Dr Ben King 🌏 Profile picture
Long Covid & PE recovery. Geography Teacher. Sustainability & Climate Change. BSc Env Science & Physics (Stirling). Soil Erosion PhD & Geog PGCE (Exeter). Tuba.
Jul 31, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
7 Lessons Learnt for #ventilation and indoor air quality from this pandemic:

1. Listen to expert advice from a range of disciplines and use it to guide infection risk management and management of indoor air quality;

2. Opening a window is not enough;

[1 of 3] #COVIDisAirborne
Image 3. Plan for better buildings for the future;

4. Use equivalent ventilation as a supplement in poorly-ventilated spaces;

5. Building design matters;

#COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver Image
Feb 22, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
This was an incredibly useful hour of advice. Thank you so much to Dr @BinitaKane and her guest, Prof. Todd Davenport @sunsopeningband 🙏

I scribbled some notes and will gradually communicate my biggest takes in this thread 🧵

#LongCovid #PEM #Pacingyoutube.com/live/lFmmyuUZ0… Prof. Todd Davenport emphasised a variety of approaches to managing my #LongCovid #PostExertionalMalaise symptoms. At the heart of my new understanding is the realisation that, for the past two years since my first Covid infection, I now have an ENERGY-LIMITING DISEASE.

Oct 8, 2022 73 tweets 46 min read
It took my legs a few minutes to warm up this morning, but glad to report that long morning walks remain easy, in contrast to later in the day. #Totnes is waking up beautifully ☀️
Mar 27, 2022 78 tweets 53 min read
Spent more time in the garden today. Insect populations are booming! A bit of sunshine really helps to lift the spirits.
#Hoverfly Image