Ben Lewis Profile picture
Christ-follower. Husband. Father. Runner. Musician. I write music, run, lift, and believe that Biblical Christianity is incompatible with American tribalism.
Sep 21, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
I've gotten some questions about tracking down the person mentioned in this post, and I said I'd tell the story today, so here it is:

Since 2003, I've run a message board spawned by a text-based football simulation game (I TOLD y'all I was a tech nerd, didn't I???) 1/11 The demographic of the forum HEAVILY skews (as in like 95%) toward geeky males who also are really into sports, born between 1960 and 1985ish, so it's a natural affinity group for many of us. As such, over the years, there's much discussion about life, politics, you name it. 2/11
Sep 20, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Re: Mark Robinson

Speaking as a tech nerd who has—among other things—tracked down a su1c1de threat on the internet using similar techniques as the CNN story:

1. It’s *unquestionably* him. You can’t deepfake or AI backdated content like this. All the details check out. 1/5 2. This is a MASSIVE indictment of the NC Dems’ lack of oppo research. I can’t stress how EASY this info was to find and verify. Dude had used this same user name across multiple internet sites for close to 20 years. Any motivated techie could have found this in a short time. 2/5
Jul 29, 2018 46 tweets 7 min read
“The church’s role is to change the world through the life and love of Jesus Christ. The government’s role is to serve the common good by protecting justice and peace, rewarding good behavior while restraining bad behavior (Romans 13).” When that role is undermined by political leadership, faith leaders must stand up and speak out. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “The church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the state, but rather the conscience of the state.”