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Feb 13, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
China gaining on us is like how Hemingway described bankruptcy: these things happen gradually, then suddenly. For 30 years, bipartisan soft-on-China policy has failed. 2017-2020 was a correction back in the right direction, but all those gains are gone now — and now we are seeing the result. Balloons invading our airspace. Laser topo mapping of Hawaii. Biological weapons development, cyberattacks. All with very little pushback.
Jan 12, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Was doing some homeschool planning with my wife and we wondered what the boys would be learning at the local public school. So I pulled up the district’s curriculum page. Even I wasn’t expecting direct links to the SPLC! Of course, when I would warn Arizonans about “critical theory” and other “anti-racist” garbage while campaigning, the media would breathlessly insist that our terminology was wrong, and besides this stuff doesn’t exist. Here’s disgraced journalist @DillonReedRose on the matter:
Dec 20, 2022 23 tweets 5 min read
Don’t think I’d want the Twitter job (it’s probably a world of pain, 10x more brutal than running for federal office lol) and can think of several others (@elonmusk himself, @DavidSacks) who would be better at it anyways. But if I were CEO here’s how I’d think about it. First, free speech. The basic principle here is that anything goes, unless it’s illegal or literally putting someone in physical danger. This policy would protect a lot of ugly and unreasonable speech. So be it. No central authority at this scale should police speech.
Nov 18, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Every member of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors should lose their job. If they had any honor, they would resign in disgrace. They all deserve to be recalled by the voters, and investigated by the AG (pray that @AbrahamHamadeh makes it in). The best you can say is that they are grossly negligent. They knew Republican turnout would be heavy on election day. And they didn’t make sure the machines worked? 20-30% of them failed, mostly in R-leaning places? Merits dismissal and investigation for ill intent.
Sep 20, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
The Cartels are recruiting Arizona teenagers to drive illegal aliens from border towns to Phoenix. They advertise on Facebook and Snapchat, preying on vulnerable kids. Incredibly sick and dangerous. A Sheriff’s Deputy showed me these photos today. Of course Senator Mark Kelly is nowhere to be found on this. Can’t be bothered. And of course Big Tech companies are not working hard enough to collaborate with law enforcement to stop this. That changes when I get in.
Sep 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Don Lemon accuses me of pushing “grievance politics” but it’s the exact opposite: the vast majority of Americans believe we should judge people by their character, not the color of their skin. The Left’s obsession with race has gone too far. When Democrats abandoned the vision of a colorblind society that values excellence, they abandoned the American majority for the fringe views of radical activists.
May 14, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
My primary opponent Jim Lamon went negative on me today. This confirms what we all know: my campaign is surging, he’s scared about it, and he and his consultants are becoming desperate. THREAD Everywhere I go, voters tell me they hate “the consultant class” and “the establishment.” So let me pull back the curtain and show you guys what that actually looks like. Here is Lamon’s playbook.
May 7, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Hey @DillonReedRose you are a hack. This piece wildly misrepresents my views, which was your goal. Time for a thread about journalistic ethics & the way reporters shamelessly attack anyone to the right of AOC. Let's be clear about this: you didn't ask for comment. Not really. You wrote to the wrong email address for my campaign manager despite knowing her correct email (so we wouldn’t see it in time), and then published your hit piece 90 minutes later. You weasel.
Apr 20, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Mar 1, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
The situation in Ukraine is dangerous. It’s hard to tell what’s going on beyond that, because we don’t have a real media, neither does Ukraine, and neither does Russia — it’s propaganda and emotionalism all the way down. Do your own thinking. Here’s some of mine. How was this possible? Why was Putin tempted to think that violence would work? The answer is in two big blind spots of Western leaders: (1) Energy and (2) Power
Dec 7, 2021 20 tweets 6 min read
Just read the report that came out on Apple and China. There are some huge red flags in here — some about the CCP & some about our own tech companies. Here are some thoughts… 1) The Chinese Communist Party has a set of laws in place that basically force their corporations and citizens to act as extensions of the Party.
Nov 19, 2021 15 tweets 4 min read
Ecstatic to see Kyle Rittenhouse found NOT GUILTY, vindicated at long last in court.

But we can’t pretend this is a permanent victory. THREAD: This case reminded us that our justice system, like every other institution our ancestors built, is under siege, and that the besiegers are very close to victory
Nov 3, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Critical Race Theory is racism, specifically anti-white racism. Toxic for any kid who is subjected to it, no matter what their background. It’s just absurd to call any concern about CRT some kind of dog whistle — critical theory is the philosophical underpinning of the Democratic Party. Just ask the smug politicos who chortle anytime someone mentions this stuff: which part of CRT do you disagree with exactly?
Oct 2, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
My poor staffer, I made him follow me up the mountain to where the wall ends. Don’t join my campaign if you don’t want to be fit! Made it. It’s always just so stark and crazy to see where the wall ends.
Oct 2, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Went to see the border in Cochise County, Arizona. Thank you to Sheriff Dannels and SGT Williams. Quick thread Look at all the steel just sitting there on the right. On Jan 20, Biden ordered border wall construction stopped.

A little border patrol dark humor — these corridors are known as “kill zones” because when they stretch for miles, it exposes their vehicles to potential ambush
Sep 23, 2021 17 tweets 4 min read
The Arizona audit report comes out tomorrow. I’m very interested to read it.

But whatever the audit finds, we have to remember: even before Maricopa County started counting ballots, the cards were stacked against us. First: COVID gave the left an excuse to change voting procedures. State election laws were ignored or altered, they flooded the zone with mail-in ballots (my colleague received 4 ballots, in multiple states), lowered sig verification standards, key deadlines, etc.
Sep 14, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Well what a surprise. All it takes to see how a mail-in voter voted in the CA recall is to shine a weak cellphone flashlight through the back of the envelope. Suppose you wanted to use this tiny flaw in an otherwise *perfect* election system to throw out the ballots of people who voted the wrong way. What would you do?
Aug 21, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
A federal judge in Nevada just struck down the law that makes it a crime for deported illegal aliens to illegally reenter the country.

This is an obvious law that any self-respecting country should have, but the judge found it… you guessed it… racist!… This is a case study in the intellectual sickness of America's ruling elite.

It goes without saying that the ruling is horrible. (It even calls itself "unprecedented"!) Read it:…
Aug 14, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
“Most people end up having kids” misses the point. The developed world’s fertility crisis isn’t just about childlessness (though that is a problem). People aren’t having as many kids as they want, they’re unable to conceive as late as they’ve been told they can, etc. I like @ebruenig but this piece feels evasive and nihilistic. Similar to @mattyglesias, she uses her uncommon receptivity to conservative takes just to turn around and say “nothing to see here,” reassuring liberal peers.
Jul 2, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Republicans are always celebrating small, often narrow legal wins as "MASSIVE VICTORIES."

Too much defense, not enough offense. This mentality ensures that, over time, the left wins. Take yesterday's SCOTUS decision upholding AZ's ban on ballot harvesting. 100% the right result. It's good the AZ law was defended.

But it's purely defensive. If we lose a few state leg seats and get a Dem governor, boom: ballot harvesting is legal again in AZ.
Dec 2, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
AZ isn’t Philly, but we do use Dominion voting machines, the Sec of State has the BLM hashtag in her bio, & she calls Trump supporters neo-nazis. Seems bad!

It's good to be skeptical (“scientific”!) about our procedures, *especially* if your instinct is to say they are perfect. Easy improvement: get rid of proprietary election software.

Vote-counting is not a technical problem. We've known how to do it for centuries.

Counting should be open, transparent, prompt, and public — all obvious points, yet almost no jurisdiction delivers on them.