Ben Anthony Lopez 🧬🧠 Profile picture
MD. PhDc in Molecular Med. Visiting scientist at @WUSTLneurosci studying transcriptomics of neurodegenerative diseases. Tweets mine, RTs not endorsements. 🇵🇭
May 8, 2020 22 tweets 5 min read
Do you actually know what the "curve" in "flattening the curve" is?

Is it the change in:
A. The cumulative (since day 1) number of cases
B. The number of new cases per day
C. The per-day total number of cases

...plotted against time?

Read on. I'll help you out. 1/ Image If you chose B, you answered incorrectly. The change in the number of new cases with respect to time only partly reflects the actual rate of transmission. 2/