What's the best album of the Nineties? Impossible to say, we'll try anyway. What just lost? Look at the pics above! A new match every M-F. Managed by @Kza.
Mar 19, 2023 • 148 tweets • 37 min read
Hey folks! It's time to announce the official seeds for the upcoming Best Album of the Nineties tournament!
To recap: 80 of these albums are from the top 8 of the years between 1990-1999; 36 were selected by voters from an 140-album list (the People's Hall of Fame list); 12 were selected by contest winners. (Pretty sure I have that right; correct me if wrong.)
Mar 19, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Hey folks! Today's the day I announce the seeds for the upcoming Best Album of the Nineties! That will happen at 5pm CST. In addition, today we will have a contest! It begins now and ends at 5pm. See next tweet for directions:
1. The goal is to name the top 3 seeds in order. 2. You tweet your answer to me here @bestablum95. 3. You only get 1 ballot this time! Why? Think about it. 4. I will need artist & album. 5. The prize is to enter an album into the future Best Album of 2000. However: (cont'd)
Mar 18, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Wordle in 3; when you got 4/5 letters, you guess. Framed in 4 on the gimme; how many people, on frame #1, immediately entered in a famous movie named after a number?
Wordle 637 3/6
Cine2nerdle: 5/5 with 7 swaps left
Mar 18, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Hey folks! The seeding for the Best Album of the Nineties is now set. I have a bunch of stuff going on Monday, so I'm gonna do the contest & parade tomorrow, assuming I don't have any interruptions.
(I'm in TN right now helping out my mom, so I'm never 100% sure when my time is free or I'm just in-between errands.)