflammatory and sensationalist”
Sep 16, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
What can you do when the right wing is mobilizing? First you can stop repeating the blood libels even in jest, because it just spreads the poison. You can stop sharing racist propaganda for shock value. But the most important thing is you have to counter mobilize. There’s nothing the right wing goons hate more than a fair fight and there have been many occasions where they were a no show or a go home in the face of the community turning out against them. Short term that’s going to be the best move for slowing them down.
Sep 15, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Kamala almost certainly wins the election, at least at first. Trump is not trying, in fact it looks like he’s trying to lose. But what Trump is doing is visiting sundown towns for campaign stops and pushing a blood libel narrative. Thinking people can use their imagination here. Not gonna spend a lot of time and effort playing Paul Revere. I think political violence in some form is inevitable,
TBD scale and scope and duration. We can’t stop it, we are just going to have to survive it.
Aug 10, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
The fact of the matter is that our country is NOT sovereign and has been carved up into spheres of influence by multiple foreign powers sharing it with our own domestic oligarchy and to disorient us they rotate through villains just like they do in Congress. Convince some people it’s Russia, convince some people it’s Israel, convince some people it’s china, some people it’s the billionaires/govt, Saudi Arabia never gets blamed for some reason, and no one knows it’s probably all of them working together
Jul 19, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Biden is throwing the election to trump and the fiction that he will step aside and let someone in is being perpetuated to confuse people and give them false hope. This comes on top of Biden’s DOJ failing to hold Trump or his network accountable for any of the crimes they openly did and confessed to. This total failure to use the power of the federal government was the first part of Biden throwing the country to trump.
Jul 1, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
We have tried to reach people with information. We have tried to reach people with facts. It doesn’t work. It doesn’t work because humans are not rational creatures. We are motivated by subconscious emotional impulses and we graft reasons on top of them to justify our behavior If you want to change people’s behavior, you need to identify the emotional impulse that is driving their behavior and lead them to a different emotion. This is not done through facts and charts, it is done through symbols and metaphors and speaking to the heart, not brain
Nov 20, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Folks should come to grips with the likelihood that all of these proceedings were meant to go nowhere from the beginning and only served to maintain the illusion of rule of law as a pacification tactic while the fascism advanced Unfortunately it turns out that if you just hire enough people to scream on tv and social media that big things are happening behind the scenes (they aren’t) that this is capable of destroying critical thought and people will go along with despite all evidence to the contrary
Sep 22, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
this is not a democracy and you can't vote away the people in power i've voted, most of us have voted, our entire lives. and has done nothing to stop the vast right wing conspiracies from making a long march through the institutions and beating the legitimate government into submission through a series of internal coups over many decades
Sep 9, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
the fact that the last few decades have been spent turning every police department into a heavily armed, heavily armored, heavily equipped garrison says a lot about where the rulers think the situation is going eventually the political collapse, the economic collapse, climate or covid collapse will hit a breaking point. people are running out of things to lose. one reason why i think they are working so hard to sweep encampments is to keep critical mass of ppl off streets.
Jul 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
this whole zero sum political crisis ended up doing a great job covering for the gradual then sudden climate effects we are seeing right now... we've been fist fighting next to a time bomb and now we're surprised it went off i have no idea what comes next but what i ***don't*** see is A) the powers that be seriously moving to stop this from getting worse and B) no attempt to help ordinary people retrofit their lives for what is going to be a very fast increase in temp/killer weather
May 16, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
It’s like there was a memo at CNN to start saying and doing stuff to help trump and friends Haha
Mar 26, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
As trump kicks off at Waco, it’s worth noting that he has gotten away with all his crimes with no meaningful consequences. The people who told you the institutions would stop him, and they’ve been saying this for a decade, are liars or people who have been fooled by liars The people who were sold to you as heroes are in league with the authoritarians with the goal of creating the illusion of accountability and imminent justice so you don’t realize the fascism has already started transforming the entire country piece by piece, so you don’t resist
Feb 8, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
The whole point of the justice is coming propaganda and the accountability theatre that never ends with accountability is to keep the American public docile and calm as the fascism continues to get worse. The goal is to prevent people from noticing/saying that Trump etc have virtual criminal immunity no matter what they do by offering people a firehose of rationalizations and rumors that lets them pretend it’s normal for coup attempts to go unpunished and naive to think otherwise
Feb 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
I am going to mask probably for the rest of my life. I am probably never going to eat indoors at a restaurant again. The world has changed and I’m not going to injure myself trying to deny it. I’ve had to make difficult changes in my habits before, this is comparatively easy. Do I miss indoor concerts and restaurants and not having to worry about covid? Yes. It was better before covid. But again, the world has changed. Maybe forever. So I will adapt.
Jan 9, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
You’ve been asked to believe that it takes longer than two years for the federal government to respond to its attempted overthrow when this country invaded Afghanistan within a month of 9/11 and declared war on Japan the day after Pearl Harbor. Hey, if the security apparatus fails to intercept the coup attempt and the capitol defenses are mysteriously weakened to the point it gets breached and then the justice department refuses to punish the highest level plotters for so long they get reelected… the govt is pro coup.
Dec 9, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Because everyone in a position of power is a criminal, a traitor, or a pedophile or is being bribed, blackmailed, or threatened by a criminal, a traitor, or a pedophile. There is no team of good guys trying to make the system work for us, just the illusion of one. This is a Potemkin government whose primary function is to keep alive the myth that there is a government watching out for us. The fact that they repeatedly, routinely, predictably fail to enforce the law at a high level or handle internal national security threats gives it away
Dec 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
There is a giant machine working 24/7 to keep the American public convinced that the criminal immunity of trump and his inner circle is proof that our system is working well even as we’ve just seen two countries crush coup attempts immediately this week and arrest leaders. The basic premise that you’re being asked to accept is that our laws are so slow that it’s not possible to punish people who launch coups attempts within 2 years of it happening. It takes longer than 2 years to get in trouble for a coup attempt no matter what. Is that plausible?
Nov 18, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
There are people whose job it is to go on TV or the internet and rationalize the lack of accountability for Trump and keep you excited about some breaking new development which will be teased as a solution. There are a lot of people doing this. Do they work for Trump? Maybe. Do they work for the government? Maybe. Do they work for the mob? Maybe. But where do these things end and begin, anyway.
Nov 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
the reason it has been entirely predictable to forecast that the institutions would fail to stop the fascism is because there is a mountain of evidence to suggest that the institutions had been captured long ago by the same antidemocratic forces behind trump and his movement trump's campaign and administration was like a who's who of every spooky operative, criminal bureaucrat, corrupt careerist connected to the biggest national security and political scandals in recent history, people like roger stone and bill barr