Bob Hamstead Profile picture
A gender critical, straight man. Sex not gender. Pro women, pro LGB. @unitetheunion member. #IStandWithJKRowling
Liz Panton #POW 4 North Jesmond Profile picture Ursula Hall Profile picture 3 subscribed
Aug 23 11 tweets 4 min read
In this article, Steph tells Andrew that ”All trans people want is to be safe, have access to medical treatment and not be on the end of the violence this has stirred up. Otherwise, the issue is irrelevant to most people’s lives.”
Is this really true? 🧵

1/11 Let's take safety. Nobody is threatening trans people with violence. If a trans person is attacked, the laws around assault still apply. There are no exemptions that permit people to assault people who claim to be trans.

Apr 16 19 tweets 7 min read
The myth of the "trans community".

The trans community is not a coherent community at all. It is an inexplicably broad demographic containing both vulnerable and dangerous people. Here's my attempt to classify the various groups. A 🧵

1/18 Trans children. An entirely coerced, mythical group of under 18s. These children cannot possibly understand nor consent to this, and shouldn't be affirmed. Tales of two year old trans children are absurd and dangerous. This is profound child abuse and must end immediately.

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Mar 27 39 tweets 12 min read
How long have the @bbcnews @BBCNewsbeat @cbbc been promoting the concept of a trans child, and both social & medical transition for very young children?

What role did the @cbbc documentary ”I Am Leo" play in all this?

A 🧵 spanning 2014-2017

1/26 June 2014
@BBCNewsbeat - 'I am six and I'm a transgender kid. I am a cool kid'

"When the family dies, I will cut my hair so I can be a boy"

Girls can obviously have short hair. @BBCNewsbeat's remit is to provide news tailored for young people.

Feb 25 12 tweets 3 min read
A quick thread of newspapers who are still falsely portraying murderer Scarlet Blake as a woman, or not mentioning his sex at all. It's not only the Guardian. Each one of these outlets needs to issue clarifications/corrections.


#NotOurCrimes The Independent (UK edition). No mention of the word trans anywhere.

Feb 11 10 tweets 4 min read
What is the impact of trans activism on society? Let's take a look at a set of affected groups & institutions and determine whether it's been favourable or unfavorable. A 🧵

1/10 Children: Conditioned to believe in fantasy identity over sex. No single-sex spaces or sports. Potential psychological conditioning if non-conforming. Could be sterilised & robbed of puberty + sexual function if convinced that they are trans.

Verdict: Unfavourable

Feb 5 21 tweets 8 min read
Interestingly, Stonewall went public with their recommended responses to the government's "Gender Questioning Children" guidance, and it's as extreme as you would expect. A 🧵 1/19… Firstly they complain that the guidance doesn't have an equality impact assessment, which is quite ironic, given the number of trans policies that demonstrably don't consider women's groups.

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Nov 26, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
One final thread on the @stonewalluk TRANSforming Futures project. In September 2022, the project found itself with £230k of surplus @TNLComFund cash to give away to third parties via a grant scheme.

1/11 Image This is a significant surplus from the £494k awarded by @TNLComFund. Did Stonewall vastly over-estimate the money required to fund the project? It's the biggest award they've received from TNL.

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Nov 24, 2023 18 tweets 6 min read
In June 2022, @stonewalluk published its third and final TRANSforming Futures report, by Levi Hord & Kirrin Medcalf; this one focusing on children, across 119 pages. A 🧵

1/17 Image To set some context, @thecassreview, which contradicts much of this report, was published four months prior to this report, in Feb 2022. It is neither mentioned, nor acknowledged, by the authors.

Nov 23, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Back in 2017, @Channel4News ran a short story that portrayed self ID as a done deal and good news story. They describe the only resistance to GRA reform as being from "christian groups and other critics". At no point are those groups given time to articulate their concerns.

1/7 The hairdresser is Felix Lane @OpenBarbers. It's clear that these two have a very limited understanding of the legal ramifications of gender recognition reform, which is probably fair enough. Can you guess where Felix Lane is now?

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Nov 22, 2023 20 tweets 7 min read
Stonewall TRANSforming Futures - "Trans people's experience of healthcare in England" report, authored by Levi Hord & Kirrin Medcalf, published 2021. A🧵

1/19 Image As is typical with Stonewall, the report uses a grievance narrative throughout. Freddie McConnell, a trans identified straight woman, complains about her limited fertility options - despite clearly deciding against gender affirming surgery, in order to have two children.

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Nov 19, 2023 19 tweets 7 min read
It seems that @stonewalluk haven't given up many of their "Vision For Change" policies under Ruth Hunt. On their "TRANSforming Futures Partnership" website, they've published a "criminal justice" report. Let's take a closer look...A 🧵 1/18
Before we get to the report... despite the scandals in English & Scottish prisons, it seems they're still fully behind allowing convicted male criminals to self ID into women's prisons. 2/18 Image
Nov 8, 2023 33 tweets 9 min read
How long have the @guardian been glorifying the irreversible medicalisation of gender non conforming children? A 🧵
1/25 2015

Nov 5, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
In this video, EDI Lead @Bex_Diversity paints a narrative that students at Northgate sixth Form chose to write an LGBT+ language guide, to inform teachers as to what they can and can't say in their own school. 1/9 The presenter @Bex_Diversity is introduced at the beginning of the video as someone who has been tasked with diversifying the curriculum. Why are @northgatesixth giving this random person editorial control over their entire curriculum? 2/9
Oct 2, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
The term "bodily autonomy" is used by trans activists to distance themselves from the scandal of child transition.
It is ONLY adults who have argued for this controversial treatment. We cannot let them blame children for medical malpractice.
A thread. 1/13 Here's an example. Vesselkin here appears to be talking from personal experience... Li attacks him for expressing caution & argues that it's an "individual" decision.

The bodily autonomy argument. 2/13 Image
Aug 24, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
Why trans-activism is supported by & created for the world's most atrocious people... a short thread.

1/15 Misogynists. If you already hate women, trans-activism gives you a free pass to hurl abuse and death threats at women online.

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May 9, 2023 21 tweets 11 min read
.@stonewalluk : the descent of a once world-leading lesbian & gay rights charity into the depths of insanity and reckless stupidity. A thread 1/21 The last two CEOs of Stonewall have both been lesbians, @ruth_hunt and @Nancy_M_K. The suggestion that they'd betray LGB people is a crazy notion, surely? Let's look at the evidence. 2/21