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Sep 1 4 tweets 1 min read
I mean, the IDF not going into Gaza after October 7 is an insane ask. America wouldn’t have agreed to that if Canada has just done a terror attack in the US. Of course Israel didn’t agree to this. The IDF not going into Gaza after October 7th is basically saying “you let us get away with this evil massacre we committed no questions asked”
Jul 19 6 tweets 1 min read
A lot of the republicans in this awful pizza restaurant are now drunk and screaming endlessly about trans people lol and I genuinely don’t understand how grown adults can pretend to care so much about youth girl’s sports So some girl lost a swimming meet to a trans swimmer. Who cares? Kill yourself.
Jul 2 7 tweets 2 min read
I don’t know if I can take four more years of Trump as president. Aside from him being a fucking idiot, I also just am going to be driven crazy by humorless, hysterical liberals constantly using terms like “normalize” and “democratic backsliding” again I get it, you listened to Rachel Maddow interview some academic with a book out and picked up some cutesy little terms to express the fact that you don’t like Trump. Now you want to take them for a spin and drop them in conversation constantly. It is your own little genocide!
May 29 9 tweets 2 min read
These tweets just make me wonder what the fuck these leftists were thinking when they cheered on Hamas in the days after 10/7. Even if you didn’t give a shit about Jews dying, they were cheering something that was obviously going to cause thousands of Palestinians to die Image I was very upset about 10/7 because of the sadistic horror of it, but also because I am not a fucking moron. It was obvious that it would incur a military response which would involve the deaths of lots of Palestinian collateral damage.
May 14 7 tweets 2 min read
this story is the most fucked up thing I’ve ever read.

Everything about this is fucked up: incompetent doctors, dumbass “experts,” limey cops, tabloid scandalmongers, prick prosecutor, biased jurors, and the country’s evil criminal justice system… It’s amazing how comprehensive an indictment this story is of everybody and everything involved All the characters are going to hell, and all these British institutions are rotten!

It’s reminiscent in that way of the Cameron Todd Willingham NYer story but for Knife Crime Island
May 9 8 tweets 1 min read
Hollywood doesn’t want you to know this but if we invented dinosaurs and they turned on us I actually don’t think it would be very hard to kill all of them. One regiment of the Oregon national guard or whatever could kill a million dinosaurs with minimal loss of life.
May 1 4 tweets 1 min read
I’m sorry to say but a lot of the liberal media simply can not credibly answer the question “where is the line between acceptable protest and unacceptable lawlessness” after 2020, during which they totaled stanned all these psychotic anarchists who took over entire neighborhoods One of the reasons not to do what they did in 2020 is because inevitably there would be other instances of protest and refusing to call out the obvious bad ones just means that now I don’t trust any of you on this particular question.
Dec 13, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
this tweet is going to piss everyone off but as someone who has found Biden’s recent criticisms of Israel’s overreach compelling, I genuinely think that if the left had simply not been quite so deranged from the start, they could have convinced people like me to agree with them obviously we never would have agreed 100% but Biden built up credibility and I now take his concerns about overreach seriously. I do not think Joe Biden is a lunatic.

The left’s criticisms I could not take seriously because they called Israel murderers midafternoon on 10/7
Nov 30, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
I’d be interested to read an article explaining exactly how Kissinger became such a uniquely unpopular person on the internet. I understand all the bad things he did 50 years ago but I’ve never really understood why young people online give a shit. Some of it has to do with the fact that he just lived so long and, unlike a Nixon who resigned in disgrace, Kissinger won a Nobel Peace Prize and dated movie stars.

But is that it? Or is there a more concrete example like a viral dril tweet from 2011?
Nov 2, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Everyone is such a sad sack. Jesus Christ. Everything is fine. We live in a time of plenty.

There are a couple of issues that we got to deal with but they’re relatively minor. “No one has ever suffered as we have suffered” is just especially annoying in this context because actually virtually everyone who ever lived in all of history suffered more than we have suffered.
Oct 27, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Has anyone written a good piece about how the left seems to be using the word “genocide” to mean “civilians who died in war while looking the same”? Every single TikTok keeps calling Gaza a genocide and it just is obviously not a genocide. When did everyone decide that the word genocide should have no meaning? Did I miss the memo?
Oct 15, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
At least 1,400 innocent Israeli civilians were killed deliberately in Hamas’s terrorist attack last week.

That is more than the number of people who have been killed in every single mass shooting in the United States combined since 1982.…

So think of every mass shooting you can remember and every bit of anger and grief and frustration that you felt for all of those combined, and imagine them happening on the same day.

And now multiply that by 30 since the US is considerably larger than Israel.
Oct 15, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
No other option? They had no other option but to go into Israel before dawn and chop up civilians and kidnap children and take them hostage? No other option? None? Not one? Image Seems like doing nothing would have been a better option since now the whole world is mad and high intensity war has come and everyone in Hamas is going to be dead soon and everyone else in Gaza’s lives are going to be—in the short-to-medium term future—unimaginably worse
Oct 13, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
I personally think it would be good if Israel didn’t complicate the very clear good vs evil dynamic here by doing any terrible awful unnecessary things themselves. Definitely would risk losing the mainstream crossover audience they are doing numbers with at the moment. If they are going to do this siege shit then I am going to need them to talk to Egypt and together they need to find a real way that civilians can leave Gaza.
Sep 23, 2023 15 tweets 2 min read
“As a mother and a grandmother I am expected to do a lot of casual sex acts in public” Twenty years ago, I sucked and fucked my way through half of broadway and no one gave a shit!
Sep 21, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I will never in my entire life totally understand people who support Donald Trump…
Image It’s not like this is even a particularly shocking, rare, or hard to believe Trump tale. There are a zillion stories of him acting exactly like this over and over!
Sep 18, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I would love to read a 10,000 word behind the scenes tick tock about how the military decided that it was worth it to ask the public if they'd seen their missing jet… there must have been some general who was like "look, we have nothing to gain from crowdsourcing this. if someone finds it, we're going to hear about it." and then some other general said, "no, Gary, you fucking idiot. We cannot count on that."
Sep 15, 2023 8 tweets 1 min read
Lauren Boebert getting her tits yanked while she jerks off her bf at Beetlejuice the Musical is a great test of the “you can measure the health of a society in how able it is to laugh at something without getting mad about it” standard. I can’t pretend to be outraged about this. It’s deeply funny. I’m really not a fan of hers for other reasons but this is just a super funny way to start the weekend.
Sep 12, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I refuse to accept this one. There are lots of ways in which I have deviated from the left, but in the case of the criminal justice system, I am the one who has traditional liberal instincts!!!

It's the current left that has gone batshit about this stuff Image im sorry if i am breaking with liberals by believing that not everyone necessarily deserves the maximum prison sentence, and that people should be allowed to ask for leniency for friends and loved ones even if they've done heinous crimes!
Aug 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This tweet isn’t going to make me any friends but this Blind Side conservatorship thing has all the tell tale signs of a story people should wait for more information about.

Taking lawsuit allegations at face value ✔️
Reinforces longstanding cultural critiques of the film ✔️ Genuine weirdness that needs to be explained (the conservatorship being in place at all) ✔️

The fact that the dispute is about things for which there are objective records (the payments for the book and movie) ✔️
Aug 10, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
I am a masochist so I googled for the whole post and it is really funny. Here are some other funny screenshots……
“Let’s just say that anything On The Road was going to subvert can stay in the ‘50s where it belongs!” Image