How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App the youngsters who have mostly grown up with Waco conspiracy theories rather than the horror of the 51-day siege of 1993, David Koresh was a child rapist who ran a doomsday cult that opened fire on the feds when the tried to search his compound for machine guns and grenades. are taxes on imports and China's not going to pay for them. Trump lost in 2020. Trump ran a campaign diametrically opposed to consensual reality. lot of Warzel's examples are from social media, because that's where so much of the most extreme discourse is playing out. But he also talks about TV and newspapers. A lot of the victims get their death threats by old fashioned phone calls and emails. the John Birch Society, bugfuck anticommunist conspiracy theorists though they were, did not deny that Democrats were human beings. Trump's trial, his acolytes showed up dressed like him. When Trump's ear got shot, they started wearing gauze on their ears to emulate their Orange Idol. They call him the God Emperor. It's all weird., yes, we do have to be careful about what conclusions we draw from statistics about mental illness today compared to even a generation or two ago, let alone a century. people who rarely eat sweets probably have a favorite. house was purchased with AFLDS funds, and it was purchased in AFLDS' name. All sides agree on that. The question was whether Gold got approval from the board to buy it.'m glad you're not keeping secret the default diet culture advice for the last fifteen years? that we know of. Add this to whatever the right column is for the dude who allegedly shot a smalltime parking scammer dead through the back over $40 and returned to his dinner date., Trump won't agree to those terms, but who cares? If he won't submit to a sufficiently rigorous interview there's no point in platforming him. He's obviously there to lie and repeat the same nonsense he spews everywhere else. after Barruel published his magnum opus blaming the Illuminati, the Masons, and the French enlightenment philosophers for the French Revolution, he got an pseudonymous letter purporting to hip him to the fact that the Jews were in on it.