How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App deaths tragic but keeping this much of lid on regional dynamic for this long product of number of skilled hands & reading room quite well. Nearly 4 months of hostilities w/ our troops exposed throughout region & it took this long for any KIA. Could've easily been far worse armchair generals loving to thump their chests might CHILL & remember: to start w/ "13 Palestinians killed" (Al-Haq didn't, others are), makes it sound like Israeli just killed 13 rando civilians minding their own biz. Mostly 3 PIJ commanders & their families. Israel misleads too, calling Palestinians defending their homes "terrorists" I am debunking Putin's NATO narrative as, to use the clinical term, BULLSHIT, bearing no resemblance to reality (just look at what Gorbachev himself said!)… for a some history: Pyrrhus of Epirus was a Epirot Greek general called in by Greek southern-Italian city-state Tarentum. In grueling, costly fighting, he kept beating Rome but lost so many troops by the time he got to 2-days-away from Rome's gates, he had to turn back...