Ben Cobley Profile picture
Author, 'The Tribe: the liberal-left and the system of diversity'. 'The Progress Factory' (@_ForumPress) due prob early 2024.
Aug 12, 2023 31 tweets 5 min read
Got this from the library this morning, quite excited to read all about this collosus of 20th Century French history. Image 'How can one govern a country which has 258 cheeses?' A famous line of De Gaulle's, on ruling France.

He also said, in a book on leadership before WWII, that great leaders needed to display *mystery, ruse and hypocrisy*.

Which is nice.
Jun 24, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Pretty much the whole of institutional Britain appears to be making the same mistakes the Labour Party has made over the last few decades: taking sides in the same way Labour has been; also replicating Labour's internal organisation based around identity favouritism & grievance. And very few people within this elite world appear to realise that they are making their organisations into political entities with these commitments. They present what they are doing as above politics: as pure and ethical and distanced from the soiled masses. It's a big mistake.
May 6, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
Increasingly, it seems that the progressive solution to any problem (problems we might consider their own rather than general) is to remove their political opponents from public life. It's something I've become increasingly interested in over the past few years - how many self-styled 'liberal', 'tolerant', 'moderate', 'centrist' types become pretty severely authoritarian when their grip on power seems to be threatened.
Nov 26, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
I think a lot of progressive folk confuse the respect that transgender folk deserve as trans with giving way to any demand and any claim of victimhood they have - most blatantly that they have access to all the particular rights of women & anyone who questions this is transphobic It's that system of diversity that I talk about in my book whereby favoured groups as victim groups deserve unquestioned favour and protection from progressives.