ODF Profile picture
Helping more people start the best startups. So far: @Traba_Work @Levels @tryfinch @primer @puzzlefin @contra @1v1me @loyalfordogs @withshepherd | @mergedotclub
Jun 15, 2021 11 tweets 7 min read
✏️ Announcing: On Deck EdTech Fellowship ✏️

Higher learning is going through a renaissance.

The past year has transformed the face of education more than the past decade.

Today, we're helping builders navigate this dynamic new landscape.

beondeck.com/edtech?utm_sou… "Zoom school" has had us all question the value of traditional education, leading to increased participation in bootcamps, online courses, and hands-on learning methods.

Now's the time for ambitious builders to craft their vision of the future of education.
Apr 2, 2021 11 tweets 7 min read
☀️ Drop #1: Miami Tech with @rabois ☀️

COVID-19 showed that there is no longer a single center of gravity in tech.

On Deck is partnering with @rabois to help builders forge relationships in the city that's becoming an emerging startup hub: Miami

beondeck.com/drops/miami-te… Miami Tech with Keith Rabois is an On Deck Drop: one-off, exclusive opportunities in pursuit of our mission to unlock the potential of the most talented people in the world.

Capacity is limited and we prioritize access to current OD fellows and alumni.

Apr 2, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
✨ Announcing: On Deck Drops ✨

On Deck Drops are one-off, exclusive opportunities - cohort based courses (CBC), retreats, co-living experiences and more - in pursuit of our mission to unlock the potential of the most talented people in the world.

beondeck.com/post/drops Our mission is to unlock the most talented people across the world to accelerate their ideas and careers.

We do this by providing the fuel for their progress, whether that be through talent, capital, distribution, knowledge, or connection.

Mar 25, 2021 11 tweets 8 min read
We are excited to announce we’ve raised $20 million from 180+ of the world’s top investors and operators to create the modern educational institution for the next 100 years.

📽 Here’s a look at the journey we’re on, and where we’re headed: We wanted to say thank you to everyone who helped us get to this point - our fellows, our partners, our team, and our investors - this journey is just getting started, and we’re grateful for your early belief in us.
Mar 6, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
On Deck on Youtube!?

Course Creator Program Director @Bazzaruto hosts a weekly series on How to Teach on the Internet.

Let's take a look at which secrets around online learning Andrew has shared: Andrew joined On Deck to help teach people how to create Transformational Online Courses (TOC's).

"When courses work, students are transformed. And when students are transformed, they tell other people."

Mar 6, 2021 8 tweets 5 min read
Hot off the press!

Over the past week, On Deck fellows have written, spoke and tweeted about their experiences of the On Deck ecosystem through Global Build Weekend.

We collected some of our favorite pieces to share.

For a fellows perspective on GBW, read on! @nivivive "Building Together in Public"

Over Global Build Weekend, Nivi teamed up with 5 strangers and launched Yaya, a peer coaching platform for women which gained over 780 sign-ups in 36 hours.

She reflects on the journey building in public.

Feb 5, 2021 6 tweets 5 min read
Every week during #ODW2, we share a prompt so that fellows can get their #WritingReps in. These weekly exercises help strengthen ODW's writing muscles!

This week--in the tradition of Hemingway--we invited our Fellows to write some six-word stories.

Boy, did they deliver! 👇 What began as some beautiful reflections on life, love, and...

@zara_k01 wrote, "Saw you again. Was a dream."

@vmpusc wrote, "A pain in my arm. Freedom."

@maxnuss wrote, "Eyesight fine; blind to your love."

@Spencer_James2: "For the last time, he left."
Feb 2, 2021 14 tweets 10 min read
✨Announcing: On Deck Course Creator Fellowship ✨

Traditional education is being reinvented by Transformational Online Courses. But building a successful TOC takes a whole new skillset.

Today we're helping course creators build the future of education.
beondeck.com/course-creator… Early course creators gave online education a bad name.

10% completion rates were the norm.

This is changing — fast. The pandemic forced traditional institutions to adopt "Zoom University", accelerating online education faster than ever before.

Jan 8, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
What is On Deck?

Glad you asked.

Here's an ongoing thread of threads, summarizing:

📈 Where we came from
✨ Where we are going
🚀 What we are building
🛠 How we are building it — join us!
👀 More to come...

Thank you all for being a part of the journey so far 🙏

👇👇 On Deck is where top technology talent and ambitious builders go to start or join something new, or accelerate their careers.

We are building two things: a private goal-driven network platform, and a new approach to continuous online education.

Jan 8, 2021 18 tweets 7 min read
We scaled our team 10x last year.

In 2021 we'll launch 120+ cohorts of ~25 programs.

If you think that sounds crazy, you're right.

Hyper-growth scaling of a 100% distributed team requires its own playbook. None existed, so we decided to share ours.✌️

Here's a look inside 👇 Conway’s Law states: the product you build will mirror the structure of your org.

Our product is a series of independent, adjacent communities, highly aligned around a shared vision.

So to scale that product, we've organized our company in the same way.

Jan 4, 2021 21 tweets 8 min read
Coming into 2021, we are entering what may be the *craziest* period in On Deck history.

No fewer than eight programs kick off over the next six weeks, with many more to follow.

It's reasonable to ask: what's the play here? why so many?

It’s time to pull back the curtain 👇👇 We start our journey with the original Founder Fellowship ("ODF").

We asked Fellows: "why did you join? what are your goals?"

They said:
— meet co-founders, early hires
— obtain new knowledge
— make deep, lasting connections
— help others
— build MVP
— raise funding
— more...
Dec 29, 2020 20 tweets 11 min read
2020 was a year of extreme highs and extreme lows.

For On Deck, it was also a year of wild growth and rapid evolution.

This year, we launched 11 new programs, ~10x'd both our team and revenue, and scaled our community into the thousands.

Today, we paused to reflect:

👇👇 Image This time twelve months ago, we had just wrapped up the second Founder Fellowship ("ODF"), and opened applications for the third.

On our small team, @btaleisnik was a one-man band running ODF.

COVID had yet to appear on most people's radars.

Sep 25, 2020 14 tweets 4 min read
Announcing: the On Deck Access Fund — a donor advised scholarship fund ("DAF") dedicated to supporting underserved talent in tech.

Access + resources when you need; pay it forward when you're able.

Powered by the generosity of the On Deck community.


👇 Technology is a powerful force for good.

But while its use has become ubiquitous, the ability to participate in its development- and the wealth creation that results is severely limited.

The tech industry has an “access” problem, and it’s never been more obvious than in 2020.
Sep 24, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
Announcing: On Deck Labs — a call to arms to help build the future of education.

We’re looking for world-leading subject-matter experts and community builders to come build the learning communities of the future.

Learn more and apply here: beondeck.com/post/labs

Thread 👇👇 The earliest education institutions looked nothing like today’s corporate forms of higher education.

Coffeehouses and salons filled with curious individuals, learning together, gave way to bloated administration and a disconnect from the realities of the job market.
Sep 23, 2020 9 tweets 10 min read
1/ We’re thrilled to announce that On Deck is now officially supporting European founders 🚀

It’s the same global network plus:

• Europe-specific programming
• Local meetups & VC dinners
• More EU-based potential co-founders

Read on & apply to ODF7 beondeck.com/europe 2/ Why Europe?

For the last decade, we have witnessed the rise of the European tech scene.

Thanks to @atomico's amazing research, we know that $30B was poured into the region last year — a record. US & Asian investments doubled. Mega rounds abound.

Sep 15, 2020 13 tweets 4 min read
Announcing: the On Deck Podcast Fellowship (ODP)

ODP is a space for talented people to kickstart, and cultivate their podcasting careers among a highly curated community of peers.

First cohort launches early Jan ‘21. Learn more and apply:


Thread 👇 Why a Podcast Fellowship?

Podcasters, as with creators of all stripes, are entrepreneurs.

Beyond just producing great content, they have to understand their niche, develop a voice and pipeline of guests, build an audience, and in many cases — a business. Image
Sep 9, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ Next up joining the On Deck team...🥁

Excited to introduce:
@cammori - Operations Team! ⚡️ Image 2/ Candice joins us with an incredible background spanning data science, international business, public policy, and climate tech.

The common thread that ties her career together is "business for good" 🌍 🤲 🌱
Aug 27, 2020 18 tweets 11 min read
We’re thrilled to announce: On Deck has raised $3M to build a modern education institution — a platform serving the many strands of identity of ambitious people who want to change the world.

Here's a thread + short deck about where we're going next 👇👇 But first, a thank you. We are backed by a community, for the community. Nearly 80 investors have shown their support for our mission over the past two years, including @villageglobal, @DCVC, @rabois, @pmarca, @cdixon, @balajis, @SignalFire @BloombergBeta, @henrysward, @FEhrsam,
Aug 24, 2020 13 tweets 5 min read
Announcing: the On Deck Writer Fellowship (ODW)

For 4+ years, On Deck has been a safe space for talented people to explore “what’s next” among a highly curated community of peers.

But starting something new doesn’t always have to mean starting a company.
beondeck.com/post/odw1 Authors, essayists, bloggers, and newsletter writers are micro-entrepreneurs.

Beyond just producing great writing, they have to find and deeply understand their niche, market to readers, and grow towards their goals, whether generating revenue or building an audience.
Jul 23, 2020 29 tweets 7 min read
📢 Applications are open for the fifth *and* sixth cohorts of the On Deck Fellowship 📢

One year since since launch, 450 alumni have started 200 startups, and raised over $100M from some of the world’s top investors.

Apply + learn more here 👇👇

beondeck.com/post/od5-6 Image On Deck is the first place world-class talent goes to explore what’s next.

Our goal 10x the number of founders and 10x the number of angel investors supporting them with money and expertise.

We are methodically removing blockers to help “unlock talent”
Jul 20, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
We've just opened up a role on our Product team:

notion.so/Product-On-Dec… On Deck is a "full stack community"

Lots of people build software for communities & schools. But most aren't aren't thinking about software as a competitive advantage

The On Deck Directory powers discovery, matchmaking, knowledge sharing, and MUCH more

beondeck.com/#sneakpeek Image