Dr. Kyla Bennett, PEER Profile picture
Environmentalist. Scientist. Lawyer. Antispecist. Vegan. Defender of those with no voice. Tweets are my personal views. Covid is not over.
Apr 19, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
If you think "giving up gas stoves and throwaway takeout containers" are "jarring lifestyle changes," I have some VERY bad news for you. A 🧵.

Lifestyle changes that will be forced on us are so much more than cooking without gas and giving up takeout.

latimes.com/environment/ne… Most importantly, climate change is not *the* problem to be solved. It is a *symptom* of #EcologicalOvershoot. So even if we stopped burning ALL fossil fuels tomorrow, we will still be screwed. Because pollution, loss of biodiversity, filling of wetlands, etc., will get us.
Mar 19, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Fluorinated containers that leach #PFAS into contents does *not* have to happen.

A short 🧵 on what's going on.

I have seen a number of states (VT, MA, NH, ME, CA, etc.) try to address the fluorinated container issue. For those of you who need background on this, see @esmedeprez's great article here:

The PFAS - including the carcinogen PFOA, of which EPA says there is "no safe level," gets into the contents of these containers (along with multiple other nasty PFAS).bloomberg.com/news/newslette…
Feb 13, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
Why are we still seeing PFOA and PFOS if they have been "phased out"? A short 🧵.

1) EPA states it "is aware of ongoing use of PFOS, PFOA, PFNA, and other long-chain PFAS...PFOA may be produced, imported, and used by companies not participating in the PFOA Stewardship Program... ... and some uses of PFOS are ongoing."

2) "EPA is also aware of ongoing use of the chemicals available from existing stocks or newly introduced via imports."
Dec 4, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Let's have some fun. A short 🧵.

Last week, I was interviewed on several TV stations about #PFAS in #ArtificialTurf.

Today, someone from SmartTurf reached out to me wanting to talk. I can only assume they wanted to talk about this: prnewswire.com/news-releases/… They CLAIM their turf is "PFAS free." Really??? Hmmm.

Aren't there laws about being honest in advertising? Are they allowed to make these claims?
Jul 21, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
Wow. These "Unbiased" scientists sure are...biased! Let's break it down, shall we? A 🧵.

First, they claim: "The majority of #PFAS exposure is through cosmetics and food packaging, not drinking water." While it is true that EPA estimates 20% of our #PFAS exposure is from drinking water and 80% from other sources, it is not just "cosmetics and food packaging." Those are two sources; but PFAS is in our food, our carpets, our clothes, our cleaning products, and our fuel.
May 9, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
You know you're getting under industry's skin when they reach out and try to "educate" you and "clarify" something that you discovered. A short 🧵on one of my favorite topics: #PFAS in #ArtificialTurf. Today I was emailed this statement from Shaw Industries, one of the largest manufacturers of artificial turf. Image